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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Bertuzzi's So Called "attack" On Moore

    That's the part I don't care about hockey. Violence serves no purpose except to get people hurt. The drunk also said he didn't mean to run over the people, they just got in the way. I don't watch Hockey due to this violence as it serves nothing but to give our kids the wrong ideas. I agree that all sports are becoming way too violent and needs to be controlled much more proactively. Aye! Next season I'll cross-check a gator in the throat just for you. ;)
  2. Locked?

    Oh come on, nobody could ever leave biohaz, its like a small paradise in the plethora of sh*t forums. Just thought I'd do a little ass kissin
  3. What Car We Drive......

    How bout a Kubelwagon? Didn't they rename it the "Thing" for sale in the U.S. Wait being a former surfer (I suck) from the Cocoa Beach area, the ultimate surf mobile... The Woody!
  4. Happy Birthday Snapple2993

    The quote is jus the problem, 21 again and again and again, well you get the point. I'd have carpal tunnel trying to type that many agains. :D Happy B'Day Snapple. Hahaha, kinda reminds of this guy Reid. He's 31 or 32, but when a girl asks how old he is.... its always "I'm 27".
  5. Happy Birthday Snapple2993

    What else can I say on my 21st birthday other than... CHEERS!!! Thanks, Snapple
  6. Cheating In Video Games

    Here's the lag cheat. Load up a map with lots of stationary objects and flak (preferably ships), and then everybody flies Me262's. If you've seen this, you know what I mean.
  7. Cheating In Video Games

    Lag cheat? The elusive lag cheat, heard of, b*tched about, but never found.
  8. What Car We Drive......

    Hmm, cars I've driven (thanks dad). 97' Buick LeSabre it rode on an aircushion and hauled ass, and it had a HUGE back seat. 2000 Chevy Blazer LT, god I loved that truck, now pops uses it to tow his boat . Got a '95 Ford Probe for going to FSU, it didnt last 6 months, transmission burned out at 85,000 miles (probably because 2 women owned it before and never ever got the damn ATF changed). Now I drive a 2003 Pontiac Grand Am... nice. And its GARNET!!! Like everything else in Tallahasse. For me I want a Volvo XC90 Turbo... Pimpin it safe homies B)
  9. Ex-nhl Player In Dutch Compentition

    Hmm, I could've seen him play when he was with the K-wings in the IHL in 96/97. I used to go to the Orlando Solar Bear's (IHL) games back then. Saddly the IHL was shut down, and some of the teams got absorbed by the AHL. (Solar Bears not included) Get this the solar Bears one a championship for Orlando within like 2 years of existence, something the Orlando Magic have failed to do in Basketball, and they spend MILLIONS!!! Some big name players came out of the IHL too. A Sergei Samsanov comes to mind, he used to play for the Detroit Vipers when he was like 17, then got drafted by the big boys, and is tearing it up for the Bruins in Beantown.
  10. Cheating In Video Games

    Oh god, maybe this isnt cheating but it really pisses me off. If you play any sports game, you will find that there are certain nearly fullproof plays for scoring. In NHL2004 you can have auto or manual shot aim. Obviously manual is harder (unless you get used to it and have some skill), auto aim is pure cheese, there's like 5 shots you can take that take advantage of small glitches in the game, and all 5 shots have like an 80% chance of going in. I had a 5 goal lead on this guy online one time, and we got into the final 5 mins, and I knew he had auto aim on and he had been doing the cheese all game long. I ended up just using my supperior passing skills and checking to keep him out of my zone because he had like a 50% shooting percentage. Ended up breaking down late in the game and he scored 6 goals from the same spot, with the same cheese shot, god it was aweful. Then he gloated and started telling me I suck along with some other really un-called for remarks, I mean downright offensive stuff. I mean come on buddy, can anyone really feel that good about winning in such a manner? Here's a little funny story. I made this Berlin map for IL2 and was testing it out with invulnerablity off. All looked good, so I loaded it up online and some guy joined immediatly. I was in the Spit and he was in the Mustang, anyway I started tearing into this guy, like for 15 mins I was pouring lead into this guy (unlimited ammo), just flying around the city getting really really frustrated. So I crashed my plane, to chat safely, and just as I was about to rip into this guy for using some armor cheat I remembered that I left vulnerablity off.... Whoopsy, my bad.
  11. Bertuzzi's So Called "attack" On Moore

    Give a little background on Bertuzzi. He is not a dirty player (usually) he is the equivalent of say a power center in kind of a Hakim Olajuwon* form. He's not out there to get into fights or take penalties. He's out there to score goals, it just so happens that he's huge and can bang bodies. This incident goes back to when Moore leveled Markus Naslund (a Swedish finesse player and Bertuzzi's center [Tuzzi is his winger]. The hit was much like the Sapp attack, it was a check thrown high (he left his feet, which is illegal) and gave Naslund a concusion. Both coaches went at it, and revenge was promised. Bertuzzi was the wrong guy to take the revenge, but he probably felt obligated being Naslund's line mate. And Tuzzi went at it the wrong way. He did not throw a punch, he slammed Moore into the ice cracking two vertebret. Ordinarily the two guys would've squared off and dropped the gloves, but Vancouver should've had another guy do it. Yes, this was a cheapshot, but taken out of frustration because Moore wouldn't square of and drop the mits. This is nothing like the McSorley incident where he smacked Donald Brashear on the temple with his stick, any kind of high stick is a penalty, all players know this, and McSorley took a bat swing at him. As for attempted manslaughter... probably McSorley's, but not Tuzzi's incident. Although, oddly enough both incidents took place in Vancouver, and Canadian law has the ability to prosecute (unlike in our Country), infact they did against McSorley. Bertuzzi was fined a whole lot of money and has been suspended for the remainder of the season and playoff's (which means Vancouver will probably not make it out the first round, and lose 10's of millions in revenue), and he may never be able to play in the NHL again. Gary Betman the NHL commissioner handed this decision down 3 days after the incident. No other league would do this so fast to such a high profile player (he's one of the top 10 in the world). As Barry Melrose put it on ABC on saturday, rubbing in Nascar is all good even when it causes an accident. Nothing noteable happened to Warren Sapp, hell the NFL lets murderers and rapists play, not to mention coke heads. Roger Clemons threw a bat (debateable), pitchers gun for batters all the time. And basketball's just well basketball. You never hear Hockey fans or annalyists bitching about any of these incidents, but as soon as a Hockey player does something a little excessive, everyone that's ever had an opinion about sports comes out and tries to get rid of the violence in hockey, even though it serves a purpose. Again Tuzzi went at it the wrong way, but whenever something like this happens in hockey, people point at fighting as the cause of it, and they just dont know how big fighting in hockey is. It's sends a message, and can energize the crowd and team, much like a goal or big save. Oh Fates, whats up with the dome, insnt that thing already state of the art?
  12. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! The irony, I'm gonna have that once I graduate college anyway... THANKS A BUNCH "W"!!!
  13. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    Hmmm, thats an idea, since I cant get financial aid. Judge: "what do you plea" My attorney: "Guilty, by reason of free college"
  14. Ex-nhl Player In Dutch Compentition

    Nope, don't know who he is. How old is he? If he's young, he might be a prospect that played a bit in the NHL, and went over to Europe.
  15. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    Hey Jesus cant save everybody, let'em keep trying, but dont let'em ask for help when they get into the sh*t. Life sounds good, but a modification of the laws is needed first. Too many laws, and alot of people are doing time for stuff that is minor, like having a bag of weed. Save the prisons for the real criminals and not the ones that dont abide by christian morals. Ever heard "I had to go to prison to learn how to become a criminal" not a joke, Prison is like a university for small timers, and then we let them out, they pull bigger jobs and maybe we catch'em again, and then they go back in and learn more. Kinda odd how some kid busted for stealing a car (just an example) for a couple hours goes to prison and comes out a bank robber. Stick'em in for good, but only the ones that really deserve it. Especially white collar criminals. Blue collar crime costs this country in the 10's of millions, White collar crime is nearing a billion.
  16. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    You know writing a 300 dollar check that bounces is a felony in Florida... do those people get to visit the chair? Just a joke Ya I left out the death penalty. I'm against it but not from the POV that is usually expressed. Murder rates spike after a publicized execution... for some reason the freakies freakies come out of the wood work and get crazy ideas. This is a fact. Save the sells for rapists, and white collar criminals, and theives. 1st time Murderers get thrown in with them to teach'em a lesson or two. Real Freaks like Dahmer need to be studied, becuase they do have some mental dissorders, that if discovered could be prevented in the future. Repeat offenders of murders (2 or more) get the death penalty without any appeals, unless they serve a scientific purpose... like Dahmer. What could be more degrading then being a lab rat??? Im for legalizing all drugs, and taxing them like cigs and booze. Not everybody drinks and smokes, doesnt that mean that not everybody is gonna turn into a crack head? And stem cells are a great thing! Oddly enough all of this points back to religious POV, KEEP THY RELIGION UNTO THYSELF! As George Carlin says.
  17. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    Never said that special interests dont serve a purpose, and never said that they shouldnt have influence, just not so damn much. Chief your view has consistently been that the defense of this country is the #1 issue, and that the military is the most important thing. I'll say it again, "In this country the government is created by the people for the people, and the military is a tool of the government" Thats all it is, it is never in the best interest of any country to grant the military any significant amount of political power. Dictatorships are formed this way. When the military becomes the most important and defining part of country it is time to leave. Perhaps you would have done better in Sparta or Prussia. The framers never intended for our military to be so big or influential. Nor were we supposed to be the Police of the world. For the military to ever be considered on high, we would have practically burnt our own constitution, this is how we got the 2nd amendment... to prevent any possibilty of any military influence on civilian life.
  18. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    Holy Sh*t PG has just opened new areas for us to discuss... thanks Raptor. I'll counter with this. We actually agree on most of those issues, with some modifications on a few of the them. Abortion, I'm for it completely. Adoption is a bad idea since all it does is f*ck up the kid. I've known maybe 10 adopted kids and only 1 turned out to be okay. Birth control, I'm all for it. Agree on Affirmative Action Agree on Homeland Security Agree with military, just not using it in the right places. Then again I have extreme views like turning the Middle east into a DMZ. Or a colony, whichever makes my gas come down from $2 a gallon for Regular. Economy. High School and College students dont have a problem getting jobs. People still buy fast food and go shopping etc. etc. etc. The problem is that Corporations have cut back and are still cutting back, becuase everything else is f*cked up. Education spending. Ya we spend a whole lot. You live in Kansas. A state less that is less diverse and probably populated by more people that are more civil than say FLORIDA. The high school I went to now has bars, and a dozen security guards, and 2 police officers. This for 3000 kids. There are zones that are off limits, during certain hours. Most of the money in that 10k per student is spent on keeping the kids in line, trust me its a god damned zoo at every public school in Florida, and probably in most larger states. Teachers dont teach here, they baby sit. Gays, I do not care. I avoid South Beach, and Key west. I see to dudes makin out, I just walk on by. Then again I live in Florida where it is more prevalent, and I have grown used to it. let'em get married, if Straights can lose have of their stuff in a divorce, so can fags and dikes. Gun Control: Get rid of hand guns. And yes I've been around guns since I was a kid. I learned to shoot when I was 4. Probably because my dad is a Texas redneck. Agree on medicare Agree on North Korea Social Security. Wright everybody a big check now for all that they have paid in, and get rid of it. Or turn it into a national retirement plan like the euros have, and we wont have to deal with Companies dicking their employees. Iraq, We were gonna go before 9-11, its over with now. Dead issue, except for the loss of 3 soldiers a day. This needs to be resolved quickly. By any means possible. There is no BIGGEST problem, just lots of medium sized ones, and they all require a different answer. Correction, France and Germany have a whole lot of Economic power. Examples Daimler-Chrysler, and Airbus. If Boeing doesnt get it together and stop being a dinosaur, we will all be riding in an A3 something rather than a 7 something within 10 years. This is no joke. Russia is of no concern.
  19. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    F*ck it. You go ahead and be scared. The military is just another special interest group, that happens to have better stuff than the NRA. All they want is more and more money. Like I've said, pour money into the intelligence agencies... they're a whole lot cheaper and way more effective than a huge lumbering beast of a military. Ofcourse thats just my opinion. I havent been enlightened by the _______, I havent had the luxury of learning that the _______ is always right, and that they are the most important thing to this country. Fill in the blanks with any of these words and you get the same idea: Teachers Unions AARP NRA Pro-Life Military Pro-Choice Insurance Companies Greenpeace Peta (or any other whinny money hungry zealotous organization)
  20. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    One last thing, you know that term "Bush Bashing", well it seems that we seem to be getting a whole lot of Kerry bashing here on biohaz. In fact every single thread that involves Kerry or Bush is started by a staunch Bush supporter. Is there a need for the constant mud slinging? I think not. It seems that the Bush-ites are on the offensive, and its getting to be real boring hearing the same garbage thrown about. Just seems to me that a thread gets started poking at Kerry, and as soon a non-bush supporter speaks up, we get the same old recycled crap from both sides. I must quote again "arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if you win you're still a retard". So you dont like Kerry, and somebody else doesnt like Bush. Little bit of advice... NOBODY GIVES A SH*T! After all who the hell are you guys to sway anybody's vote? All this Kerry and Bush bashing does is lower ourselves for a meaningless cause. And yes I know I've been a part of it, but its really getting pointless now. After the same people say the same thing 3 times, it becomes a little redundant. I mean sh*t guys atleast try to spice it up a little.
  21. Bombs In Spain

    Gotta be somebody pissed off at Spain for backing us, or Basque seperatists... they're a bunch of nut jobs too. Lets hope they impale the culprits.
  22. Madjeff Is Still Alive!

    Welcome back, and a gold star to fates for keepin it goin'.
  23. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    Cowboy's carry guns... guns scare people. Seawolf I can criticize you when your presenting a misconception and I said "state-approved textbooks". I fail to see how experience has anything to do with something that happened more than two centuries ago. What? You've got a dozen years or so on me... so you got more TV time? Is that the experience factor?
  24. Like the Titanic, but with big ass guns.
  25. The killer blow; looks like just below the water line on the bow.

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