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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Tirpitz finds the range.
  2. Marat firing her first broadside to counter Tirpitz... Marat seems a bit slower (notice the time differences in the bottom right corner", and only 3/4 turrets are working... can you say "Bug"
  3. A Test

    Hmm, I'd let her drown. Black and White for the Pulitzer. (That comes first) Then I'd release a series of colors, showing her sinking struggle by struggle. (Probably release those to the tabloids) What can I say, money is really important to me.
  4. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    Blame UK TV for the "Redneck" stereotype. Don't think they really want to control our elections, no need getting in a fit with our only "real" ally. The world can be a very lonely place for a country that stands alone, they dont last long. Imperialist Japan comes to mind... no Germany and Italy weren't throwing a whole lot their way in case your thinkin it. Another example; North Korea stands alone... enough of that Chinese-Korean lovey lovey lie that has been perpetrated, China despises Korea, the only reason why they kicked our ass was because we nearly invaded them. North Korea will fetch when told to by China, if they get out of hand, you can bet that the first troops to get involved wont be sporting American flags on their shoulders. Secondly, North Korea doesnt scare me, all they want is more aid, its just that their going about it the wrong way. And you can bet that if this little thing goes hot, then your gonna see our west coast go up in flames. But then again, some may think, hell with them, we can just nuke'em first.... hence the "Cowboy" image that the whole world thinks us to be. No need to push the North Koreans, they're scared of everyone. They're the only country to ever lose to a western army, and even their commie cohorts done like them all that much. They've got a rich neighbor to the south, and a very progressive neighbor to the north. The people of North Korea are becoming increasingly fed up with the regime, and its not too far of a stretch to see some sort of coup within the decade. We wont end this feud with guns and bombs, we will end it by spending money to buy people... the American way, and the smart way. Remember, where diplomacy ends, war begins. Too bad Bush wont let the diplomats do their job. I.E. Our exceptional Secretary of State, that happens to be handcuffed by the administration, and has lost his credibility because of that administration. And Seawolf, I hate to criticize you, but do try to pick up a bit more on our Revolution, you'll find that the Brits weren't as bad as we are led to believe in our state approved text books. Infact the overwhelming majority of the citizens of Britain were in our favor, as was the house of commons (all but one of the taxes was repealed immediatly, and the tea tax was removed shortly after), until we alligned with the French and Spanish. Which led to a reversal in popular opinion. We probably would have gained independence without war. This again bringing up the point of diplomacy... lack of patience cost American lives then, as it does now.
  5. WHOA! THE BEST JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER!!! NUFF SAID Without a doubt, the best damn sim ever made.
  6. Gun Footage...this Is Graphic Be Warned.

    Hmm, I dont know if we'd go for the whole line of battle thing. Seems choppin'em up with A-10's and Apache's is more efficient, and safe. As I said big fish eats little fish, they have the favor of hiding and using guerrilla tactics, we have superior training and technology. So in this case, high-tech beats low-tech. Lets call it a type of guerrilla warfare, after all the Apache did have the element of suprise. As for me, I am blood thirsty, infact I'm gonna go burn myself a steak.... medium rare to rare...... mmmm bloody. :D
  7. Sh*t! I just picked up Blitzkrieg... and have no money.... hmm gotta have some change around here some where. And I was just at EB yesterday
  8. Gun Footage...this Is Graphic Be Warned.

    Ya trashman shot that to me about a month ago, seems like the one who's not in control of the chain gun is a little blood thirsty I quote: "He's wounded" "Hit him" "move forward of it and hit him".......... boom..... by by bad guy #3 But hey, big fish eats little fish, or in this case; shoots him to bits. He probably would have died from massive blood loss within about 2 mins..... so lets call it a mercy killing :D
  9. Whats On Your Hard Drive?and Your Favorite Site?

    Hmm... NHL 2004 Madden 2004 IL2 FB LOMAC Ghost Recon... all the good mods too Call of Duty (need to uninstall, done with it) Hearts of Iron Blitzkrieg Europa Universalis II American Conquest and Fight Back Patiently awaiting Cossacks II, and Blitzkrieg II Way too many MP3's, and numerous MPEG's :D Sites: Biohaz Toronto Maple Leafs homepage NHL.com campus.fsu.edu suprnova.org jwsquad.com dancerecords.com ircspy.com puredj.com
  10. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    Ya, I'm still planning on the Navy, but for some odd reason I've been thinkin about the Corps here lately Check out how your state ranks in taxes (not full listing but highest and lowest are included). F*ckin Fed, Florida has a 6% sales tax (no state income tax) in most counties (atleast in Central Florida, think is higher in some parts of the Panhandle), so the Fed tacks on another 20+ %, just so they can get some of the tourism dollars Some of them Yankee States are payin close to %40. Amazing how this country is content with paying nearly size European taxes, and doesnt even care.... and to think that this country demanded independence becuase of a .001% tax. tax link: http://www.bcentral.com/articles/harper/14...nd=msn&LID=3800
  11. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    Ya sorry about snappin at ya. I havent slept since tuesday morning, and this artsy fartsy Prof just ruined my chance of making atleast a B in his class, just because I spoke my mind in couple of essays. "But how was I supposed to know that the French and Germans just wanted to give eachother hand jobs and live in a peaceful loving world where everyone was equal, and nationalism didnt exist? Sorry Dr. Stolzfus, my view of World War I was way off, please forgive me, next time I'll write about the kindness that is spread by mustard gas and machine guns instead of the truth." In short, its been a bad day, and politics just makes it worse.
  12. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    Saddly stealth bombers, and aircraft carriers dont deter suicide bombers... and saddly that seems to be the approach of the Pentagon in dealing with terrorism. Should be pouring money into the CIA and NSA, not uping our conventional arsenal. Is anyone scared of the North Koreans? How bout Iran? I mean as countries, not spawners of terrorists. Do I care if South Korea is taken over... not really, China will deal with the North Koreans if they get outa wack (on that note the Chinese will deal with us if we mess with the North Koreans). Bush's tax cuts were not fiscaly sound after 9-11, shouldn't have cut them so much, and perhaps made provisions for putting most armed servicemen on alert. But instead it just keeps spiralling out of control. The cuts are in a trickle down fashion, and that has never worked. So the cuts dont really affect any of us? What did you all do with your extra 500 bucks this past year? Payed off half a credit card? Come on, the cut was meaningless for anyone that made less than 500 K a year. I know you hate taxes chief, so I ask, would you abolish all taxes? If yes, who would pay for the military? Private donations? I'm for taxes, they give us roads to drive on, schools to teach kids so they may grow up and make money and keep the system going, they fund our armed services. A completely privatized social support structure hasnt been around for centuries... simply becuase the workers got pissed off becuase they werent seeing dick, they were dying from disease and lived in poverty. Hence Unions (they brought you a thing called the weekend, oh and the 8 hour work day). No I dont really support unions now... for F*CKS sake the guy that cleans the cabin after a Delta flight lands makes 30 bucks an hour all because of his union. But they do serve a purpose. Social programs? Those have been dramatically scaled back in recent years, welfare is minimal because of the time restrictions and not many are on it, medicare is for the elderly same as social security. Students dont get dick from the gov (atleast not here) unless they can prove they've been on their own for atleast a year. Screw it, this topic is more or less dead, everybody is repeating themselves over and over (myself included) the lines have been drawn, now shut your pie hole and go vote if you've got something to say. Lastly, I feel as safe today as I did on 9-10-01, and as safe as I did on 9-12-01... nothing has changed, and I was never suprised by the attacks, and will not be suprised by future ones... and no Bush cant save us, neither can Kerry, or Edwards, or any politician. Only time will end this war. It will eventually stall out, we may become more and more violent towards civies like in Vietnam, and the world and our citizens will cry out for an end, and we will eventually have to pull out of that ass hole of the world, and leave them to kill eachother. God willing Russia will nuke Chechnya, and the towel heads will get really pissed at them, and attack them more often, and then a country who has a President with balls and an equally ruthless military (Russia) will invade the ass hole of the world and screw it till it bleeds. Cheers, Saffell "THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS ;) "
  13. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    If only he listened to Powell, instead of making him an outcast.
  14. Joint Operations..new Sim Soon.

    Whoa! And I thought Far Cry was gonna be BAD ASS!!! Release early this year??? Hmm, any knews on this?
  15. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    MMMMMMMGallup Polls. Seems 51% of America is in favor of Monarchy (approval rating), but the Commie and the Kid both lead the King in the polls. http://www.gallup.com/content/default.asp?ci=10687 (Polls) http://www.gallup.com/content/default.asp?ci=10654 (Approval Rating)
  16. If you dont know what I'm talking about, check out www.quiznos.com You can watch the commercials there. <C> Snapple
  17. Whoa! Rangers Vs Islanders

    Be sure to check out todays sportscenter for the full highlites... like 4 mins of fighting.... sweeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Wtf! Are Those Things On The Quizno's Adds?

    Damn, everything is hilarious on that site, kick ass detective work PG.
  19. Wtf! Are Those Things On The Quizno's Adds?

    HOLY SH*T IN MY PANTS BATMAN! http://www.rathergood.com/moon_song/ could have been worse: http://www.rathergood.com/hedgehogs/
  20. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    Man! Faking 3 Purple Hearts must have been a total b*tch.
  21. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    I'm so frustrated and pissed off right now, that I cant even have a thought that makes sense. If I type anything of meaning, I'm gonna get banned. Seriously my hands are shaking, this is almost as bad as those two commies ragging on Bush in my 10 oclock class yesterday. I'm just gonna sit back and wait for it to get really really aggavating, then maybe I can jump in and get myself banned. ;)
  22. Hmm, I too would buy a good WWI sim. Ah swooping down on trenches and lighting up the place... hand dropped bombs... and brick throwing. Now thats A2A combat, maneuvering while winging bricks, and shooting revolvers. Side note, I have almost no experience with WWI sims, I think I may have played Red Baron 1 many many years ago, think I was trying to shoot down a zeppelin or something the one time I played it. Also I did go up against an F4U Corsair in a Sopwith Camel in online play for CFSII, think it got rather boring, kinda like flying a P11c in IL2.
  23. Wtf! Are Those Things On The Quizno's Adds?

    I insist, if you need a laugh, just go to the quiznos website and watch the commercials, just fascinatingly hilarious. Everytime I see it on TV, I just think to myself... WTF and giggle.
  24. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    PG are you sure you are looking at reality? I dont think Foo is insinuating anything political, merely an honest and true fiscal statement. This whole national debt thing is not a new thing. Britain (our teachers of capitalism) had this same problem during the 18th century. George II and III much like our King George II... (sorry he's supposed to be a President ) Escalated military spending to astounding rates. Although Britain's tax incomes grew in this period at high percentages (booms in economy and newer taxes), it could not keep up with government spending. Notice they had newer taxes (a bad thing in our Country), which means that they were able to assign certain tax revenues to certain outstanding debts (certain creditors). Bush is cutting taxes while increasing spending (hence the explosion of debt). Unfortunatly we dont have a William Pitt the younger to tell Bush that he's F*cking Up, and if we keep borrowing money, and not paying back debts with tax revenue (the method of borrowing more to cover debt is not smart), our government will no longer be allowed to borrow any more money. The World Reserves will shut us out, and we will be forced to cut spending and possibly increase taxes... this means cutting the military and everything else. Borrowing against expected tax revenue is as old as taxes and credit (thosands of years). This administration is content with ignoring the lessons learned over the millenia, and sending this country spiralling into relative poverty. Don't you dare think that an Enron fiasco is limited to corporations. A government is run in much the same way as a corporation, the only difference is that they have more controls and have more room for bargaining. But also remember that the Banks of the world control the economy of the world. No not your pissant corner bank, the big ones, the ones that have enough money to right a 500 billion dollar check and not sweat it. But just like your local bank, they can red flag you or a counrty if they do not pay up, and that red flag means that your credit, and your word is screwed. This is what foo was saying. So just because he may say something bad about the President, doesnt mean he's a socialist. For F*cks sake he works for Carlyle Group (or so he says), he cant be a socialist. Something you military people need to understand. Just because a guy is escalating spending in your department doesnt mean he's doing the right thing. You need to ask where is the money coming from? Just because he's supposed to be a defender of your freedoms, doesnt mean that he really is. He has instituted many laws that do infringe on your freedoms, and he is not a moderate (neither is Kerry for that matter), so his ideas of morality do not represent the mainstream. The Democratic Party is not the Party of Jackson and Jefferson anymore, and the Republican Party is not the Party of Lincoln anymore either. Both Parties are increadibly similar in the way they do things. Both want more controls on the people, they both want specific laws that go against the constitution (our constitution is against any of these infringing laws), and I'm afraid that our founding fathers from all sides are looking down upon us in disgust and perhaps in tears, for we have created a bureaucracy that no longer represent the will of the people. Only special interest groups, and yes the Republicans are full of special interests too, so stop saying that its only the Dems. I will stop now, for I know that all that I say on this forum usually falls on deaf ears. All that I ask of anyone that reads this post, is that they not look at a President or anyone and take them for some sort of super righteous representative of your ideals. No one is perfect, and no one agrees with all that you believe in. Just because they escalate spending in your special area, doesnt mean that they arent hurting you in another place. This goes for all of our Presidents. We have had about the same number of good as bad, but they all thought that they were doing the right thing. It's up to us as Americans to tell them that we dont like what they are doing when they screw up, and applaud them when they do well. But do not overlook the bad just because you applauded them once or twice. Always scrutinize a President (and all politicians), otherwise you will have fullfilled the nightmare of our founding fathers... giving yourselves a KING. PS: I know some if not most of you will think to yourselves, that you do always look with open eyes, but that is not what I see here on the boards, or in conversations. People in general tend to stand by their politics with great ferver, and rarely listen to what the opposition has to say. I do not ask that anyone change their political beliefs, I only ask that they starting living and believing in a word.... "Doubt". Sincerely, Jason R. Saffell
  25. 100 Posts!

    Live on powerade for one week, in that time frame run 3 miles a day. I lost 20 lbs this way (in one week mind you)... although I was running in central florida in the summer... translation... atleast 100 degrees and 300% humidity... maybe you can just run in place for a couple hours a day (in a sauna) mmmmmmmmmm...pepper bar :D

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