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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. When Marines Have No Supervision

    Now that's artwork I can really appreciate
  2. Wtf! Are Those Things On The Quizno's Adds?

    I agree local sub shops are the only place to get good subs. Back in Melbourne we had a place called M*A*S*H* Hoagies. As you can guess the theme was the TV show, and all the subs were named after characters.... I always got the Italian AKA Hawkeye.... best part about the shop.... they served beer!!! Beat that Subway! Oh ya, Doubles Hoagies was another kick ass place. Here in Tallahassee we have Hobbit Hoagies... pretty good but not as good as MASH. Cheers, Saffell
  3. Wtf! Are Those Things On The Quizno's Adds?

    "Hair Plugs"
  4. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    Despite all the "Bush is gonna win anyway" talk (including my own)... I think we're in for another 2000 debacle. Now if we can just keep my states Cuban population from f*cking up another election. Last 3 gallup polls attached.
  5. Happy B-day Dutchy

    Happy Birthday, Dutchy! B) Cheers, Snapple
  6. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    What one with the gloves off??? :P
  7. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    I love how conservatives try and make liberals look like the special interest whores. Last time I checked, both parties are dead even in special interest contributions, its just that they are opposed, but some how Pro-Life, and the NRA are rightous. And ofcourse this makes gun control an infringement on our rights, and pro-choice people are murderers. Just commenting on Fates' nip slip cartoon... Dean's the only funny part. Hmmm, American politics... very odd. Ever notice that Pro-life ppl are generally pro-death penalty, and pro-choice ppl tend to be against school vouchers.... denying parents a choice... odd IMHO. When will we get a truly moderate president??? Screw it, lets just have a dictator...... I nominate myself :P I'll run on the free beer ticket :D .
  8. Anybody Here Play Cossacks???

    Just wondering if there are any RTS fans here... specifically Cossacks and American Conquest players. Here's a screen of the upcoming Cossacks II
  9. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

  10. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

  11. Anybody Here Play Cossacks???

    One more from AC... I love it... Sioux warriors chasing our Cavalry away.
  12. Anybody Here Play Cossacks???

    Here's one from Cossacks; more at http://www.cossacks.de/index.htm
  13. Anybody Here Play Cossacks???

    There are two games from the same company, that run on basically the same engine. Cossacks and its two X-packs (The Art of War, and Back to War [stand alone]). And then there is American Conquest and its stand alone X-pack; AC Fight Back. Cossacks deals with Europe in the 17th and 18th century. There's like 20 countries, each with different tech trees (similar IMHO) and certain unique units for each country; examples: Highlanders for England/Britain, Stelets for Russia, etc, etc. Cossacks has fair land scapes but pretty good looking units, especially some of the unique infantry units. Also the 3D ships are very cool, even though there movements are somewhat unrealistic. The AI is pretty predictable but stopping an onslaught of 2000 troops tends to be a bitch if unprepared. American Conquest is a much better looking game, but it too has its faults. There are not many units, and you cant build walls or towers, and naval action is somewhat restricted and dull. However, AC is unique because it revolves around European colonialism and the USA is available also. Various Indian tribes are available to play, all with special abilities. I feel that this game was geared more towards the indians, because the Euro's and Americans are basically the same, where as certain tribes are very distinguishable; example: the Suoix have loads of cheap and quickly created cavalry, while the Iroqois have only one mounted unit and it takes forever to make the damn thing, and it sucks anyway. But if you envision massive columns of American Revolutionaries pouring musket fire into British lines, then this may be the game for you. Fight Back adds a few civs; Eskimo's, and Russians (although I seem to be having sound issues with it at the moment). Cossacks and American Conquest offer something never before done in RTS.... thousands of individually controlable units. I believe Cossacks is like 8000 max, AC may be more than that. But beware, large numbers of units tend to lag PC's, I can usually run the game with 3-4 nations with no problems, but a fifth creates major lag. The screenshot I posted originally is from Cossacks II (due out Q3 of this year). It has a revamped engine, and deals with the Napoleonic Wars. The two countries in the screenshot are France and Austria. Cossacks II is supposed to allow for 10's of thousands of units................... sick :P . Here's a couple o screens this one is from AC; more at http://www.americanconquest.de/english/index1.htm
  14. A Strange Funeral.....

    A cardiologist died and was given an elaborate funeral. A huge heart covered in flowers stood behind the casket during the service. Following the eulogy, the heart opened, and the casket rolled inside. The heart then closed, sealing the doctor in the beautiful heart forever. At that point, one of the mourners burst into laughter. When all eyes stared at him, he said, "I'm sorry, I was just thinking of my own funeral...I'm a gynecologist. And at that point, the proctologist fainted. <C> Snapple
  15. A Strange Funeral.....

    I got it from my ex-marine sister
  16. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    Clark's out <_<
  17. Work in progress (my first attempt at a LOMAC skin).... much harder than IL2... damn markings!
  18. 1000 Posts!!

    Hmmm 41 more for 1000 here (after this post). :( Side note: I have more than 500 in the pub alone! We should rename it to "Snapple's Place" Cheers, Saffell
  19. America Beats The Netherlands

    We are a very poor team, but hey we go out and represent Florida State in other ways.... like drinking, and hell raising. Our last game is this weekend against the University of Florida. All I can say is that our team has a lot of losses, 1 win and 1 tie. As 1 of the 3 goalies, I am proud to say that I have both that 1 win and tie.... I am the only goalie without a .000% winning percentage... but Hockey is a team sport and we all win and lose together....... Perhaps next year we will be better. They dont have Sports Bars with hockey in Kampen???? To see the North American Hockey games??? What about World and European League Champioships? Can you atleast watch you team on tv or the German DEL???
  20. America Beats The Netherlands

    Ah, and Team USA recently took World Junior Championships for the first time ever in men's hockey (over Canada :P ). Someday we will win all the medals...... nah then it wouldnt be any fun. Did they show the NHL all star game in the Netherlands? PS: I also watch speed skating... best moment ever was last Olympics in short track.... when the Aussie (like 10 lengths behind) took gold when everybody else fell down.... his strategy was pure genious!
  21. might aswell post the original/inspiration... although Trashman made this one for me... eh? Trashman B)
  22. Sombody Lend Me A Dollar

    Two words....... PLAY LOTTO!
  23. Where can I find them? The ones I have now seem to suck.

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