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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Where do the skins go when I've finished them... stupid q... I know... but I had to ask. <C> Saffell
  2. End Of Half Time Show Made It All Worth It.

    I hate kid rock... one trick white trash pony in my opinion. Missed the nip slip here, but it is Janet Jackson... not like the whole world hasnt seen it before. As soon as I saw the "rapper thugs" (the quotes mean something :D) I just got online and found something else to do. Really great game though. And Mark Roberts kicks ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now all he has to do is streak at the World Series..... Stanley Cup Finals might be kind of a b*tch :D .
  3. Cod Vs Mohaa...

    I have MOHAA and Spearhead X pack, and recently I just saw "Breakthrough" in Best Buy. But I'm seeing the adds for CoD, and it looks cool. I got burnt out on GR and its X packs, and AA was a pain in the ass for me to find a server that worked... so that didnt last long. Just wondering is CoD just MOHAA reincarnated or is it much better?
  4. Ya I'm usually flyin with 1/4 tank of gas, but the P-51 just doesnt have the punch, and 1 bullet in the engine kills it. We stick to the LA-7 in JW's, all around great plane, but I sneak off and fly the K-4 occasionaly. A6M eats everything in a turn fight except for I153 and I16. I dont really like the Ki84 though, seems that if you dont baby it a little... it wont pull a loop. Cant wait for that spitfire :D
  5. When are we gonna shoot some TAW's?
  6. Oh YEAH! Spitfire... lets hope it doesnt fly like doo doo (P-51). Any word on a B-17???? CoOp MP would kick ass in that, havin like 5 guys in one plane shootin the crap out of everything. <C> Saffell
  7. Favorite Sayings

    Somebody stuck it on the toilet... obviously. How bout, "Carpenters dream... flat as a board and east to screw" Or "You couldnt pull a sick whore off a wet bar of soap" "If the bass is too hard, you are too weak"
  8. Favorite Sayings

    OMG I cant believe that this one hasnt been posted yet..... "Sh*t Happens" Oh and one more from me. I work at Dominos as a driver, and we have drop boxes that we have to stick our cash in after every run. Over the boxes there is a sticker that says "make that drop"........ somebody got ahold of one of these stickers and stuck it on something else in the store...... any guesses?
  9. Just thought I'd let all you snowed in chaps know how pleasant Deerfield Beach was. MMMMMMMMiami, warm sun and sand, cool sea breezes, and hot latinas. B) As for Tallahassee, its soooooooooooooooooo cold, its like 65 degrees :(
  10. Favorite Sayings

    "Always go for the lesser evil" ie... go for the easy ones :P
  11. Favorite Sayings

    "They say that evil men have no songs, so how is it that the Russian has songs?" - Nietzche (Hilariously cynical IMHO) "If I controlled the world, the first thing I would do, would be to cut out France.... and push it out to sea.... and sink it" - John Askew "Hand me the mother f*cker" (What my dad would tell me when he needed a tool... real descriptive ) "Who's to say that 1+1 doesnt equal 3, why does it have to equal 2? While we're talking about 2's, what is a "2"? Can you be attacked by a 2? See what I'm getting at?" - Jeff Johnson (My former philosophy prof) "Mate! Your fat, and I'll throw you in the river... now go away!" "Hey! Dumb Rookie... get me another beer!" Ross Kravetz hears this repeatedly every weekend Spin on Fates' "You can sh*t in one hand and wish in the other... guess which one will fill up first"
  12. Favorite Movie Gunfights?

    The Professional..... nuff said. La Femme Nikita and Resevoir Dogs (Mr. White and Mr. Orange guns pointed at eachother) are close though.
  13. Just Returned From My Sister's Wedding....

    Hey! I cant convert celcius to fehrenheit, so that makes us even. You gotta watch the superbowl though... I mean... come on.
  14. Seminoles Rock My World!

    Ahem Wake fell tonight to the Mighty Seminoles on the hardcourt. We did have the #1 recruiting class this past year, so even if we dont kick everybody's ass this year, the next couple should be really good.
  15. The Wreckage Of Senator Clinton's Aircraft

    Texas eh? Sure she wasnt shot down?
  16. Hockey And The Birth Of Aviation????

    In the New York Times today, there was an interesting article about Hockey players and their teeth. Basically it was a bunch of BS about lost teeth. But at the bottom of the article, a little splurge had to do with Wilbur Wright. He got a few teeth knocked out while playing pucks in his native Ohio, and became mentally and physically ill. Apparently he became bed ridden from the accident, and filled his time by reading tech and mech mags/books. Soon there after he and his brother started toying with flight. Just a little tid bit of info from a huge hockey fan/player and aviation enthusiast <C> Saffell
  17. Okay, I gave my roommate a simple (shoulda been) task, because I had to run out for a second. All I asked her to do was install Call of Duty so my friends son could play it. I told her to just follow the instructions, ie switching discs, clicking etc, etc. Well I come back and my screen is stuck on some online registration crap, but I cant register, its just frozen, so I have to exit and lose install. I figure I can just uninstall and reinstall, but it wouldnt uninstall because it was corrupted or something. So I remove it completely from the computer, ie, delete all stragling files after I removed the app via add/remove programs. So I try to install again, except it doesnt give me a new install screen, it gives me the standard go to single/multi play/ links/ etc menu. So I tried to uninstall from this screen, no go, it gives the start for windows install then stops. So I try looking for loose files to get rid of it even more (killing that damn menu). I couldnt find anything by searching for CoD or Activision. All I get is the standard go to play menu, but the game isnt on disk. How do I fix this? All suggestions greatly appreciated. Help!, I've got a 10 year old brat demanding to shoot something! <C> Jason Saffell
  18. Flight Simmers = Terrorists

    I'm gonna stop now, because I'm just gonna get shot down for being an "ignorant kid", too bad I'm not 10 years older, then I could just be another "asshole that wants Bush out". I'm gonna stick to something I posted a while back. "Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics... even if you win you're still retarded"
  19. Flight Simmers = Terrorists

    Seems to be a political thread to me <_< Just bothers me to see people complain, but not wanna do anything to fix the problem. This story has to do with law, and law is politics. We have an administration enforcing laws that infringe upon basic/common sense rights; like being able to buy a flight sim or a map, because we enjoy simming, or because we need to find our way around. If one doesnt like the laws, then remove the person who is pushing those laws. If one cannot understand that, then one has no right to complain, because essentially that one does not have a problem with those laws, and as long as people sit back and take it, the oppression and outrageous conduct will only get worse.
  20. Flight Simmers = Terrorists

    Sorry I cant comment on this without getting really really pissy, so.... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D YOU VOTED HIM IN, ITS YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT, AND IF YOU VOTED FOR GORE, BOO HOO! TRY AGAIN THIS ELECTION B) .
  21. Nfl Postseason

    ya thatas just no nta al lowa eaxtpeation ata looll
  22. Nfl Postseason

  23. Which Program Is Best For Voice Coms.

    We at Joker's Wild use ventrilo. Runs beautifully for us.
  24. All I want is for LOMAC to grow like IL2 did, even if it is having a remake, with adding planes. I've said that I would gladly pay for addons, and I stick to that. There are many planes out there that are worth being added, and I dont see any reason for not systematically turning this game into a 20+ plane sim over the next year or two. The graphics will be more than sufficient over that time frame, but flying with 6 planes in that frame is not sufficient. So add-ons are a must to keep this sim going, and I honestly believe that a sequal in the near future is the best possible way to make this game more popular. One more thing. Ubi needs to do some TV adds for LOMAC, as soon as they put out a new batch of cd's with the patch already included. They need to get the game nearly perfect, and start running a few spots, just like they do for all their FPS's. I think sticking LOMAC in the general gaming publics face is the only way to make this sim grow. This will of course bring about the demand for more aircraft. solid game + advertising = more sales = demand for diversity People need to know that Jet Fighter is not the way to go. <C> Just my 5 cents Saffell

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