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Nicholas Bell

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Everything posted by Nicholas Bell

  1. Number of Aircraft

    Maybe you your're thinking of Lowengrin's DCG for IL2 where this is easily accomplished I don't think there is an "easy" way. You might want to try editing the formation.ini file. The supply level of a force and the squadron's affects the number of available aircraft during a campaign, and can be adjusted in the campaigndata.ini. Sorry I can't be of more help.
  2. It worked just fine for me, Wrench - I sent him the file. Maybe that was his problem. Flying torpedo, eh?
  3. I'll try it myself and PM the files to you.
  4. You are editing the WeaponData.ini file and then opening and saving it using the Weapon Editor, right? It sounds like your Weapondata.dat file is getting messed up somewhere in the process. Is the Weapondata.dat file in Weapons folder? Is it larger in size than the Weaponpack dat file after you are done saving it. Just throwing out some ideas on isolating the problem...
  5. Try extracting the OBJECTLIST.INI and increase the GroupSize of the GroundObjectGroup. This solved similar problems I have had with my Air Defense mods.
  6. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...sst&id=5363 File Name: WOE 1950's AAA Mod v1.0 File Submitter: Nicholas Bell File Submitted: 5 Oct 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Ini Edits File Version: No Information Website: No Information Wings over Europe 1950's Anti-Aircraft Mod version 1.0 This is modification adds heavy and light anti-aircraft guns to the GermanyCE map. Hundreds of 4 gun heavy AAA batteries have been placed around cities and airfields - over 3000 additional guns. Each airfield has also be given additional light AAA assets. All SAM related map objects have been removed or replaced with AAA. The effectiveness of the weapons has also been increased to provide a more realistically hostile environment. I have also faked several additional NATO airfields on the map, which are part of several 1950's era campaigns I am working on. Because I totally lack any map editing ability, I placed these airfields on existing flat open terrain existing on the map. These are located near Colmar, Eindhoven, Apeldoorn, and Leuwarden. Unzip the enclosed zip file on your desktop or a temporary file and read the WOE AA Mod Readme.txt file for installation instructions. This modification requires some editing of files by the user. Thanks to Pasko Patak for allowing me to use his excellent objects, and to all the folks who contributed and put together the modifications and effects in the WeaponsPack which is required for use of this mod. Click here to download this file
  7. WOE 1950's AAA Mod v1.0



    Wings over Europe 1950's Anti-Aircraft Mod version 1.0 This is modification adds heavy and light anti-aircraft guns to the GermanyCE map. Hundreds of 4 gun heavy AAA batteries have been placed around cities and airfields - over 3000 additional guns. Each airfield has also be given additional light AAA assets. All SAM related map objects have been removed or replaced with AAA. The effectiveness of the weapons has also been increased to provide a more realistically hostile environment. I have also faked several additional NATO airfields on the map, which are part of several 1950's era campaigns I am working on. Because I totally lack any map editing ability, I placed these airfields on existing flat open terrain existing on the map. These are located near Colmar, Eindhoven, Apeldoorn, and Leuwarden. Unzip the enclosed zip file on your desktop or a temporary file and read the WOE AA Mod Readme.txt file for installation instructions. This modification requires some editing of files by the user. Thanks to Pasko Patak for allowing me to use his excellent objects, and to all the folks who contributed and put together the modifications and effects in the WeaponsPack which is required for use of this mod.
  8. When did the USAF (and other NATO) countries start camouflaging their planes anyway? Always wondered why (and when) everyone gave up bare metal aircraft.
  9. I would just like to see the missions used to create the engagements filmed posted! Some pretty massive fights there.
  10. Wow! The detail is amazing, simply amazing! The Voisin is especially jaw-dropping! Really displays your talent at this p10ppy!
  11. Recently tried that in WOE and the program generates regular recon missions unfortunately.
  12. Just thought I'd pass this along so no one else wastes their time. I thought that since one can edit the cloud conditions, and even make clouds appear in clear weather (although not in FE), I could work up a hack to create more variable weather in campaigns. The idea was to create multiple environmentsystem.ini files and use a small program to randomly select and rename the files between missions. Each alternate environmentsystem.ini file would have just one weather condition (eg Overcast) for all weather types, so that if the sim program selected clear weather the environmentsystem.ini would force whatever weather condition the hack called up. No matter, there's more to it than just the cloud data. A few tests so that replacing all cloud types with a single type does not mean that will be the weather condition encountered. Changing all the cloud types data to inclement and selecting clear weather did not make the mission weather inclement. It was either scattered or broken. Similar results were encountered in testing campaign missions. So it appears that cloud condition data in the environmentsystem.ini only modifies or provides limited input into what the executable is controlling.
  13. Viper6, You're correct in that any planes you add to your flight will be unarmed. Use the Callsign pulldown menu to select each plane and then load them individually loadinh each weapons station (Pylon/Launcher pulldown), one plane at a time. A minor pain, but worthwhile. Typhoid, the campaign is not ready for prime time. Wouldn't want to get Wrench upset with me for posting Not sure it will anyone's cup of tea either - WOE 1957, based on the 1962 campaign. Selected this because I disappointed in the lack of AI maneuver response to SAMs, so I decided I'd go pre-SAM. I've eliminated all the SAMs from the map and have added 3500+ heavy AA guns and hundreds more light AA. I've played a few campaigns and it works, but there are weapon loadout and supply kinks that need to get ironed out. Among other things...
  14. Viper6, Remember that the program will often have your flight arrive before the supporting flights, so it's a good idea to waste some time flying in circles before heading out to the target...and don't ALT-N or the flight locations will be reset to have you there first. Killing time gives the SEAD and Escort support time to do their jobs. You'll see more coordinated strikes in a campaign than just using the single mission IMO, especially using modified campaigns with additional squadrons (eg NATO Fighters 2) above what is included in the box. Usually get 2 or 3 support flights. I've created a campaign for my own use with a total of 150+ squadrons total and will often see 3-4 Alpha type strikes happening across map, each with 3-4 flights. Another thing you can do is to add additional aircraft from your squadron to your flight, arming the additional flights with different ordnance. If the mission generator gives you 4 planes, take 8 more - one flight armed A-A and the other SEAD. The additional air-mud flights will not hit the primary, but will instead normally target AAA. Don't overload them - just give them enough for one pass - and call them to return to formation before they get themselves shot down. You can let loose your A-A flight and they will usually do a fair job of keeping the enemy interceptors off your back.
  15. Dud Sparrows

    All this does is to confirm that Mr 20mm is your best friend - if you're lucky enough to have him
  16. Let's not forget Meteors, F-84Gs, and F-84Fs
  17. Thank you very much Bobrock! A welcome addition for my 1950s campaigns
  18. I've experienced many campaign intercept missions where it simply is not possible to hit the primary targets before they bomb. I've done what you have explained, plus adjusted waypoints to make the distance shorter. Flown the whole distance, used ALT-N -all to no avail. So what I do is accept the fact I can't win every mission, but I can at least hurt the enemy as much as possible which will help in the long run in a campaign, where the more enemy planes you knock down the less you will see in the future. So I slow down and stick with my slow-ass flight and do the best I can to lead them into a nice bounce situation using the map to help. Gain some altitude and look for a nice ripe enemy flight which is RTB, get behind them and lead your flight in. I usually look for those primary targets which I couldn't reach before they bombed. Once they are home bound their escort will often stray, going their own way. For your wingman, using the Attack My Target command and then helping him by sandwiching the bad guy really helps him score. Once he's on him you can take care of someone else. The rest of the flight will pretty much do want they want, but repeatedly commanding to attack air (or ground) will encourage them to continue (although I believe the AI pilot morale and condition plays a role in determining how "determined" the AI pilot is). Again, it helps a lot to lead them into a bounce situation. Unless armed with good missiles, the AI doesn't do well with a head-on merge. I recently completed an 18 mission 1957 WOE campaign flying MiG-19s and had several aces - the top AI pilot had 9 kills. Overall the AI pilots claimed 46 victories of the 75 victories, the other 29 being mine of course. Will eventually post an AAR on the campaign. My gripe with the AI pilots is not so much their inability to attack, but their inability to defend themselves. Out of 20 original and replacement pilots in the campaign, only 4 remained at the end. At the end I got pretty good at hit and run. I found that going to full afterburner and then giving the Return to Formation command would cause the AI pilots to match or exceed my throttle setting to catch up. Given the "19's" excellent acceleration this was normally enough to get them out of trouble. If only they would match my throttle on the way to the target!
  19. Excellent. Wow, it's like a candy shop around here! Had no idea the Herc had a HUD in the cockpit...very interesting.
  20. Yeah, the one with cannon's instead of those useless rockets! Hard to believe...no guns. And D's and L's were deployed in Europe and the Far East as if the only things in the air there were unescorted bombers. Fools at the top, and poor bloody pilots flying at the bottom.
  21. Hey, wishes do come true Looks terrific, and will be much appreciated!
  22. Or maybe just work on mods and tweaks? There seems to be precious little talk anywhere about actually flying - other than the ever-present YAP mission AAR advertisements? I wonder why this is? Are we all talk and no action? I am also a wargamer and I know that there is more action on the various forums than there is on the tabletop or computer screen. In like manner, my wife's sewing/tailoring/fashion forums are full of talk but very little actual sewing getting done. Not that any of this is bad - I don't want to think I'm condemning anyone. Just curious if "we" are similar. I have a number of projects ongoing involving damage modeling, revising campaigns. and my air defense mods. However, work on these is slow because I find I prefer to spend more time flying Shame on me, I know! I recently completed a 1962 campaign in NATO fighters - flying Canadair Sabre Mk6 in 444 Squadron. Actually the first campaign I ever survived. When my pilot becomes a permanent casualty do not refly the mission and that's where it ends. Anyway, I "won" the war and had 32 kills. I nursed some of my wingmen along - man, was I angry when a 6 victory AI ace was shot down. After flying a couple of dozen of missions I get kind of "connected" to these "men." When I lose a wingman I get a good deal of enjoyment of blasting the offending MiG to a burning hell. (a few days short of 48 years old and still playing make-believe). Since completing that campaign I have had started 2 very short 1962 campaigns flying F-100. Life for a Thud driver is measured in hours. The plane has seeming nothing going for it against MiGs. I know, I know, I should be moving mud - but that's not the only thing that comes down the pike. On the flip side of the coin, flying F-15's in 1979 is like being a flying butcher. A bit too "easy" for gaming purposes (although I am sure if I were an Eagle driver I wouldn't have minded ) So what do you think is a good plane & campaign to fly in that is challenging but not too easy? What are you flying? Or are we all just talking & tweaking
  23. I would use normal when flying against the Soviets. Easy dumbs things down too much. Apart from the effects on pilot's abilities, tail gunners rarely fire. In campaign's the AI setting also affects the number of AAA & SAM objects placed on the map. On easy there are rarely any SAMs, if any, and few AAA guns. There is a wide variety of abilities for AI pilots in normal. Often they are more difficult than pilot's generated on "hard". They seem to have a bit more self-preservation. On hard (esp with the UberAI mod) the AI pilots try too hard and often end up running out of airspeed making them easy targets. This is especially true with many early US aircraft which are not turn and burn fighters. Just my experience based on flying in WOE campaigns.
  24. Check them out here: Declassified Constant Peg Photos The MiG 21 cockpit view is quite enlightening. Apart from the clearness of glass, the small size and color of the piper really struck me. I'm always grumbling on how hard they are to see, that there isn't enough contrast, and they seem too small. Maybe I'm stop complaining now

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