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Everything posted by OlPaint01

  1. Current Status - Super Patch

    OK, I grant that we have had Railroad Trains since P1. But how about the railway tracks for them to run on between the railway yards that are visible in the landscape? Just curious? In my other life I am a RailFan. LOL OlPaint01
  2. Current Status - Super Patch

    Rats, No Choos-choos? and No huge Secondary Explosions? Double Rats!! LOL OlPaint01
  3. Tweaking the TAC

    Check Six A minor update to the TAC Blip color thread referenced above. I decided that I really like the color "Green" for the TargetColor. The color code is 0xFF00FF00. The green in my opinion looks more like the green of a RADAR cockpit display that I am used to seeing in Falcon 4.0 cockpit. Just edit VIEWUI.XML file in a text editor like Notepad.exe. Be sure you backup the file if you don't like the appearance of the TAC display after making the change so you can restore it. OlPaint01
  4. Current Status - Super Patch

    I want Choo-choos!!! and big secondary explosions!!! OlPaint01
  5. where is wf2?

    I think I read where WF2 is a ROF beta tester. That is a pretty large commitment and it probably has a lot of her time tied up. She has a huge amount of knowledge about replica and restored aircraft and I miss her contributions. OlPaint01
  6. Force Feedback Headsets

    Hello All Here is the link to Voice Buddy by eDimensional: http://www.edimensional.com/index.php?cPat...6acf765ac12e2a9 The program listens for your voice commands input through the low noise microphone, converts the commands to sim control commands, and then talks back to you through the ear phones with a confirmation response. All Programmable BTW. For example;If "Attack targeted aircraft" is the voice command. "Roger, Attacking targeted aircraft" is the response. The software issues an "A" command to the sim. Easy Peasy. The force feedback in the headphones is just an enhancement of the Bass Frequencies. You feel an slight extra vibration for the engine or MG sounds. Like a high quality set of stereo headphones would give. OlPaint01
  7. Fantastic new terrains?

    B Bandy I, for one, absolutely applaud the work you have put into your tile sets. I want you to know that I added your mods to my game the same hour that they were posted for download and fly over them daily. Outstanding effort! This community is short of praise I have discovered. But we have so many talented folks out there with a huge amount of knowledge. TK has given us a palette to apply all sorts of beautiful arts. Please don't get discouraged because you don't get critical appraisals. Please, just keep applying your talent and knowledge. Lord only knows that I don't have the skill or patience to give the community what you have done already. I look forward to your further contributions. OlPaint01
  8. Force Feedback Headsets

    Hello Birddog I just got eDimensional's force feedback headset. The TIR ProClip fits very nicely above the left ear phone cup on the head band. The only thing "Force Feed Back" about the rig is that it enhances the game sounds with an enhanced Bass frequency response (rumble) that makes for a nice stereo sound without a big sub-woofer. I have yet to noticed an enhanced directional surround-sound effect that the eDimensional's advertisement mentions. It is just a well made Stereo Headset with noise-canceling mic. I actually bought the headset for the bundled noise-canceling microphone. It plugs into the headset and works with eDimensional's utility called Voice Buddy which converts spoken commands into equivalent keyboard commands. I got interested in that feature when Homeboy mentioned he used Game Commander by MindMaker to control his sim by voice. It allows him to move a lot of the sim commands off his keyboard and joystick buttons. When I tried to register my trial copy of GC I discovered that it no longer is marketed. A Google search revealed eDimensional Website with this alternate Voice Command software. And rest is history... Voice Buddy has an editor that understands XML. It takes advantage of Microsoft's Voice API SDK. There is already support for 60 game titles, like FSX, MSFS, CFS2 and CFS3, etc. I am learning how to build the voice to command set now for OFF. OlPaint01
  9. Rabu The video was made from RAF_Lou's Zeppelins Over Paris Mission. I do not recognize the video's author however. I love watching these videos. I learn more and more aerial combat techniques this way. We need more of these made and published. I am convinced they are excellent advertisements for OFF. OlPaint01
  10. Fantastic new terrains?

    Tailspin I want to apologize for my over-zealous comment in the previous post. I highly respect your opinions and value your incite and contributions to FE. I guess the point I am trying to make is that we need to make a genuine effort to spruce up the bland terrains that TK has given us to fly over. Several individuals in our community are already applying their skills to the effort and I applaud and salute them for it. Max 188's mod has the detail that is greatly need in all the seasonal sets. I appreciate the huge task involve building and then tweaking a grid of terrain tiles to appear seamless. I got frustrated trying to do that myself and shelved my efforts until I get inspired again. I can say that TK's scenery covers the ground but it is not alive. Neoqb's ROF scenery has lots of exquisite details but is appears flat at altitude. Winder's OFF landscape IMHO looks active and living. I have to agree with the statement that M$ CFS scenery is checkered and dull. It is confusing to try to a fly over repeating patterns. That is why I am so looking forward to Jan Tuma's contribution. OlPaint01
  11. Fantastic new terrains?

    Hey Jan Tuma You are building a super set of tiles that may be applied to all the existing Terrain Mods, correct? I can hardly wait. Tailspin is complaining, in a parallel thread, about the repetition that overly detailed tiles would bring to a terrain tiles set. IMHO, your tiles rival the terrain in OFF which is quite good. Your tiles do not appear to checker-board in the high altitute shot, but they appear quite random. They don't seem to be as photo realistic as Edward's Flanders terrain but they do look very pleasing none the less. OlPaint01
  12. My FE wish

    Hey Tailspin What happened to Gepard? He built the Vogesen Terrain Mod, right? I thought that his terrain is the calibre of terra furma that impressed me. Last time I heard tell of him, he was building a special terrain mod for WOI. Do you know how to contact him? Maybe we as a group could persuade him to spend some more time in FE. And Panama Red has expressed some interest in building enhanced terrain tiles. I even myself tryed my hand at it, but I got discouraged trying to learn how to use all the tools. There are .BMP, .TOD, and .TGA files that must be built to show all the details of trees, roads, rivers and structures. I know at least three ppl that are willing to do the grunt work if just someone would take the time to teach us the ropes. What about the old RB3D terrain modders? Have any of those excellent designers migrated over to FE yet? Like Rabu for his Over the Edge terrain, and even Kess of Promised Land fame. Talk about squeezing every last detail out of a flat tile, those guys are experts. OlPaint01
  13. OT/ We Choose The Moon

    BulletHead Think Space Elevator!!! OlPaint01
  14. Reason for screen name....

    My Handle "OlPaint01" When I was a youngster, I loved to watch the Cowboy Shot'm Ups on TV. The Lone Ranger show comes to mind. Lone Ranger had an American Indian as a companion (side-kick) by the name of Tonto. And Tonto rode a pinto horse named Scout. Scout was a rather small but sturdy mount but he always kept up with the Masked Man. As I grew older I started reading about the Cowboys and Indians of the Great American West. I learned about a famous cowboy cattle wrangler by the name of Charlie Willis. Willis rode a pinto that he named Ol'Paint. Of course, reading about famous American historical figures led me to my interest in the WWI Flying Aces, like Rickenbacker and Luke. Then I discovered M$ Flight Simulator with its primitive WWI Dog-fighter module. Then Sierra Red Baron grabbed me. Then Falcon 4.0. I was hooked. Of course, every well provisioned Fighter Pilot needs a call sign. Playing on my own family name, "OlPaint" came naturally. The trailing "01" means that I am the flight leader. So, there it is. OlPaint01
  15. Roland D VIa WIP

    Hello 101tfs The Roland is beautiful. I noticed the two bomb-load hard points are located right inside the landing gear. Would it be appropriate to move the hard points backward on the fusalage or move the them further out on the wings? OlPaint01
  16. Just a heads up on Patches...

    Winder and Pol I hope the Scenery Upgrade Paks include Railroad Mainline Tracks with long supply trains to run up and down on them. I miss attacking the moving locomotives and boxcars and flatcars loaded with equipment and supplies that give gigantic secondary explosions. OlPaint01
  17. Awsome horrizon clouds

    Hello Quack I installed Polak's Sky mod and played around with it. Both the Overcast and Inclement set of horizon clouds fails to display correctly. I don't get a full sky of these particular .tga panels. The beautiful bank of clouds cuts off about 20 degrees above the horizon line with a very distinct break line visible separating it from the uniformly gray sky above. So I reverted back to the default Overcast and Inclement sky tiles (set 4 and set 5). The rest of the horizonclouds set looks beautiful, very realistic. The Clear, Scattered and Broken clouds are quite an asset for immersion. IMHO The puffy clouds at flight elevation do not appear too unrealistic. I have yet to experiment with Cellinsky's WideSky mod. OlPaint01
  18. My FE wish

    Tailspin I have to agree with you that Edward's Flanders Terrain Tiles are a bit busy but they do have a 3-D look about them like what the ground as I might imagine would appear from the air - I mean the photo realistic appearance that is. Didn't Edward adapt his tiles set from the set of terrain tiles from a version of M$ Fight Simulator? The terrain tiles that Jan Tuma is building are spectacular. I can hardly wait to get a hold of his promised terrains for the all the fronts. TK's terrain just doesn't have the shadow detail that gives terra firma the feel of immersion that Edward's photo realistic tiles portray. If TK's tiles had the strips of crops that we see in the period aerial photos and if the stands of trees bordering the forests cast shadows on the ground to simulate a 3-D feel, that would be a great improvement. I have discovered that the Cambria terrain tiles are a super set. TK has built all the default terrains by using most of these in the Verdun terrain. I tryed to apply the Flanders tiles to Verdun and Cambria but discover there are many missing tiles in Edward's set representing the grasslands and the grasslands borders. I started to build the missing tiles by modifying the Flanders tiles into visually acceptable substitutes for the missing ones using Paintshop Pro. But I did not realize the enormity of the task. That project is currently setting on a back burner await me to get inspired again to complete the work. Panama Red has expressed some interest in attacking the task. I have not spoken with him recently to see if he has made any process. OlPaint01
  19. Awsome horrizon clouds

    Hey Quack These mods that you are discovering are absolutely great. I appreciate it when we can borrow the Mods from the other TK Sims. I only have FE so I am unaware of the Mods in the other games that can be adapted over especially the effects files. OlPaint01
  20. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    Herr Olham Please add my spot onto the map. I am located in the Central Ohio USA. A little town called Circleville - Just 25 miles south of Columbus. Our claim to fame is that we host The Greatest Free Show on Earth "The Circleville Pumpkin Show" every October. Just follow this link http://www.pumpkinshow.com/ We have a competition for the largest pumpkin grown in the area. Last year the largest was well over 1350 lbs. OlPaint01
  21. What nationality are you?

    Circleville, Ohio, USA. 25 miles south of Columbus.
  22. Hey PW Found it, Downloaded it, Installed it. I may be up all night Flying Sorties. Outstanding is all I can say about it. Great Job! OlPaint01
  23. Hello PW The download managers must still be "vet'n" the file. I cannot find it on the download section... OlPaint01
  24. Hello PW Should we anticipate a new Intermediate DM release to match the new V1.31L MINIPATCH with the corresponding HardCore and Normal DM updated files? OlPaint01
  25. Hello All UncleAl has a great explanation of the TAC display in the 'OFF Tips and Cheats' sticky explaining what the "blips" on the TAC screen represent. -White blips indicate unidentified Bogies on-screen - usually targets beyond visible range. -Red and Blue blips indicate Enemies and Friendlies respectively within visible range. -Purple blips indicate Goal targets like enemy two-seaters within intercept range - usually seen in Quick Combat intercept missions. -Yellow indicates a designated target. You can set the focus on specific target by Tabbing through the on-screen targets using TAB or Ctrl-TAB key combinations respectively for Enemies or Friendlies. Ok. I don't like the default pale Yellow color of the designated target "Blip" in the TAC display. It is too light and too close in color to the White Bogie "Blip" and it difficult to descern in a quick glance at the TAC display during a heated furball. So I have edited the color code in ViewUI.XML file to give it a highly visible bright Yellow color. The ViewUI.XML file is found in the C:\Documents and Settings\Users_Name\Application Data\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder. Be sure to backup the original file. We need to edit the value of TargetColor in the .XML code line <Colors FriendColor="0xFF0000FF" EnemyColor="0xFFFF0000" TargetColor="0xFFFFFF00" BogieColor="0xFFFFFFFF" GoalColor="0xFFAF00AF" HumanFriendColor="0XFF00FFFF" HumanEnemyColor="0xFFFF00FF" /> to be as follows <Colors FriendColor="0xFF0000FF" EnemyColor="0xFFFF0000" TargetColor="0xFFFAFA00" BogieColor="0xFFFFFFFF" GoalColor="0xFFAF00AF" HumanFriendColor="0XFF00FFFF" HumanEnemyColor="0xFFFF00FF" /> Notice that the TargetColor="0xFFFFFF00" was changed to TargetColor="0xFFFAFA00". For your information the Hexdecimal color codes are as follows: FriendColor="0xFF0000FF" is Blue EnemyColor="oxFFFF0000" is Red TargetColor="0xFFFFFF00" is pale Yellow TargetColor="0xFFFAFA00" is bright Yellow BogieColor="0xFFFFFFFF" is White GoalColor="0xFFAF00AF" is Purple HumanFriendColor="0xFF00FFFF" is Cyan (neon Blue) HumanEnemyColor="0xFFFF00FF" is Magenta OlPaint01

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