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Everything posted by OlPaint01

  1. Little Details You Look For in a Sim?

    Hello SirMike Olham is right...The Devil is in the Details!. If you scan the Pilots Dossiers pages when deciding on a campaign you will find Hundreds of Squads/Esc/Jastas fighter and bomber pilot careers to chose from. You can see the war is broken down into periods of time for each and the Aces who were posted at the various aerodromes are maticulously recorded. You will also notice each squad has an authenticate Insignia displayed. Winder and the Devs have done an outstanding job making history come alive. I was so inspired by the simm as an historical document that I am in the process of researching and collecting the Pilot Dossiers information into a monster spread sheet as a reference document that can be easily scanned. I hope to update the Squadron Assignments chart that is now floating around the community and that is now out of date after the release of OFF:BHaH - phase 3. That revised chart will take all the quess work out of choosing a career that will not come to an abrupt end when the squadron is due for an A/C refit only to discover that craft is not a currently a part of the simm. OlPaint01
  2. Hello P-W Great news...You and Fortiesboy have done an excellent job. The QC version DM felt good to me. So I am glad to have the Intermediate version for Campaign now as well. When do you anticipate your mod will be posted to Downloads Section? Never mind, I found the link on your post in the 3rd Party Mods section. I was so excided that I read right over the reference, Duh! OlPaint01
  3. Zeppelins Over Paris !

    Hello RAF_Lou I found one of Pilotsden's old Phase2 Raid on London missions with both Gothas and Zepps on Sim-Outhouse download archive. "The GREAT LONDON GOTHA RAID" is in the 'CFS3 Missions and Campaigns (OFF)' section. And I found the Searchlights bundled in "Berlin_off_Phase2_mission" in 'Add-Ons by Eurofinn' Section of SOH. The searchlights are said to be available on www.groundcrew.com website but I think that site has been taken down. I believe that PD's raid on London mission is a daylight raid as it stands. I suppose the time of day could be set to late evening or at night so the Archie shell blasts show with a bright flash and the search lights illuminate the enemy bombers. The Gotha that I have is the Alpha version on www.RegsHanger.com website and you already have the ZeppelinL30 file. These missions are the best thing since sliced bread... I have yet to get Mission Builder to make a workable mission for me. I think you found the trick to build new missions from old ones. Did you build the "Gotha Terror" video that Catch posted on the General Discussion Section of CombatACE OFF forum? It is really great. OlPaint01
  4. Zeppelins Over Paris !

    Hey RAF-Lou That tip about using a guns attack was just what the doctor ordered. I popped the gas bag with an outstanding explosion and flame as the airship fell from the sky! IIRC, you said somewhere else that you built this mission following the example layout of another already published Phase 3 mission. How difficult would it be to convert a Phase 2 Zepp or Gotha Night Raid on London Mission with the search lights glaring and AA exploding all around? I have already downloaded the Gotha from Regs Hanger and I am rar'en to blow several 'buffs" out of the sky flying with a Home Defense squadron of Camels. OlPaint01
  5. Zeppelins Over Paris !

    Hello RAF_Lou This "Zeppelins over Paris" mission is absolutely fantastic. With the sun sinking in the west and light playing on the two Zepps, and the Eiffel Tower in the distant haze...its just breathtakingly beautiful. I see what you mean about having to out-climbing the escorts. And it really takes many minutes to complete that steep climb to altitude without stalling out. I have to admit that the Camel does climb like a monkey. But I was so disappointed when after I plunked each Airship with a pair of LePieur rockets, I did not get the gorgeous explosion that you showed in the Video you posted? I felt that I was cheated when I did not see the flaming hulks sink back to earth. What did I do wrong? It appears that I am missing the required spectacular flame effects files. Where do I go to get my copy so I can see this wonderful sight when popping those huge hydrogen-filled gas bags? OlPaint01
  6. PD-1's Boys of 60 missions

    Thanks SD I never would have guessed that in a million years OlPaint01
  7. PD-1's Boys of 60 missions

    Hello GG I need someone to give me instructions how to get the PD-1's missions into the sim so I can play them. I found the Zeppelin a/c following the link in another post so I think I have all the parts... OlPaint01
  8. first look

    Chris Could you edit the Topic Title from 'first look' to 'Squadron Assignments' so we can get others involved in the discussion. Your a Gem, Thanks. OlPaint01
  9. first look

    UncleAl and All I found my copy of Squadron Assignment Spread Sheet. So I have not PM'd you for your copy. You're correct remembering that it was previously published during Phase 1. Did Pol put it up on his site or did Winder on his? I can't remember. I want to credit the guy who built the orginal since I am now in the process of updating the Spread Sheet pages. I am adding all the new Squadrons/Jastas that are a now a part of OFF:BHaH. I failed to find an .XLM file that has the entire list of sim squad/jasta assignments, so I am scanning each individual fighter and bomber group to find all about each a/c and dates when available to fly. As a by-product I am discovering which squads/jastas are currently good for complete campaigns. BTW, I did not realize how many a/c are still unrepresented in the simm. Morane Parosol for one is missing for the early years and Sopwith Dolphin and Snipe for the late years just to name several that I have found. Hey Winder, when can we expect the first of the Aircraft Addon Packs with these missing a/c? I would pay hard cash for them, Hint, hint... When I started I didn't know how involved this spreadsheet update was going to be. I still am looking forward to several weeks of research. BTW, how can I post the finished product so everyone can use and enjoy. I really want to credit the orginator and get his permission to post before I do - If anyone will claim credit... OlPaint01
  10. Verdun map

    Chris The Verdun map is marvelous! I almost hate to ask - RL has priority - But how difficult would it be to mark up the Somme Map that Rabu posted to the CA downloads section with Entente and German Aerodromes that were present during the campaign? Flying with the map sections in my lap from waypoint to waypoint is a real challenge. But I am loving every minute. Talk about immersion... OlPaint01
  11. Where can the Zeppelin and Cloud Addons for PD-1's Multiplayer Missions be found? OlPaint01
  12. Where are Zepp and Clouds Addons

    I did a Google Search on 'Regs Hanger' and found the Alpha files for the Gotha. Pretty Sweet! PD-1, are any of your OFF Phase 2 missions posted at SOH playable in Phase 3? Also, I have yet to 'dip my toes' into multi-player combat. Would your "Boys of 60 Squadron" site be a good place to start? I just got IL-2 1946 and am awaiting the release of Over Olag's Field aka Canvas Knights mod to be released to give MP a try. OlPaint01
  13. Hello PD-1 I discovered your multiplayer missions in the CA Downloads sections. Several of them make reference to a Zeppelin and a Clouds Addon. Where can I find them for download to my OFF Phase 3 sim? OlPaint01
  14. Hello CJ Is this the same one that was posted on Pol's or OBD's site during Phase Two? That was and still is a great reference. UncleAl could we convince someone to bring the Typhoon's spreadsheet up-to-date, maybe merge it the info that you have? We should post it onto the CA download section for us all to enjoy. Starting a campaign only to have it come to an abrupt halt when the game engine reports that a missing a/c is unavailable to continue is a huge disappointment. At least with this chart, we know which squads/jastas to avoid for a long running campaign. OlPaint01
  15. A couple of projects

    Herr Prop-Wasche said in the download file ReadMe "At this time, changes have ONLY been made to the damage model of QC aircraft. Version 1.0 of this damage model does not change the DM of any of the aircraft in the campaign! An updated version of the DM for the campaign will be released if requested by enough people. " Hey PW Bring it on!!! Let's have the DMs for Campaign published as well when you have them ready for prime time. OlPaint01
  16. Western Front Maps

    Chris Absolutely marvelous effort!!! I applaud your work. I hope the spreadsheet list of OFF aerodromes that I gleaned from the game and sent to you helped in small part in its preparation. I am off to get the map sheets printed up and put into clear plastic sheet protectors. I look forward for this map project being a "living" work as we discover and add updates to the few remaining unknown locations. OlPaint01
  17. All I can say is "Keep on Keep'n On". We will support your efforts. Salute!
  18. Wheel Chocks

    Mr. Lucky said "It's chocks, not chokes. Sorry, but after reading it for the fifth time, I had to say something. Now say it with me "chocks...chocks....chocks" That's better. And, another valid suggestion for immersion, I agree. Reminds me, didn't we see a mechanic working in an airplane in one of the previews a long time ago? Or is my memory confused?" Thanks, Mr Lucky. Apparently my spell checker is broken. Hehe. "Chocks" it is!
  19. Wheel Chocks

    Salute! Pol I was wondering what it took to get a rise out of you DEVs. Thank you for responding to my little 'Pipe Dream.' When I failed to discover any auxilliary files that described easily modifiable operational code, I realized what a daunting task it would be to modify each individual aircraft to respond to Wheel Chocks Away (Parking Brake OFF) command. Phase 3 with the last 1.3c patch is just about perfect now. I can wait till P4 has for my Chocks Away control. Oh, and UncleAl...I apologize for yanking your chain. I really appreciate your insite and your advice to the whole community and to me in particular. You know I just got a Saitek Game Controller keyboard and I am in the process of programming all the many keystrokes that I can't put on my joystick buttons to my left hand. Wow, 75 programmable slots! I am either going to make the sim easier to fight (after I memorize my new keystrokes list) or make the game is so darn complicated that I will throw my new toy into the spare parts bin and go back to the default multi-finger keyboard choices I already know. OlPaint01
  20. Wheel Chocks

    Hey UncleAl What happened to the idea of Immersion...maximizing the experience of simulating the WWI pilot in the cockpit dealing with all the minutia of fighting the aircraft as well as the enemy? I want to be able to fiddle with all the knobs and switches. OFF is becoming "As Real As It Gets..." Where have I heard that before? Ghosts of M$-CFS3? Make the choice of working wheel chocks a part of the realism selection in Workshop if you don't want to fool with it. OlPaint01
  21. I need some advice... I am playing in QC to hone my fighting skills. I am starting QC at altitude beginning in the classic default merge with the flight of E/A approaching. What I am discovering is that the sim starts me with a fuel mixture way too rich that causes my engine to die before I can hand-adjust it to proper lean setting that flying at altitude requires. (Yes, UncleAl, I have choosen not to enable AutoMixture in WorkShop. I love the immersion of having to worry with remembering to control the fuel mixture as I descend while chasing a fleeing E/A - Oops, why did my engine conk out? Right, adjust the fuel mix, dumbie!) I have programmed a pair of joystick buttons to accomplish the task for lean out or enrich the fuel mixture. I can most always restart the engine by using the starter key (not very realistic) and by entering the 60-70 or so key presses needed to lean out and give me a smooth running engine. The problem is I am so busy trying to restart the engine, I lose altitude and get distracted and the merge opportunity to engage "Fight's On" is lost. This is more a problem at the 15,000 ft elevation. At a lower starting altitude, there is not as great a problem. Can we pre-set the mixture in a .xlm config file to eliminate having to fiddle with the fuel mixture at the start of QC? I don't recall having to worry with this in Phase 2. OlPaint01
  22. QC Fuel Mixture pre-Settings

    Hey Rabu This topic thread started out with me wondering out loud if I could preset Fuel Mixture when starting a QC mission. I was soon able to figure out a work-around. The topic almost immediately morphed into a discussion about how to enable Parking Brakes to simulate Wheel Chokes. I think that is a neat idea. What do you think about we start a fresh topic to generate more interest for converting and enabling a keyboard control for Wheel Chokes by hijacking the Parking Brakes control? Perhaps a few folks who are familiar with aircraft design in CFS3 can make a few suggestions how to get the A/C object to recognize and respond to the "ctrl+shft+B" keystroke that is already a part of the sim. OlPaint01
  23. QC Fuel Mixture pre-Settings

    Rabu How do we engage Pol and Winder into this discussion? Do you suppose they don't consider this idea worth their time? OlPaint01
  24. QC Fuel Mixture pre-Settings

    I have discovered a DEVICES.xlm file in C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder which also refers to the Key Assignments for the "B" and "Ctrl+Shft+B" key strokes for BRAKES and PARKING_BRAKES commands. But I have failed to find any more files that instruct any kind of actions in the aircraft object when a keyboard control is executed. In the Aircraft directory I do find a variety of files that apparently describe each airplane object in the game but I have no clue how to read the contents other than in a NOTEPAD view or understand what I am look at. I guess enabling PARKING_BRAKES will remain a Pipe Dream...Oh well. OlPaint01
  25. Winder and Dev Team Addon aircraft and squadrons packs are a great idea. I will buy everything you guys offer. This a outstanding way to keep the cash stream flowing. We can always look forward to moving up to a new gaming engine some time in the future so we can finally move out from under M$-CFS3 bad reputation. I can hardly wait for Zeppelins, Gothas and HP-400s. Bring on the Heavys...I want to get a crack at them!!! OlPaint01

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