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Everything posted by OlPaint01

  1. Lou I pointed Lothar to this thread discussing the New Medals Mod you put in Downloads Section. He got really excited about the idea of using your tables of rules that suggest award triggers for both a confirmed kill count for scout pilots and for a successfully completed mission count for 2-seater pilots/observers. I wonder if you would be amenable to us adapting your awards tables and other thoughts, for bundling with other Realism Mods for use in Lothar's OFFbase interface to JSGME Mod Manager. OlPaint
  2. Add on planes not showing up

    I may be wrong about Quick Combat. So then IIRC the only way to fly them is in a Custom Mission built in CFS3 Mission Builder. And that takes special design knowledge from someone with experience in such things. OlPaint
  3. OT-Lego Camel

    I just got that kit for my grandson for his birthday. It was terrible expensive but that is what he wanted. I think he is going to be an engineer. Just loves building things. I myself preferred a Strombecker with balsa wood and paper and a rubber band motor. Those were the days...and 5 bucks gave my a week's worth of enjoyment. OlPaint
  4. Add on planes not showing up

    You add the aircraft files from the mod into the C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flander Fields\aircraft\ folder. It then should appear in the available aircraft list in the Quick Missions screen. OlPaint
  5. Add on planes not showing up

    Alexander, that is what I recall as well. Custom aircraft can appear in "Quick Combat" sessions and are included in custom designed "Quick Scenarios" sessions in OFF Manager. I recall several outstanding missions, having flown them all: "Olham's Gotha Escort", "Zeppelins Over Paris" , "Gothas Along the Thames" all by RAF_Louvert, "Rearm and Refuel" by PilotsDen, and many many others come to mind. Each custom mission was designed in CFS3 Mission Builder. Gotha and LZ30 Zeppelin are both add-on aircraft and are not stock in OFF P3. I remember StumpJumper built many a custom aircraft that were used in Missions on his "Doves and Hawks" MP server. OlPaint
  6. Olham, you have a choice...'HPW UltimateDM_1.25' or 'Buddy1998 Modified DM_2.0'. Most folks tell me Buddy's DM eliminates the 'Flying Flamers'. If you are running OFF within OFFbase, you get to choose, after a brand new install of OFFice, which of the two competing DMs to activate. Both DMs are packaged in my Ultimate Bundle Damage Models JSGME Enabled 1.0 http://combatace.com/files/file/13048-ultimate-bundle-damage-models-jsgme-enabled/ OlPaint
  7. Olham I see no 'Farken' Damage! Which DM have you got activated? But "Gott im Himmel!" the screen shot is breath-taking. OlPaint
  8. OT-Just in time for Father's Day

    S! My chest swells with pride for his selfless service to our country. May God grant that he return safely to his mother's arms. OlPaint
  9. Gunnery Mod Bundle JSGME Enable

    Bletchley This is really good stuff. Thanks a heap. It will take very little modifications of Creaghorn's Spandau ROF Mod to get a date-dependant set of rof mods bundled into the gunnery mods package. Creaghorn added a new sound track into his Spandau Mod to match the modified MG rof sound. In fact, Hellshade's latest videos show off Creaghorn's very realistic MG sound. But for me making new sound tracks to match my planned rof modifications is beyond my capabilities. I lack the necessary sound editing tools. It would be great if I could enlist someone like Andy73 or Creaghorn to help with new sound tracks for the different Spandau and Vickers rof. Also, Elephant's or Creaghorn's Realistic Tracers and Effects Mods can serve as the basis for modifying the tracer and tracer appearance for date-dependancy as well. I can tell we have our work cut out for us! OlPaint
  10. How Did You Find OFF?

    Herr Prop-Wasche said Yes, I can see all coming back, "The Dr1 FM is porked!!!" LOL OlPaint
  11. Spawning Friendly and Enemy Flights

    Olham, It is such a heart breaking experience flying that last leg of a long mission deep into enemy territory then back again, with an AAR to file for many claims, to see all your squadmates crash and burn short of the runway before your very eyes. Sniff!!! They will be missed :( Gone, but not forgotten. OlPaint
  12. Gunnery Mod Bundle JSGME Enable

    Bletchley said If Lothar has indeed been able to crack into the Workshop registers to edit and adjust particular settings, then we could easily impliment these mission dependant changes as suggested. I am still wondering if there is a way to discern the Operational Status and the Activity Level of the running campaign to give some intelligence to the dumb ol' Adjutant. Bletchley said A date dependant 'rof mod' would be fantastic. Just borrow Creaghorn's Spandau Mod code and apply corrections for each aircraft type as the Great War progresses. Neat!!! OlPaint
  13. How Did You Find OFF?

    I think my handle was dpaint on Delphi. I mostly lurked but I read all the flight sim forums religiously and downloaded all the updates for RB3D. I do believe I still have all of Pat Wilson's Western Front Mods. And Bletchley's posts were my favorites. And SWWSA(?) and what else what ever? Great Fun. OlPaint
  14. How Did You Find OFF?

    There may be a lack of immersion in First Eagles, IMHO it is more than made up for with when using the outstanding flight model mods of Peter01 and Ojcar that make the AI extremely dangerous and challenging to fly against. HPW's FM/EW Mod is marvelously good for AI and in fact it is near perfect, and BTW he is still tweaking it. I started flying with Microsoft Flight Simulator back in the days. It has to be version 1.0. IIRC it had a primitive air combat feature with wire frame graphics. My first equipment purchase was a decent MSFFB joystick. Of course, it was a Microsoft product as well. I cannot recall which came first - Falcon.3 or Red Baron. I settled in on RB3D with Fill Canvas Jacket and Hells Angels Mods. I spent alot of time on Delphi Forums. I played around some with European Air War and IL2 Sturmovik and FS-WW1 and CFS2 and CFS3. I upgraded each as the new versions came out. Then I discover OFF Forum on Sim Outhouse . OFF2 was current and fell in love with WW1 combat and those beautiful aircraft skins. I haven't looked back. Of course, Third Wire First Eagles and most recently Rise of Flight takes some of my flight hours. But I always come back to 'Over Flanders Fields: Hat in the Ring' for a good ol' WW1 Air Combat Fix. OlPaint
  15. Gunnery Mod Bundle JSGME Enable

    Bletchley That is a great start for me. Man, you are a wealth of information to say the least. Do you know when tracer rounds were added to the ammo-belts and magazines in the scouts and 2-seater MGs? BTW, I already have your AA Mod in my Realism Mods Bundle. As well as Creaghorn's Spandau rof Mod. Thank you, both, muchly!!! OlPaint
  16. OFFbase: the Barmy Automated Squadron Experience for OFF

    Lothar Creaghorn's News Mod ended up in the Sounds Bundle because I found it embedded in his Homebrew Mod along with all his initial sounds modifications. If I had to do everything over, I would have packaged it instead with the Realism Bundle. BTW, HPW makes a valid point. I completely overlooked his British News Mod. Sorry, HPW. And I know his News Mod even covers the entire War. You know, I have yet to find a News Mod for our French Allies. But, I am fairly certain someone has one just waiting to be published. There may be other appropriate alternative Mods already written that could be bundled. Now that we have OFFice Mod Manager, anything is doable to support any campaign's timeline. For that matter, shouldn't we have an alternate French ShellMusic Mod to go with Creaghorn's British and German ShellMusic choices. Elephant has even put together a ShellMusic Mod for us. I know of at least two other 'Miscellaneous Static Mods' (MSMs) that HPW wrote - the Front and Rear Gun Mods. What about Creaghorn's or Elephant's Tracer Mods. Or Tracer Smoke Mods. And Creaghorn's Bullet Mod. I think I have collected everyone of them as I expect you guys have as well. What about RAF_Louvert's beautiful Medals Mod... Or his LePrieur Rockets Mod... What about all the custom skins that Olham and others have painted for us... I could go on and on about the outstanding work this community has invested. We just need to pull our efforts into a bundle and write the logical rules for activating them from inside Lothar's marvelous OFFbase Mod Manager. Whoa, I am out of breath!!! OlPaint
  17. OT Search Engine

    I think its all in Google's business plan...the Google 'search list of hits' links take you through their market research server and capture your browsing habits. I have my hosts file dead-head all these BlackHat sites to ip address I get a "Page cannot be Displayed" message on my screen for the links so I am not shunted out to any of those "Phishing" locations. OlPaint
  18. OFFbase: the Barmy Automated Squadron Experience for OFF

    I see your point - first or last - for maintaining an order scheme. A possible solution is what I am currently using to handle particular types of MSMs. I have a second copy of JSGME running in a sub-directory below the Root Directory C:\OBDSoftware\ that I manage my library of Olham's and others excellent skins. I put a shortcut to launch this different JSGME Console in the Root Directory with a shortcut to it's particular matched MODS folder so I can quickly navigate to it. Thus, my couple are currently living to together harmoneously with no domestic quarrels. Of course, I have to observe the directory structure difference with this MODS folder in a different path location. I have a third copy of JSGME running in the \Application Data\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders\ directory to manage the UIView.xml file for controlling different 'TAC size and colors' of the display screen and the Mine.xca file for different KeyBoard keystroke-controls maps. OlPaint
  19. OFFbase: the Barmy Automated Squadron Experience for OFF

    HPW and Creaghorn I have both the 'Front Guns Mod' and 'Rear Guns Mod' that you mentioned above. But I never saw where Creaghorn released his 'Bullets Mod'. I need a link... Lothar Once and for all we need to put this nagging question to bed...Do we activate additional 'Misc Static Mods' from the same JSGME Console installed in the game root directory (in my case, C:\OBDSoftware\) and can these 'MSM' be copied into the same MODS folder where OFFice Mods Manager activates it's own list of managed mods? HPW's Guns Mods are perfect examples of the kinds of 'MSM' I am talking about. And, I think everyone realizes that the Path Structure of the Mod must point to the proper OFF directories where the mod files 'copy to' in the game as if you were doing a files 'copy to' manually from the MODS folder. There, that should be clear as mud!!! OlPaint
  20. Well, Folks, we nearly have all the pieces... I uploaded 'Ultimate Bundle Damage Models JSGME Enabled' to CA Downloads last night and the Admins have already approved it. We now have all the recently posted OFF Mods in JSGME-ready format. Sounds Mods http://combatace.com/files/file/12951-grand-bundle-sounds-mods-jsgme-enabled/ Realism Mods http://combatace.com/files/file/12952-great-bundle-realism-mods-jsgme-enabled/ Damage Model Mods http://combatace.com/files/file/13048-ultimate-bundle-damage-models-jsgme-enabled/ Flight Model/Empty Weight Mods http://combatace.com/files/file/13039-hpw-combined-fm-and-ai-ew-mod/ And JoneSoft Generic Mods Enabler http://combatace.com/files/file/13045-jonesoft-generic-mod-enabler-jsgme/ Rumor has it that Lothar is learning how to script date-dependant mods activation in his OFFice utility. See what I mean? WOOF Jr! OlPaint01
  21. Thanks, HPW and Lothar, for the suggestions. NoteTab Pro was already in my toolbox. The JSGME.config file is really elegant now that I can read it correctly. It is fun to follow the logic of the rules you have designed. What a powerful programming lanquage, this REBOL 3 Alpha, and it's capabilities to 'grab' JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler and 'squeeze it till it howls!' Now if we could only give the Adjudant some proper intelligence to glean the Activity Level (AL) and Operational Rating (OR) from a running OFF campaign, we indeed would truly have "WOOF Jr"! Oh, and I saw a hint (a tease, maybe) that a future version might be able to pull the "Aces" personalities into OFFice. Man, that would really be Sweet. OlPaint
  22. Lothar, I just got OFFice version 0.7.5 from CA Downloads and installed it into my C:\ directory by coping and pasting the new OFFice folder and overwriting what was there before. Looks like the file that sets up the Mods activation order and rules with the standardized listing of Mod Names is 'C:\OFFice\config\JSGME.config' in my installation. The text of the JSGME.config file is pretty much mashed together and very hard to decipher. Which text reader/editor can we use to make any sense out of it? OlPaint01
  23. Lothar So it appears the consensus is that the Mods files, from now on, will not be named with version numbers? If that be so, then I have my work cut out for me editing my Great, Grand and Ultimate Bundles of OFF Mods paks. This will definitely make maintaining the JSGME Campaign Mods Loader a transparent task. I heartily agree!!! We sure could use a listing of standardized mods names, or better yet, point us to where the listing for the scripts is to be found so we can edit our own current JSGME/MODS folder install to match what is needed. OlPaint01
  24. Hey,HPW, do you think that Shredward built a "Squadron Battles History" file where OFF gets the Operational Rating (poor, average, good, elite) and the the Sector Activity (active or quiet) for internal selections. OlPaint
  25. Thanks, Bletchley, for the clarification. I did not think that 'RegionalAirActivity' was the same animal as 'CampaignActivity'. So, how does OFF know the CampaignActivity for the Sector in front of the Squadron? We know that when a campaign is started/restarted the first screen has a narrative where we get a hint of the Activity in that Sector. Is that activity level (active or quiet), that OFF uses to select the appropriate narrative, a setting recorded in "PilotXXdosier.txt"? If not, where would it be? And could it be readable by the JSGME utility? OlPaint01

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