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About Destructis

  1. I am running LOMAC in Vista 64, so I have to run the new SST for the X-52. I am really bad about setting up profiles and can't do it worth a crap. Does anyone have a profile that they could email me that I could use? I am ok with modifying an existing one, but creating just messes it up. I have been checking all the download sites and pretty much everyone that has profiles uses the old SST and I am told that wont work with the new one. Running out of ideas here so any help would be appreciated. You can post here or PM me. Thanks Dest
  2. I hope it's ok to link to other forums. I am new here and didn't see anything in the rules or I missed it. If it's not allowed, go ahead and delete the post http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...e=1#Post2133574 There is information here. Dest

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