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Everything posted by Rogue

  1. IRAQ?

    Ooops, I voted wrong. Can I take it back, please. I'm running on fumes today and didn't read it all the way through. Besides this poll needs a "Kick A*#, and take names later" option.

    As a lifelong non-smoker, ok well does dope count? :shock: , I wish you all the best of luck. I quite drinking cold turkey, but that is not quite the same. And besides, I can have a beer every now and then without backsliding to the way I drank in my twenties.
  3. Let me see what I can come up with. I found some interesting stuff in there when I was working on my F-4F loadout. That is based on the F-4E and I didn't try to add any additional hard points to the outside mount. I'm at work now, but I'll try tweaking it tonite and see what happens.
  4. I've just uploaded a loadout modification. Here is a screenshot of what I've done, look closely. I think you will enjoy it.
  5. You gotta fly it and fight it to appreciate that. :)
  6. Man, the patch hasn't been out two weeks and people are already bitching about when the next patch is gonna be released and it had better fix this or else. I for one am getting very tired of these rants. Ranger, I think djmid meant the sim had lots of potential. :D Give TK and his crew a break, guys. Whew, almost started to go on a rant here. (slapping self on wrist).
  7. Dagger is right. Kill the bad radar. Kill, kill, kill.............
  8. Ok, this is not damage I've recieved but have given. I have yet to survive a hit(s) from enemy forces, they are usually catastrophic and I haven't had time to make an image. But as you can see, I have learned to blow the bombs out of IL-28s. hehe.
  9. DK, you keep using that disc as a coaster and eventually that's all you'll be able to use it for.
  10. I've been flying a bunch of Single Mission operations, and every now and them will get a mission to "Null". The last waypoint is off the map. And is it just me, or does SF tend to not recognize that you've changed some settings from the last time you played, i.e. from "Normal" to "Hard" and vice-versa? Also, upgraded my drivers, ATI Radeon 8500 from 2.5 to 3.0 and lost my RWR. Probably going to have to switch back, but maybe not, as they've solved an FS2002 problem I was having. Oh, well.
  11. Without an SDK, this would be rather difficult. Need to know how to plug-in to the program.
  12. Here, here! Well stated. I'm for correcting whatever may be wrong with MP, then lets have some useful add-ons. I really would like to see some sort of documentation on the ini files and/or an SDK. And a Mission Builder/Map Viewer would be the killer add-on. I'm not sure if I've the programming skills for that, but with an SDK I think I can tackle it if VB (that's Visual Basic, not someones initials) is up to the task. I don't do graphics programming, so anything I built would be a simple editor that allowed you to place objects and manipulate their properties. Other than that, I too am enjoying the (insert own adjective) out of flying this sim.
  13. What about Mavericks? And oh, yeah, Mk82 Snakeyes. See them here on an Intruder (which I'd love to see also). http://www.swordsmen.org/gallery/a6kato.jpg
  14. I think, based on similar problems, that you may have the WalMart version. There's another thread where TK said that if no version number then it's WalMart. Try right-clicking on the flightsim.exe file in your Strike Fighters main folder and posting the date and version information. You could also check your cd-rom. Mine has a date of 7/8/2002 on it.
  15. I'm using a Radeon 8500. No problems here. Just waiting for the G-Force FX to come out before I upgrade.
  16. Ok, Ranger. I changed it some. And died alot. See below: [MissionHeader] AircraftType=F-4E MissionMap=DESERT MissionType=CAS StartTime=09:00:00 StartDate=02/23/1969 [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirActivity=1 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=5124 [Weather] WeatherType=CLOUDY WeatherAlt=2000.0 WeatherThickness=500.0 FogAmount=1.2 ContrailAlt=1500.0 StartWindDirection=150 StartWindSpeed=2.57222 WindGustingAmount=2.57222 [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=F-4E Name=SHOWTIME FormationType=USFighter Size=6 RandomChance=100 MissionType=CAS MissionSubType=CAS_DEFENSIVE ObjectiveID=2 RatingForSuccess=100 StartOnGround=FALSE Position=565000.000,393000.000,3500.0 Heading=180.0 Speed=220.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY Loadout=STRIKE Waypoint[01].Position=562500.000,392000.000,200.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Position=285000.000,649000.000,0.0 Waypoint[02].Size=50.0 Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Speed=100.0 [AircraftMission002] AircraftType=F-100D Name=ANVIL FormationType=USFighter Size=8 RandomChance=100 MissionType=CAS_DEFENSIVE ObjectiveID=2 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=565050.000,393000.000,2500.0 Heading=170.0 Speed=225.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY Loadout=STRIKE Waypoint[01].Position=562500.000,392000.000,200.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Position=561000.000,389000.000,200.0 Waypoint[02].Size=500.0 Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Position=285000.000,649000.000,0.0 Waypoint[03].Size=50.0 Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT [AircraftMission003] AircraftType=O-1e Name=SNOOPY FormationType=USFighter Size=1 RandomChance=100 MissionType=FAC ObjectiveID=1 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=565100.000,393000.000,2500.0 Heading=200.0 Speed=90.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY Waypoint[01].Position=562500.000,392000.000,200.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Position=561000.000,389000.000,200.0 Waypoint[02].Size=500.0 Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Position=285000.000,649000.000,0.0 Waypoint[03].Size=50.0 Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT [AircraftMission004] AircraftType=SU-7BM Name=EAGLE FormationType=Russian Fighter Size=2 RandomChance=100 MissionType=CAS_OFFENSIVE ObjectiveID=1 RatingForSuccess=90 Position=562600.000,391400.000,200.0 Heading=315.0 Speed=180.0 Alignment=ENEMY Waypoint[01].Position=562500.000,392000.000,200.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Position=561000.000,389000.000,200.0 Waypoint[02].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT [AircraftMission005] AircraftType=SU-7BM Name=PYTHON FormationType=Russian Fighter Size=2 RandomChance=100 MissionType=CAS_OFFENSIVE ObjectiveID=1 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=562600.000,391400.000,200.0 Heading=315.0 Speed=180.0 Alignment=ENEMY Waypoint[01].Position=562500.000,392000.000,200.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Position=561000.000,389000.000,200.0 Waypoint[02].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT [AircraftMission006] AircraftType=MIG-21MF Name=TIGER FormationType=Russian Fighter Size=4 RandomChance=100 MissionType=INTERCEPT ObjectiveID=1 RatingForSuccess=90 Position=562600.000,391400.000,200.0 Heading=315.0 Speed=280.0 Alignment=ENEMY Waypoint[01].Position=562500.000,392000.000,2500.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Position=561000.000,389000.000,200.0 Waypoint[02].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT [AircraftMission007] AircraftType=F-4E Name=TALON FormationType=USFighter Size=4 RandomChance=100 MissionType=CAP_DEFENSIVE ObjectiveID=2 RatingForSuccess=50 StartOnGround=FALSE Position=565000.000,393000.000,7500.0 Heading=180.0 Speed=280.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY Loadout=AIRTOAIR Waypoint[01].Position=562500.000,392000.000,3000.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Position=285000.000,649000.000,100.0 Waypoint[02].Size=50.0 Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT [GroundMission001] GroundObjectType=T-55 Name=Tank Btn FormationType=SovietTank Size=31 RandomChance=100 Position=563800.000,386300.000,0.0 Heading=315.0 Speed=10.0 Alignment=ENEMY Waypoint[01].Position=561000.000,389000.000,0.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=ATTACK_POSITION [GroundMission002] GroundObjectType=M48A2 Name=Tank Btn StaticMission=TRUE FormationType=USTank Size=9 RandomChance=100 Position=562900.000,387400.000,0.0 Heading=135.0 Speed=20.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY Waypoint[01].Position=561000.000,389000.000,0.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=ATTACK_POSITION [GroundMission003] GroundObjectType=M48A2 Name=Tank Btn StaticMission=TRUE FormationType=USTank Size=9 RandomChance=100 Position=562800.000,387300.000,0.0 Heading=135.0 Speed=20.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY Waypoint[01].Position=561000.000,389000.000,0.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=ATTACK_POSITION [GroundMission004] GroundObjectType=M113 Name=Tank Btn StaticMission=TRUE FormationType=USTank Size=6 RandomChance=100 Position=562850.000,387350.000,0.0 Heading=135.0 Speed=20.0 Alignment=FRIENDLY Waypoint[01].Position=561000.000,389000.000,0.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=DEFEND_POSITION [GroundMission004] GroundObjectType=ZSU-23 Name=AD Btn FormationType=SovietAD Size=4 RandomChance=100 Position=564000.000,386500.000,0.0 Heading=315.0 Speed=10.0 Alignment=ENEMY Waypoint[01].Position=561000.000,389000.000,0.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=ATTACK_POSITION [GroundMission005] GroundObjectType=ZSU-23 Name=AD Btn FormationType=SovietAD Size=4 RandomChance=100 Position=563600.000,386100.000,0.0 Heading=315.0 Speed=10.0 Alignment=ENEMY Waypoint[01].Position=561000.000,389000.000,0.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=ATTACK_POSITION [GroundMission006] GroundObjectType=ZSU-23 Name=AD Btn FormationType=SovietAD Size=4 RandomChance=100 Position=564000.000,386500.000,0.0 Heading=315.0 Speed=10.0 Alignment=ENEMY Waypoint[01].Position=561000.000,389000.000,0.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=ATTACK_POSITION [GroundMission007] GroundObjectType=ZSU-23 Name=AD Btn FormationType=SovietAD Size=4 RandomChance=100 Position=563600.000,386100.000,0.0 Heading=315.0 Speed=10.0 Alignment=ENEMY Waypoint[01].Position=561000.000,389000.000,0.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=ATTACK_POSITION [GroundMission008] GroundObjectType=BRDM Name=Tank Btn FormationType=SovietTank Size=4 RandomChance=100 Alignment=ENEMY Heading=315 Speed=10 Position=563550.000,386240.000,0.0 Waypoint[01].Position=561000.000,389000.000,0.0 Waypoint[01].Size=500.0 Waypoint[01].Command=ATTACK_POSITION [TargetArea044] Name=AIRFIELD Position=562500.000,392000.000,200.0 Radius=11300.000 ActiveYear=0 Location=2 Alignment=ENEMY Target[001].Type=barracks Target[001].Offset= Target[001].Heading=90 Target[002].Type=EWR Target[002].Offset=- Target[002].Heading=315 Target[003].Type=AAA Target[003].Offset=- Target[003].Heading=315 Target[004].Type=AAA Target[004].Offset=- Target[004].Heading=315 Target[005].Type=AAA Target[005].Offset=- Target[007].Heading=90 Target[008].Type=Hanger1 Target[008].Offset= Target[008].Heading=0 Target[009].Type=hanger2 Target[009].Offset=- Target[009].Heading=90 Target[010].Type=ammobunker2 Target[010].Offset= Target[011].Type=ammobunker4 Target[011].Offset Target[015].Type=controltower Target[016].Type=AAA Target[016].Offset=-9314,3933 Target[016].Heading=315 Target[017].Type=AAA Target[017].Offset=-7537,5436 Target[017].Heading=315 Target[018].Type=AAA Target[019].Type=watertower1 Target[019].Offset=-8792,-7282
  17. Based on your previous work this should be too hard. I'd like to get started with missions, but how do you figure out the position values? That's the only impediment that I can see.
  18. It's more than just needing patches. Unfortunately, I've yet to use a piece of software that didn't need one. What is really wrong, is that it appears that Strategy First released this knowing that it needed more work before it was stable. Take for instance the WalMart issue, it also appears that somehow, Circuit City is currently selling WalMart cd's. Who did that? Not TK, but the publisher; as they are the ones that control the creation and distribution of the cd's to consumers. So, TK let's continue to work on the game. Strategy First - shame on you. :roll:
  19. I'll give TK and his development team all the time they need to fix the problems with the game. I love Strike Fighters, it has way too much potential. What I won't do is give Strategy First a second chance. They've lost one customer for any future and other existing software.
  20. We need to try some direct connect MP flying to see if that consistently works. If so, maybe the problem is not the game but the online software? I for one, like Jeff, am tired of beta testing software for publishers. I don't for one second believe this is the developers fault, but it is the publishers fault. They are the ones setting the deadlines, and like my users at work, once a deadline is set it is cast in stone. Oh, yeah, I'm a software developer. Nothing ships until I am happy with it, and my users know that. But of course, I don't work for a games publisher, and boy am I happy about that. TK, if you're reading these, you have my most heart-felt sympathies. BTW, Strategy First, if you're reading this, I won't be buying any more of your products. Jim
  21. If you save this to your drive and zoom in a bit, you'll notice this doomed MIG pilot staring right at the Sparrow. :shock: :shock: :shock:
  22. Woohoo!!! I can't wait to fly this one. :thumbup:
  23. Is there an SDK or documentation on how to modify ini files? or create/edit missions? If not, do we know if there will be one? TIA...
  24. the aircraft ini (where you add skins) files didn't appear to change. but it appears the aircraft data.ini files are very different. i think the loadout.ini files are the same also, i only looked at the F-4E as i use a modified one for an F-4F that i tweaked the loadout on (lots of missiles :D )

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