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Everything posted by Crockett12

  1. When flying a mission in single player, I know you can "warp" if enemy isn't nearby -- however I've determined that means an enemy within 4 miles! I can usually get to my mission objective without too much time expended but much of the time, when returning to home base you can't warp at all because of the "enemy nearby" thing. There have been a number of times I've had to abort a mission because of jammed guns or a bullet in the engine and couldn't go to the proper waypoints. How can you fly home in a reasonable time without being able to warp? 1 - Is there any way to shorten the time length of a flight -- like maybe being able to warp if an enemy is inside of 4 miles? Can that distance be shortened? 2 - Another problem. If I've got jammed guns and haven't gotten to my final objective waypoint -- I can't warp home because warping will take me to that final objective waypoint instead -- in other words, deeper into enemy territory instead of home. Is there any way just to warp home instead, without having to go through all the waypoints? I know the game is about realism -- but in real life you can't "warp". If warp can't be used, why is it in the game? I WILL appreciate any help I can get. This is a great game but these long missions is taking the fun out of it. Thanks, Crockett12
  2. Aiming circle

    I bought a new computer partly to play this game. I've installed the v1.32 Super patch then the v1.32g mini patch. On my old computer I had an yellow aiming circle and dot (for aiming when in single player) when I turned off the cockpit view. With my new install, on the new computer, the aiming circle and dot is gone. I've gone through my downloads and can't find (or remember) how I got that aiming circle installed. I realize using the off cockpit view and the aiming circle is pretty lame when realism is one of the perks of this game -- but once in a while I just want to have fun without sweating so much! Can anybody help me get this aiming circle back on my new install? Thanks, Crockett12
  3. Aiming circle

    "Why not fly it like a fighter pilot - with a fighter around you? Harder, of course, but much more simulating the real thing." Because I must not be a very good pilot -- I can't make it through a mission without getting killed. Makes me appreciate the actual WW I pilots a whole lot more! Most of them faced certain death -- and they knew it! Crockett12
  4. I've got an AMD 3500 CPU and an AGP Radeon 3850 video card. Until I upgraded to the Radeon 3850 I couldn't play the game. At least I can play it now but the FPS run from 10 to 30 at the highest. Time for an overdue overall upgrade but I have some questions. I'm looking at the new Intel Core i5-750 and one of the Radeon 5000 series video cards -- either the Radeon 5750 or Radeon 5770 -- and windows 7. Has anyone found any problems with the Radeon 5750 or 5770 and OFF 3 or should I go with nVidia? Does anyone have such a setup yet and what kind of frame rates are you getting? This is a great game and a lot of fun but seems to be tough to get smooth frame rates with it. It will be nice once we find hardware that can max out the graphics and provide smooth frame rates -- somewhere around 60+ FPS or so! Thanks, Crockett
  5. Off Phase 3 ran fine and I had been flying without any issues -- but I haven't flown for a while. In fact I haven't been on the computer for a while or loaded any new programs. I do have the new patch 1.3c installed but it's been so long since I've flown -- so don't know if I flew after I installed the patch or not. I sat down to fly tonight and keep getting this error message: Error updating Config overrides settings - File does not exost - Reinstall OFF - C:\Documents ans Settings\David\ApplicationData\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\ConfigOverrides.xml I got the same message in "Campaign" mode as well as in "Quick Combat" mode. I don't want to have to reinstall if I don't have to because of my many active pilots (as well as a LOT of dead ones!!!) -- but I quess I will reinstall if necessary. I did reinstall the 1.3c patch and got the same message. Any ideas? Thanks, Crockett
  6. Now receiving Error Message

    sitting duck Yes it worked -- thanks for the help -- I wouldn't have figured it out. Only been killed once since flying tonight -- and captured once -- but I escaped! Thanks again, Crockett12
  7. Joystick Recommendations

    I don't have any experience with any other products because my CH Products Joystick, Throttle and Pedals have lasted long time. I've had the USB versions ever since they came out -- I think about 10 years now or better. My Joystick -- CombatStick 568 USB -- and I love it! Throttle -- CH Products Pro Throttle USB Pedals -- CH Products Pro Pedals All have worked as advertised since I've had them without so much as a hiccup. I love the setup and the CH Control Manager is easy to use and to customize any game I've bought so far -- which is a LOT of games -- flight sims -- first person shooters and strategy games. I use the CH Throttle with the first person shooters and strategy games -- makes them a lot easier to play! Go here to see reviews on CH Products. http://www.chproducts.com/retail/reviews.html I'm thinking about Track IR now. Figure I might live a little longer in OFF. Might make it so I don't have to run like hell every time I see an enemy crate coming at me :-) Crockett12
  8. I am starting to like the Spad

    I like the Spad too! So far it's the only plane that's kept me alive. I've been flying in campaign and I've got one kill! And I've riddled a lot more Huns full of holes. I take a pass at the Hun -- guns blazing -- and run like hell -- works for me!!! I love the speed of this crate! Crockett12
  9. I've tried a search on this topic and couldn't find anything. I realize it's still in beta but has anyone tried OFF P3 in Windows 7 yet? I'm contemplating a new computer build so I can get better frame rates flying this game. I've got Windows XP sp3 and a 939 motherboard (AGP) with an AMD 3500 CPU. I've been looking for a faster processor but that choice seems to be limited at this time -- so I upgraded my video card from an nVidia 6800GT 256mb to an ATI 3850 512mb. I thought that would be a significant upgrade but my frame rate hasn't significantly improved. Since this system if getting long in the tooth, I figured OFF would be a good reason for a total upgrade, which brings me to the OS question. I might keep this system for the games that won't run on a newer OS and I probably won't be doing this until a little later in the year -- but I usually research this type of thing pretty thoroughly before taking the jump. So, any ideas about Windows 7? Thanks, Crockett 12
  10. Cockpit Toggle

    I'm having the same problem with the on/off cockpit toggle as joes_shop. I posted about this some time ago and never got a reply so have just dealt with it. I've got Windows XP, SP2, AMD 3500, nVidia 6800GT and a Creative Live sound card, Direct X 9c. I'd not been having any problems with the game prior to installing the Hot Fix. I did have a number of mods installed prior to the Hot Fix installation. Same on all planes I've tried. Yes, I'm heavily modded as well but not all planes are modded -- but the toggle cockpit is the same no matter which plane I fly. It's really quite aggravating when the game worked fine before. Been thinking on reinstalling original game and patch. Hopefully TK is working on a fix. Crockett12
  11. The best reason I can think of to get it is Starforce! Apparently the original had Starforce and 1946 does not!!! Crockett12
  12. Monitor????

    Great question! I'll be doing the same thing in the not too far distant future and have the same problems as you with my eyesight! I also use 1024/768! Looking forward to the answers! Crockett
  13. Open .rar files?

    I've downloaded various planes that are .rar files. The instructions on the download page says to follow the instructions to install -- yet I can't open them to read the instructions. I don't know what a .rar file is or what program to open it with. What do I do? Thanks, Crockett
  14. Open .rar files?

    Thank you, Crockett
  15. The Driving Force behind Third Wire

    That was a wonderful BIO. With our shortage of flight sims I think we all should support this man. I've had Strike Fighters for some time now -- Just bought Wings Over Europe about a month ago -- Downloaded First Eagles and am having a blast with it -- Now I want to go right out and buy Wings Over Vietnam!!! Keep up the good work TK -- I'll certainly support you!!! Crockett

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