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Everything posted by Vasco

  1. nvidia 190.38 drivers

    Parky, It was me with the problem - and you're a feckin' genius! Fraps back up and running! Vasco
  2. nvidia 190.38 drivers

    Broadside, I have them installed and they gave me another 10 FPS on my rig - the downside is that Fraps drops the frame rate to 5 FPS when I attempt to record any game footage. I can't find anything on the web about other users experiencing the same thing so I'm at a loss there. Vasco :piltofly:
  3. 26 July, Sunday's Early Birds session

    SRC, Jump onto TS this evening. I'll run through the setup with you and get things sorted. Vasco
  4. Fortiesboys DM 1.2

    Fortiesboy, You are a star! Vasco
  5. Jimco, The usual issue with this is if you're running TrackIR. The software 'captures' the keys F8 (or F7 in the TrackIR software), F9 and F12 so they don't function in any game when the software's running. Pressing Shift F8 as Big Jim suggest gets around the problem by cycling through the gunner positions in reverse order. Regards, Vasco
  6. 26 July, Sunday's Early Birds session

    SRC, If you're already running the hardcore damage model all you have to do is install Fortiesboy's 1.1 over the top of it. I'm on TS now if you want help to set it up and test it. Vasco
  7. 26 July, Sunday's Early Birds session

    Check your gun settings - we found the 'stronger' setting was too much. Normal does it just fine. Vasco
  8. Duke, Those 190 drivers gave me at least another 10 FPS in game, the only problem was that Fraps doesn't like them, whenever I turned it on my FPS dropped to 5! I had to roll mine back and I've not found any posts about others experiencing the similar problems yet. Vasco
  9. Fortiesboys DM 1.1.rar

    Fortiesboy, Do you intend adding all the aircraft to you damage model eventually? I noticed you listed a few you haven't covered yet. I'd like to put an early war online campaign together but not until you've finished the mod. Regards, Vasco
  10. Multiplayer

    Gomez, OFF doesn't have any dedicated servers since Mickeysoft took them down, but there's no issue hosting or joining a private game. We regularly play MP together, usually on a Sunday when it's convenient for players both sides of the pond - check out 'Winston's Early Birds' session in the calendar. You'll need to download and install a couple of files before you start, but jump onto TeamSpeak at any time - there's usually someone about that'll run you through the installation and set up procedures. Regards, Vasco
  11. waited since 1983

    jimgad, Glad to hear you're interested in OFF Multiplayer Just jump onto Team Speak (The server address is (note colon befor 8767), Logon name is whatever you chose, Password is camel) and we'll get you set up for multiplayer. You can get up to speed on what we get up to over in the multiplayer forum. Regards, Vasco
  12. No worries Ax, RL has to take precedence. Vasco
  13. Thanks Kami, It was a pleasure as always. How long were we flying for, around 4 1/2 hours? Vasco
  14. Reason for screen name....

    Mine is the nickname I aquired during my last posting with 655 Squadron Army Air Corps in Northern Ireland due to a minor navigational error (hence Vasco Da Poulton - The World's Greatest Navigator and discoverer of uncharted territory - especially south of the border in Eire!). When I first started online flying in Air Warrior back in 1996 you could only have a name with a maximum of 5 characters - I've used Vasco in online games ever since. Vasco
  15. Guys, Are you all happy continuing the 'Bloody April' campaign with 29 Sqn RFC or do you want something different? Please let me know as I need to build the missions. Regards, Vasco
  16. Beard, Winston and I tried it in MP because we're both enthusiastic about it. Unfortunately, it's causing mismatches between us even with seemingly identical installations. I've PM'd Fortiesboy about it hoping he'll have a version for MP either in the works or available immediately. Regards, Vasco
  17. OFF BH&H

    Wantufly, The guys above are accurate in their description of the addictiveness of the offline campaign, but they're not regular multiplayer flyers. A group of us regularly fly campaign missions online and have a great deal of fun doing so. There are problems with the 'Dogfight' missions (planes flying sideways, etc.), but these don't occur in 'Campaign' missions. About the worst we get are target aircraft 'stuttering' on screen, and that's usually down to a dodgy internet connection. Check out the posts and videos in the Multiplayer forums for info. Regards, Vasco
  18. Guys, Game going on at the moment. Jump onto Outlaw's TeamSpeak server and and connect to if you'd like to join us. Vasco
  19. Gentlemen, My apologies for the lack of 'Hollywood' editing, but I thought you'd be interested to see what a small group of us get up to on Sundays. The following two clips are from a mission flown last Sunday by pilots of 29 Squadron and 21 Squadron RFC during the opening days of 'Bloody April'. The RFC were outnumbered, outgunned but certainly not outclassed! The Cast: 29 Sqn RFC (Nieuport 17) A Flight - Von Baur (Leader), Vasco, Dudley + 3 AI B Flight - Burning Beard (Leader), FRO, Winston DoRight + 3 AI 21 Squadron RFC (RE8) A Flight - Stumpjumper (Leader) + 2 AI) name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> This is my first attempt at messing around with videos of any description - I promise I'll get better! Vasco
  20. Broadside, The missions are full-length campaign mission - we can be in the air for around an hour at a time. Multiplayer campaign missions are exactly that - a single-player campaign with human wingmen. Come along to Winston's on Sunday and find out! The explosions were the stock 'Hollywood' ones before the most recent patch - now they're more realistic. Regards, Vasco
  21. I'm in the same boat, After trying to keep Red Baron 3D with Full Canvas Jacket alive on my PCs through various upgrades and driver updates, it got to the stage where I had to give up trying. Adopting another WWI mod based on an old flight engine just didn't appeal because of the problems I'd experienced in the past. I only bought OFF to give me something to do until RoF was released. The bottom line was I was staggered by what I found. When my copy of RoF arrived in the mail, I installed it, set it up to run on my machine then went back to playing OFF. Even with the multiplayer functionality (albeit busted by the last patch) of RoF, I keep coming back to OFF because of the depth of this sim - it really does feel like a labour of love for the development team and not just a heartless commercial enterprise developed to take advantage of a gap in the flight sim market. I'm still going to keep working with the multiplayer aspect of this sim, even though its development or even maintenance is low on the priority list of the OBD team (if it's even there at all). The pleasure I get from designing and flying online campaign missions with the guys who attend 'Winston's Early Birds' multiplayer session on a Sunday makes this sim the only thing I am running on my PC at the moment. Vasco
  22. Jack, I fly missions in the observer's seat regularly - I even put together an online mission which allowed four of us to fight from the rear seats of a flight of Brisfits while the AI pilots went for a flight of Albatrosses with a vengeance. When you drop into the gunner's slot the AI pilot takes over and performs to his allocated experience level - ace, verteran or novice and his behavior appears to be dictated by a combination of this and the mission parameters set e.g. recce; the AI is passive and holds formation with the rest of the flight when attacked, combat patrol; they go for the throat of any airborne opposition. The only thing they can't seem to do is drop bombs - I usually jump back to the driver's seat to take care of that myself. At least that's how it works in my experience. Perhaps one of the Devs can throw more light on the behavior? Regards, Vasco
  23. Guys, If you haven't already done so, I strongly suggest you try out Fortiesboys' damage model in campaigns. The rate of structural failures and visible damage is markedly higher than our existing damage model (though not excessive) and it is an adjustment of our existing hardcore damage model. I suggest if it is well received by the majority that we adopt it as the standard in MP. Regards, Vasco
  24. TrackiR and gun sights

    BigJim, Go to the profile settings in TrackIR, open (Edit button) 'Combat Flight' and adjust the pitch and yaw settings to create a larger dead zone in the center. This will mean your view will stay in the center of the screen despite small movements of your head. With regard to the HUD gunsight, I suggest you get rid of it as it only holds true relative to the screen and not the view. Once I'm airborne, I fire a short burst to check the fall of tracer over the top of the engine and use that position relative to any crossed wires/rocker box/radiator filler cap, etc as my aiming mark. Believe me, after a while you'll put the TrackIR settings back to default as your head gets used to small movements required and everything becomes second nature (See Part 2 of my OFF multiplayer video on You Tube to give you some idea of the accuracy you can achieve without using a gunsight). As requested by Panama Red (I suggest you watch this fullscreen in HD). name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> Regards, Vasco
  25. Hauksbee, It's a picture of an old model kit made by Revell Called 'The Red Baron and his Funfdekker Fokker'. I was actually looking for a picture of another one they did in the range called 'Lucky Pierre (as he's flying a Nieuport 17 Lewis - my favorite mid-war ride) but no luck. Regards, Vasco

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