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Everything posted by Vasco

  1. Thanks guys, Sitting Duck. Thanks for the offer of the MP tutorial - I'm in. TS is setup and I'm on channel now. 19:30 in Boston is 00:30 over here. Yell over the mike when you arrive on TS and I'll join you all. Regards, Vasco
  2. Guys, PROBLEM FIXED This may be one for the FAQs - The three controllers of my flight rig were plugged into a Belkin USB hub with an independant power supply. An inspection of the USB hubs in Device Manager showed that all three controllers combined were using well below the maximum power output of the USB hub; power management had also been disabled so there appeared to be no issues relating to the limits of the USB hub. This setup works perfectly well with every other flight sim I play on the PC and has done for years. As I was running out of ideas I tried unplugging the three controllers from the Belkin USB hub and plugging them directly into three independent USB ports in the back of the PC. I have since logged a total of 5 flying hours in an FE2b with 20 Sqn RFC and I haven't experienced a single control failure (mind you I haven't come accoss a single German aircraft either!). Are there any online squads looking for a 52 year-old ex-British Army Air Corps air gunner and WWI flight sim enthusiast who has flown online since 1997
  3. Guys, Thanks for the advice. I've been in touch with Homeboy and we're examining possible solutions (it appears that this problem may be related to Vista) but nothing yet. Bonz's profile has helped but I'm still losing random controllers in flight. The only way I have found to correct this is to pause the simulation, ALT-TAB to Desktop, run the CH Control Manager, rescan for controllers (whichever controller has been lost in-game is also absent in Vista), download the profile into the rig and ALT-TAB back into the sim. The loss of a controller happens randonly but at least once every 5 minutes while in flight, or around 3 out of every 5 times when coming out of warp. This makes the simulation managable in single player but I'm never going to be able to participate in multiplayer games or join an online squad until this issue is resolved. I've been waiting years for a WWI air war simulation with as much depth as this ever since PC upgrades made RB3D/Promised Lands unplayable. To discover a WWI simulation of this quality and have issues like this is absolutly heartbreaking. I'll continue to search for a solution but if anyone can think of any possible fixes please let me know. Regards,
  4. Thanks guys, I've PM'd Homeboy and started trawling the CH forums as well. Fingers crossed!
  5. Thanks Sitting Duck, I'll try just that.
  6. Nope, A WWI flight sim fanatic who has had to put up with IL2 etc for lack of a decent sim ever since he couldn't get RB3D to work on his new machine. I bought my first PC in 1991 just to play the original Red Baron! Jets? Blah!

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