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Everything posted by Vasco

  1. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    You've got it. Vasco
  2. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    OK, That's all the DRIs accounted for. I've now got: Fokker DRIs (2) von Baur Griphos Albatros DV (6) Axgringer Dutch Spawnrider Albatros DIII OAW (4) Sitting Duck Olham (finally joining the online community next weekend) Pfalz DIIIA (3) Red-Dog Stumpjumper Vasco
  3. My apologies Duck, I didn't carry over last weeks scores fot you - so you have two 5-kill aces; one alive and one dead. It seems 5 kills is the bogie for everyone. Vasco
  4. Thanks for the feedback guys, von Baur, the aircraft available at the start of the Jasta 4 campaign will be: Fokker DRI Albatros DVA Albatross DIII OAW Pfalz DIIIA Furthermore, the campaign date will be added to the 'title' information on the TS channel (on the right side of the TS screen) we use, that way everybody can see it before starting up the game. Regards, Vasco
  5. mp sun 10-4

    Hi all! Just back from a 5-day break at Baldi's place. AAR and details of this weekend to follow shortly. Vasco
  6. Gentlemen, As the European players participation in the Sunday Online Campaign is virually non-existent, I'm conducting a survey to see whether it would be worth running the online campaign one evening during the week (in addition to the Sunday games) to suit the European players. If we get enough positive replies to this thread I'd be willing to host the missions that are flown on Sundays a second time on a regular basis. Vasco
  7. mp sun 10-4

    That really was a blinding evening's entertainment guys! It took a month but I believe you've finally mastered the SPAD XIII - in the last mission you accounted for TWELVE KILLS for only one loss and not a single collision in the air. I wish my FRAP was working properly; that would have made one hell of a movie! Vasco P.S. I know that was a crap landing but I was trying to make notes at the same time.
  8. Gentlemen! With the demise of Outlaw's TS server, we lost our home for weekday gossip, planning and mission running. However, Dutch of the Black Haze squadron has kindly given us permission to use their server for all our voice comms. So please setup a new connection in TS using the following: Server address: Server password: pfalz Please express your gratitude to Dutch and his squadmates below in appreciation of this very generous gesture. Regards, Vasco
  9. New Teamspeak server

    I'm on the server now, but I'm registered with my own password. I'll email Dutch to see if any of the setings have changed. Vasco
  10. New Teamspeak server

    Yes Beard, It's the one we used once or twice just after I took over running the Sunday slot from Winston. Regards, Vasco
  11. European multiplayer

    Guys, Dutch of Black Haze (a long established RB3D squadron) have given us permission to use their TS server for our day-to-day comms and mission running - details are available over in the Multiplayer forum. I'm currently on the server and will help anyone who wants to test their MP installation. Stiffy, we fly co-op missions against the AI, and yes we multicrew 2-seaters online. Regards, Vasco
  12. How do i get started ?

    Red-Dog. Just have OFF patched to v1.31G then download and install this file (note-do NOT install the optional hardcore damage model when offered). Then go to 'Workshops' in game and press the 'Backup As Offline' and 'Backup As Online' buttons in the bottom left of the screen. At the moment we're having issues with the Teamspeak server we usually use, but as soon as it's sorted we'll post the details of the one we're going to use in this forum. Regards, Vasco
  13. Gentlemen! Please find below the daily report covering 94th Aero Squadron operations for the 2nd and 3rd September 1918: 2nd September 1918 Mission 1 - Patrol Behind Enemy Lines - T/O 07:16 Pilots Burning Beard - A Flt Commander von Baur Firecage Due to casualties sustained and a number of the squadron being on a long overdue spell of leave, the number of active pilots available for operations was much reduced. All available pilots (including the Squadron Commander) were assigned to A Flt and tasked to patrol behind enemy lines in the vincinity of Porcher. Just as the flight reached Verdun a flight of 4 Albatross fighter were identified flying at approximately 13,000' and the flight commander gave the signal to climb and engage. Just as battle was joined two other flights of Fokker DVIIs and Pfalz DIIIas joined the melee. The DVIIs managed to drop 2 of our pilots during their first pass and leaft Firecage and myself fighting for survival as we split up and dived towards the south. The end result of the battle was that the squadron lost 3 good pilots for no kills apart from 2 Pfalz's knocked down by the Squadron Commander during the retreat. Mission 2 - Patrol Behind Enemy Lines - T/O 11:14 Pilots von Baur - A Flt Commander Burning Beard Firecage Stumpjumper The remains of A Flt was lucky to be reinforced by Stumpjumper, who had just returned froma 48-hour pass to Paris. The flight was again tasked to patrol behind enemy lines over Tichemon and climbed out to altitude of 12,000' in an attempt to reduce the advantage of the enemy fighters who seem to fly regularly at that altitude. The flight commander's decision bore fruit when the formation ran into a flight of 4 Fokker DVIIs at the same altitude shortly after crossing the lines. During the engagement von Baur shot down a single DVII and Firecage accounted for another 2. Unfortunately, Firecage fell to the guns of a Fokker that had dropped onto his tail just before he sent his second victim down in flames. The greatest tragedy of the mission was the loss of our only 5-kill ace Stumpjumper who collided with a DVII while attempting to shoot it off Burning Beard's tail. After the engagement Burning Beard spotted two enemy observation balloons being raised and dropped down to attack, flaming both. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the conversion from Nieuport 28's to SPAD XIIIs is causing problems as the pilots are not yet used to the much higher speed and lower maneuverability of the new aircraft. Flights were suspended for the rest of the day in order to take stock and retrain. 3rd September 1918 Mission 1 - Patrol Friendly Lines - T/O 08:37 Pilots A Flight Burning Beard - A Flt Commander von Baur Axgrinder Sitting Duck B Flight Firecage - B Flt Commander Stumpjumper Baldi With the return of several pilots from leave and one new pilot the squadron was able to assign two flights to the dawn sortie. Both A and B Flt were tasked to patrol friendly lines south of the Argonne forest at 13,000', lessons having been learned from the previous day's engagements. However, during the transit flight to the patrol location one of the pilots discovered that his aircraft had not been refueled before the sorties and had less than 5 gallons in his main tank. The patrol continued regardless. During the patrol both flights engaged a large formation of Fokker DVIIs and accounted for 7 of them for the loss of 4 of our own. Burning Beard accounted for 2 of these aircraft and returned to base safely. Furthermore, Firecage shot down 3 and von Baur and Stumpjumper 1 apiece before falling to the guns of other members of the enemy formation. Sitting Duck (the flight member with the incorrect fuel load) who landed at a friendly base en route to scrounge more fuel before rejoining the formation, managed to collide with another of the DVIIs while shooting at it and didn't make it back. Unfortunately our replacement pilot Baldi managed to shed his wings in a dive (a truly remarkable acheivement considering the robust construction of the SPAD) during a dive onto a fleeing Fokker. Mission 2 - Artillery Spotting - T/O 12:08 Pilots A Flight Burning Beard - A Flt Commander von Baur Stumpjumper Baldi B Flight Sitting Duck - B Flt Commander Firecage Axgrinder Due to the lack of 2-seaters in the sector the squadron was tasked to provide artillery observation over the lines to the east of the Verdun salient. 2 pilots (Baldi and Stumpjumper) had their aircraft equiped with radios for this purpose with the rest of the formation providing top cover. The mission was carried out without incident (apart from the obiquitous archie) and in 16 minutes the target was was bracketed by the guns of 3 batteries. The batteries foward observer transmitted a contact report of 3 enemy Pfalz DIIIas patrolling southeast of the squadron's position and A Flt's Commander gave instruction for the formation to proceed to the reported location. All 3 aircraft were downed for no loss with Sitting Duck accounting for 2 and Firecage 1. Mission - Attack on Mar-sous-Bourcq Aifield - T/O 15:29 Pilots A Flight Sitting Duck - A Flt Commander Burning Beard Firecage Axgrinder B Flight Dudley - B Flt Commander von Baur Baldi The squadron took off in the late afternoon to perform a strike against an enemy airfield located to the north of the Argonne forest hoping to catch enemy fighters ruturning from their last sortie of the day. During the low-level transit torwards the target B Flt (who were in the trail formation behind A Flt) were bounced by a flight of Albatros DVAs and von Baur quickly fell to their guns on the first pass. A Flt commander turned A Flt around to assist the beleaguered flight and the enemy were driven off with 1 shot down by Dudley. Shortly before arriving at the target the squadron engaged a flight of Fokker DVIIs and lost another 2 aircraft during the engagement while accounting for 2 DVIIs themselves; Sitting Duck getting 1 and Firecage the other however, Firecage fell later in the engagement as did Axgrinder after taking fire from the airfield defences and crashing during egress. The remainder of the squadron returned having suffered multiple hits on their aircraft - looks like the riggers are in for another long night! The current tally of active pilots/kills is as follows: Burning Beard - 5 (ACE) Sitting Duck - 3 Dudley - 1 Submitted respectfully on 3rd September 1918, Vasco Officer Commanding 94th Aero Squadron
  14. Sunday 9-27 campaign

    .... nor as much fun! Vasco
  15. Sunday 9-27 campaign

    Nag nag nag! You bastards are as bad as all three of my ex-wives put together with none of the perks! Debriefing's up - now let's see some feedback! Vasco
  16. g patch

    Install. Vasco
  17. How Do I bind a throttle conrtol?

    KanoneFodder, Cracked it! For the game to recognise each of the seperate G940 controllers in-game, you first have to delete the default axes settings for each individual controller (stick, thottle and rudder). You then select each controller in turn in the config utility and assign the axes you want to function on that particular controller. Vasco
  18. Custom Skins Missions

    It sounds ideal. Let me know what needs to be written into the mission files to enable this and I'll do it. Vasco
  19. Stump, SRC's correct - I'm proposing to run a second session of the Sunday games during one weekday evening as there seems to be a problem with the European players getting online on Sundays. The Sunday Online Campaign will be unaffected. Vasco
  20. Usual time Stump - 2PM EST. Vasco
  21. How Do I bind a throttle conrtol?

    I'm in the same boat here - the G940 reconises CFS3 and loads a default profile but can I hell as like get the control utility to recognise either one of the throttles. I've attempted to assign the right hand throttle to 'Throttle' in the G940 CFS3 profile just in case two throttles were confusing the game but nothing appears to work. Definatley need some help here. Vasco
  22. Gentlemen, This is to confirm that the session on Sunday is on - in fact it will always be on unless stated otherwise in this forum. Now, is there any chance of getting a head count for this Sunday's sorties? Who's in? Vasco
  23. Firecage, The secret of flying the Camel is the use of RUDDER. Whereas in fighters with inline engines and little torque, when you bank right you apply an appropriate amount of right rudder and vice versa - in a Camel this will get you killed. Because of the high torque effect of the rotary engine, when the Camel banks to the right she drops her nose and the turn tightens up very quickly. If held too long (and I mean about one second) she'll go into a spin and this is usually where the fight is lost. The secret to the lightning fast right turn of the Camel without spinning is TO KEEP HER NOSE UP by applying a little LEFT rudder in a right hand turn. As the converse is true in the left hand turn (she'll lift her nose in the turn and attempt to climb and slow) you need enough left rudder to keep her nose on the horizon and not lose airspeed otherwise she'll eventually drop below stalling speed. Remember: Left turn = lots of left rudder. Right turn = a little left rudder. Vasco
  24. Guys, Only von Baur and I are on the TS server. If you're going to play today, please get on asap. Vasco
  25. Gentlemen! Please find below the daily report covering 94th Aero Squadron operations for the 1st September 1918: Mission 1 - Patrol Enemy Lines - T/O 08:15 Pilots Stumpjumper - A Flt Commander Burning Beard von Baur Sitting Duck A Flt, reinforced by elements of B and C Flt was tasked to patrol the front lines to the west of Verdun. Shortly before reaching the front lines the formation encountered 8 Albatross fighters from Jasta 3 attempting to establish air superiority above the lines. Although the Albatrosses had the advantage of altitude, the flight commander climbed with his flight to meet them head on. During the engagement 5 Albatrosses were seen to fall for no loss. The kills were attributed as follows: Stumpjumper - 2 Albatros DVas, Burning Beard - 1 Albatros DVa, von Baur - 1 Albatros DVa, Sitting Duck - 1 Albatros DVA. As no other threats were encountered during the patrol, the flight commander gave permission for the flight to engage an observation balloon in the area. This was seen to detonate and fall to the ground. This kill was attributed to Sitting Duck. Mission 2 - Attack on Rail Junction - T/O 12:09 Pilots Burning Beard - A Flt Commander von Baur Sitting Duck Stumpjumper A Flt, again reinforced by elements from the remainder of the squadron took off and headed northeast towards the designated target at 12:09. During the pre-flight briefing the flight commander made it clear to all pilots that it was his intention for the formation to remain below 3,000' to avoid high-flying enemy patrols. However, during the flight one particular pilot who will remain nameless (although his name rhymes with 'Clueless Schmuck') flew well above and behind the formation to secure a personal advantage should the formation encounter low-flying enemy aircraft and was spotted by a formation of Fokker DVIIsat high altitude. The enemy flight pounced on the this pilot and had him burning within seconds. By this time the flight commander had ordered the as yet undiscovered flight to return to the pilot's aid. During the ensuing combat, one other pilot lost his life when he collided with one of the Fokkers (von Baur)and Stumpjumper had to make an emergency landing after downing one of the attacking aircraft but falling foul of the Fokker's wingman. Although the flight was badly depleted, the flight commander continued towards the target and conducted several straffing runs on the rail junction with the few remaining members of the flight prior to returning to base. As squadron commander, I cannot praise the dedication and tenacity of this officer highly enough, almost as highly as I would recommend court martialling Sitting Duck should he have survived. Mission 3 - Ballon Defence - T/O 15:31 Pilots von Baur - A Flt Commander Burning Beard Sitting Duck Stumpjumper Both A and B Flt were tasked to provide top cover for an observation balloon located approximately 2 miles south of the Argonne forest. The flight established a position above the balloon at 8,000' and patrolled between the balloon and the front line. A flight of Albatros DVa's were seen to cross the lines heading directly towards the position of the gasbag so the flight commander ordered the formation to climb to intercept. During the dogfight 3 of the attacking aircraft were downed for the loss of one pilot (Sitting Duck). Just as the last aircraft was seen to fall to the guns of the squadron commander, a second flight of 4 Fokker DVIIs decended on the formation. von Baur collided with the aircraft he was pursuing (again!) but not before he had downed another of the flight. Burning Beard sufferred a catastrophic engine failure due to several hits on his cowling but managed to land safely on our side of the lines. The tally was as follows: Stumpjumper - 2 Albatros DVas, Burning Beard - 1 Albatross DVa, von Baur - 1 Fokker DVII. The current tally of active pilots/kills is as follows: Stumpjumper - 5 (ACE) Burning Beard - 2 Submitted respectfully on 1st September 1918, Vasco Officer Commanding 94th Aero Squadron

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