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Everything posted by Vasco

  1. LOL!, Understood von Baur. It's nice to get a response to these mission debriefs once in a while, especially humorous ones. Vasco
  2. ..for Olham

    This is absolutely amazing. DerMo, Thanks for posting those links. Vasco
  3. Gentlemen, I've been playing around in game to determine what aircraft/period would give us a good challenge this month. I have decided that as the vast majority of our regulars are American, that this month we will be flying with Rickenbacker and the boys of the 94th Aero during September 1918! So get some time in on the SPAD XIII, which is a marvelous aircraft with the new flight model. Fly it like an FW190 and you can't go far wrong. Vasco
  4. Mein Herren! Please find below the daily report covering Jasta 4 operations for the 14th February 1917: Mission 1 - Attack on Enemy Ground Forces - T/O 08:24 Piloten Sitting Duck - A Flt Commander Burning Beard von Dudley von Baur Axgrinder FRO The Jasta was tasked to conduct a ground strike on the British salient west of Lille. During the transit the foramtion witnessed elements of two other Jastas engaged with enemy reconnaissance aircraft accompanied by escorts but did not engage, however, 10KM short of the target the Jasta was attacked by a large formation of Sopwith Pups escorting BE2Cs. In the ensuing combat 5 Sopwith Pups were downd and all of the BE2Cs for the loss of one Albatross piloted by Sitting Duck and one damaged. The pilot FRO, managed to land at a frienly airfield with no further incident. The following kills were confirmed for members of the Jasta: Axgrinder - 1 BE2C, Burning Beard - 1 Sopwith Pup, von Baur - 1 Sopwith Pup and 1 BE2C, von Dudley - 1 Sopwith Pup. A further 2 Sopwiths were downed by the Jasta commander, but in keeping with standing orders no claim will be submitted for these last two aircraft. The Jasta duly arrived at the target area and straffed a column of enemy trucks attempting to resupply enemy forces in the area - all were destroyed. Mission 2 - Partol over Friendly Territory - T/O 12:14 Piloten Burning Beard - A Flt Commander von Dudley Axgrinder FRO Sitting Duck - B Flt Commander von Baur Stumpjumper The Jasta was tasked to conduct a patrol of the local area around Mont Saint Martin as forward observers had reported a large formation of aircraft crossing the lines to the northwest of the airfield. While still in the climb the Jasta was bounced by a large formation of DH2s from 24 Sqn RFC. The enemy shot down two of our pilots during the first pass and in the ensuing combat shot down a further two including von Baur, to date our highest scoring pilot with 6 kills. Although Axgrinder accounted for 2 of the enemy aircraft, only three of our pilots managed to return to base. Mission 3 - Patrol over Enemy Lines - T/O 15:34 Piloten von Dudley - A Flt Commander Burning Beard von Baur Due to the casualties sustained dueing the midday patrol, only limited pilots were available for the final sortie of the day. During the patrol the flight engaged two formations of enemy aircraft accounting for five for the loss of Burning Beard who suffered a catastrophic airframe failure when his Albatros shed its lower wing whilst in pursuit of a DH2. The tally was as follows: von Dudley - 2 FE2Bs, von Baur - 1 DH2 and 2 FE2Bs. The current tally of active pilots/kills is as follows: Axgrinder - 4 Leadtongue - 4 von Baur - 3 FRO - 3 von Dudley - 2 Griphos - 1 During the campaign, our highest scoring pilot was von Baur with 6 kills before his death This concludes the Jasta 4 online campaign. Submitted respectfully on 14th February 1917, Vasco Commanding Officer Jasta 4
  5. Guys, A number of people have been having difficulty making the Sunday event becasue it's too early in the day. I wanted to take a poll on whether it would help if we slipped it by up to a couple of hours. The reason I'm limiting to just 2 hours difference is that the UK is 5 hours ahead of EST (Western Europe is at least another hour ahead) and we usually fly for 3 hours plus. Let me know what you think Regards, Vasco
  6. Sunday MP Event

    Von Baur, There doesn't appear to be an appetite to change the time so evrything stays the same. Consider the debate closed. Vasco
  7. Mein Herren! Please find below the daily report covering Jasta 4 operations for the 13th February 1917: Mission 1 - Reconnaissance Escort - T/O 08:19 Piloten Burning Beard - A Flt Commander Leadtongue von Baur von Dudley The Jasta was tasked to escort a flight of 3 Roland CII on a photo recconnaisance mission to Assevillers. A Flt were to fly as close escort with B Flt acting as conducting a fighter sweep along an arc running north to south of the target. Just before crossing the lines, a collision took place between 2 aircraft of A Flt due to a lack of airmanship. Both pilots (von Baur and the flight leader, Burning Beard were seen to crash on our side of the German lines. As nothing has been heard from either pilot they are presumed dead. A Flt also lost their leading ace, von Dudley due to accurate flak just short of the target as he was engaging DH2s that was threatening the recconnasiance aircraft. Only Leadtongue managed to RTB. Mission 2 - Partol over Enemy Lines - T/O 11:40 Piloten Burning Beard - A Flt Commander Leadtongue von Baur Stumpjumper Dutch A Flt conducted a fighting patrol around the Saint Quentin area with instructions to engage any enemy aircraft encountered. Two fights of BE2c aircraft escorted by 8 RNAS Sopwith Pups were encountered approximately 5 kilometres north of the town. Burning Beard signalled the flight to engage the escort before pursuing the BE2cs as the escort had a significant altitude advantage. In the ensuing combat all the enemy aircraft were shot down (including 3 RNAS aces) without a single loss to the flight. The tallies for the mission were as follows: Burning Beard - 1 Sopwith Pup and 2 BE2cs, Leadtongue - 2 Sopwith Pups and 1 BE2c, von Baur - 2 BE2cs, Stumpjumper - 2 Sopwith Pups and 1 BE2c, Dutch - 1 BE2C. The Jasta commander also downed 2 Sopwith Pups flown by aces, but as regulations forbid senior officers to fly no claim is being submitted. Leadtongue reported downing the last Sopwith Pup, unfortunately this was not observed by any other member of the flight so no claim was submitted. All in all this was a remarkable result for the Jasta. Mission 3 - Partol over Enemy Lines - T/O 15:01 Piloten von Baur - A Flt Commander Dutch Sitting Duck Stumpjumper Burning Beard von Baur Leadtongue The final mission of the day was plagued with problems. Stumpjumper had to break off and land at an friendly airfield due to engine trouble. and the rest of the flight had to return to base due to inclement weather. The flight did intercept a flight of 3 BE2cs however, with von Baur accounting for one and Leadtongue for the other two. Dutch also shot down one of a pair of DH2s that crossed the flights path but was unfortunately shot down by the wingman who escaped across his own lines. The current tally of active pilots/kills is as follows: Leadtongue - 4 von Baur - 4 Stumpjumper - 3 Burning Beard - 3 FRO - 3 Axgrinder - 1 Griphos - 1 Sitting Duck - 1 von Dudley - 0 Dutch - 0 Submitted respectfully on 13th February 1917, Vasco Commanding Officer Jasta 4
  8. superpatch

    Just install 1.32e Joker. We're all working with the stock damage model. Vasco
  9. Gentlemen, Please find attached a fraps video of Stumpjumper offering his version of the events that lead to the collision during the final mission of Sunday's multiplayer session: Vasco
  10. Observer gun control

    Olham, If you can find a way of using the mouse to control the observer's gun the same way as it's done in IL-2, it'll make things a bloody sight easier to fly two-seater campaigns - especially online. Fingers crossed. Vasco
  11. Mein Herren! Please find below the daily report covering Jasta 4 operations for the 11th February 1917: Mission 1 - Railyard Strike - T/O 10:51 Piloten Sitting Duck - A Flt Commander von Hammer Dutch von Dudley Stumpjumper - B Flt Commander Burning Beard von Baur FRO The Jasta was tasked with a strike on an important railway junction 2 miles east of Cachy aerodrome. A Flt were to perform the strike with B Flt acting as top cover. The mission proceeded without incident until the Jasta was approximately 5 miles from the target. 3 DH2s of 24 Sqn RFC were seen to engage a lone Albatross fighter and B Flt moved in to engage. Shortly before battle was joined approximately 8 further DH2s appeared overhead and engaged B Flt. A Flt continued on mission and made several strafing runs over the target. Unfortunately, the superior numbers of the Allies proved decisive and despite a number of DH2s falling to the guns of B Flt, no member of either A or B Flt managed to return to base. Mission 2 - Scramble against incoming bombers - T/O 13:31 Piloten von Dudley - A Flt Commander von Hammer Sitting Duck FRO - B Flt Commander Stumpjumper Burning Beard The alarm was sounded when a large formation of FE2Bs were observed heading towards the Mont Saint Martin airfield at 8,000'. All pilots were ordered to their aircraft to engage the attackers as soon as possible. During the ensuing melee the following kills were recorded: Sitting Duck - 2 FE2Bs, von Dudley - 2 FE2Bs, FRO - 1 FE2B, Burning Beard - 1 FE2B. The airfield suffered minimal damage and all pilots returned to the airfield safely. Mission 3 - Balloon Busting - T/O 16:37 Piloten von Dudley - A Flt Commander Axgrinder Sitting Duck FRO - B Flt Commander Stumpjumper Burning Beard von Baur The Jasta was tasked with the destruction of 3 observation balloons at Lieramont. A Flt was tasked to attack the balloons with B Flt performing a fighter sweep ahead of the mission. As the lines were crossed B Flt identified a large formation of FE2Bs heading east towards the lines. The Flt Ldr ordered the flight to engage while A Flt proceeded towards the targets. During the engagement the following pilots scored kills against the enemy; von Baur - 2 FE2Bs including one flown by the ace Ciril Nelson Lowe, FRO - 1 FE2B. Burning Beard and Stumpjumper also accounted for 1 FE2B each however, Burning Beard's aircraft was badly damaged when the aircraft he was pursuing exploded and Stumpjumper collided with an enemy aircraft. Neither pilot made it back alive. Meanwhile A Flt ably lead by von Dudley destroyed all 3 balloons with himself accounting for 2 and Sitting Duck the third. All pilots apart from those listed as dead made it back to the airbase shortly before nightfall. The current tally of active pilots/kills is as follows: Sitting Duck - 1 von Dudley - 4 von Baur - 3 FRO - 3 Axgrinder - 1 Griphos - 1 Submitted respectfully on 11th February 1917, Vasco Commanding Officer Jasta 4
  12. flaming onion version2 clip

    I think it should be this: name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> Vasco
  13. Go for hotfix D. We had several individual playing MP earlier this week with a variety of installs without issues - from a 1.32 basic to a 1.32C. Vasco
  14. Help I cant figure this out

    Jonnie, I hope this makes sense: Установите "По Областям Фландрии" от компакт-диска Установите участок 1.32 Установите Hotfix 1.32-ой Установите "Монтажника члена парламента Мадматта" (не установите дополнительную модель повреждения когда предлагается), Запуск "По Областям Фландрии" Пойдите в "Симпозиумы" Нажмите "Назад как Онлайн" Then it should work in multiplayer Regards, Vasco Когда Вы устанавливали "По Областям Фландрии" от компакт-диска, Вы изменяли справочник, к которому это устанавливало игру?
  15. Help I cant figure this out

    I'm on. Bloody internet has been playing up though. Vasco
  16. Thanks guys, Incredible support. Vasco
  17. MP Calendar?

    Done. Vasco
  18. nieuport 17 mirror revisited

    That's the view I've always had and I'm running twin Nvidia GTX280s. For the love of me I can't work out what's wrong. Vasco
  19. superpatch

    So have I, but we've found that these latest patches don't affect MP games. Last Sunday we had people flying together with a combination of versions without issue; one with 1.32, others with 1.32a and 1.32b. I don't think 1.32c is going to make any difference. Vasco
  20. I'd rather have a option to set 'Regional Air Activity' to 'Historical' to save me having to adjust it manually. Just my twopenneth worth. Vasco
  21. Mein Herren! Please find below the daily report covering Jasta 4 operations for the 10th February 1917: Mission 1 - Patrol of own front lines in the Flanders Sector - T/O 09:59 Piloten Sitting Duck - A Flt Commander Griphos Axgrinder Willy Coppit aka SRC von Baur von Dudley A Flight (named above) executed a patrol of friendly lines on a 20 mile front east of the town of Arras. During the flight, one section of enemy reconnaisannce aircraft were detected heading west towards Arras at approximately 1200 metres altitude. Both aircraft were engaged and identified as BE2cs of the RFC. Griphos was seen to down one of the aircraft (confirmed by Axgrinder) but the second aircraft escaped over the lines. The flight commander decided not to pursue into enemy territory. The whole flight landed without incident. Mission 2 - Strike on Ercheu Airbase - T/O 14:52 Piloten von Dudley - A Flt Commander Axgrinder Willy Coppit aka SRC von Baur Sitting Duck A Flight were tasked with the airfield strike with B Flight executing a fighter sweep ahead of the attack force. The Jasta crossed the lines just south of Arras then performed a dogleg towards the target. Shortly before the turn, several aircraft were spotted ahead of A Flight, which were identified as B Flight and approximately 7 FE2Bs of the RFC. The flight commander ordered A Flight to assist B Flight and a general attack ensued. During the fight the following flight members all accounted for one of the F2Bs each (visual confirmation obtained from various flight memebrs): Axgrinder, Sitting Duck and von Baur. A flight then reformed and proceded to the target. Several attack runs were performed by the flight in pairs, all concentrating fire on the westerly of the aircraft hangars. During the attack Axgrinder and von Dudley both took groundfire hits with von Dudley recieving the worst of it with a ruptured fuel tank and damaged engine. With the majority of the fights ammunition exhausted, the flight commander signalled the flight to RTB while he nursed his own damaged aircraft back towards the lines with two other members of the flight as escort. The flight arrived back at Mont Saint Martin individually with von Dudley managing to land successfully. Unfortunatley the same could not be said for Sitting Duck who stalled just before touchdown and crashed his plane at the edge of the airfield. According to Axgrinder, Sitting Duck was seen to emerge from the wreckage and proceed across the aircraft to the Jasta mess, giving the rest of the flight the middle finger whilst doing so. The Jasta commander decided disciplinary action was not called for as the Jasta had only just taken delivery of the new Albatross fighter and very few of the pilots had more than 4 hours each on the type. His performance in future missions will be scrutinised and if found wanting, this pilot will be allocated one of the remaining Halberstadt fighters remaining in the Jasta. Submitted respectfully on 10th February 1917, Vasco Commanding Officer Jasta 4
  22. neiuport 17 mirror

    Polovski, I tried what you suggested and no joy. I'm running a rig with 2xNvidia GTX280s in SLI and I've never seen a reflection in any of the mirrors. Any idea what setting in either CFS3Config or the Nvidia Control Panel would most likely affect this? Regards, Vasco
  23. Guys, First, the problem I'm about to describe was not introduced in the latest patch, it was just the addition of the new improved archie that brought it to my attention - I'm not seeing any! I've also noticed other effects have disappeared, notably the smoke trails from Le Prieur rockets and that nice little backfire from the exhaust of the Albatross engine. I'm running the latest Nvidia drivers and I can't remember whether the problem manifested itself before or after installation as I spend a lot of time tweaking the graphics settings to find a good balance between quality and speed. Have you guys any idea what particular setting, in game or out, that would affect the games ability to render these effects? Regards, Vasco
  24. Where'd the archie go?

    Duck, The in-game settings through the workshop. I just selected 'default', flew one QC mission then went back to the workshop and reverted back to all the custom settings I normally use. Vasco P.S. Sorry about your lunch Barkhorn1x!
  25. Where'd the archie go?

    Well bugger me with the bell-end of a ragman's trumpet! Problem solved - I placed all the in-game graphics settings to default, ran the game then reset in-game graphics to my usual preferences - and archie appeared! Sometimes it's hard to fathom exactly why something happens or even how the solution worked. Vasco

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