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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Great, lots of fun using aftermarket stuff or extra's from other models. Gives your model the personal touch ... Jordy, are you still active in kit building ? The shop in Aalsmeer is still alive & kicking !!!! Houdoe, Derk
  2. For the record, what model did you use ? Houdoe, Derk
  3. See the post on the Draken pit. Problem removing the second set of engine instruments. Maybe better possibilities with the A5 pit ? Not very well known but looks very good !!! Houdoe, Derk
  4. It's Major Lee's Birthday!

    Gefeliciteerd Major !! Derk
  5. Gonna try it out again, were F16's TMF with ALQ 131 's IIRC, Houdoe, Derk
  6. I can understand something about getting rid of A2G stuff under threat, but dropping ecm pods is another matter.... Have seen that happening too. Anything possible against that? Houdoe, Derk
  7. RAF Coningsby 27 April 2011

    Beautiful, fond memories of Coningsby !! Houdoe, Derk
  8. !!!!!! Can I please make a reservation for the Portsmouth golf course this summer ? Houdoe, Derk
  9. Happy Birthday Muesli!

    See Gezichtsboek !!! (ha, ha) Houdoe, Derk
  10. OK, OK, didn't go to the wedding but purely by coincidence during a fun flyby with our litlle veteran flying club over Buckingham Palace, some people were kissing on the balcony......... [ Houdoe Derk
  11. Twister

    Well, just very curious about it, don't think anyone ever tried something like it and I can hardly find anything on research on the subject. It seems the Russkies have something 4 times bigger than the MOAB. Looking at the number of victims and the damage lately it would be worth developing something. Disrupting the pattern of a tornado did at least work on a very small scale when they did tests with firecrackers (!) in an artificial tornado in a laboratorium..... But it may very well be that there have been calculations showing that it's useless, but I can't find anything on it. Houdoe, Derk
  12. I don't even play SF2 but I downloaded it for the readme. Absolutely wonderful reading, thrilling till the end, very good plot and beautifully written !!! A real must for everyone !! :drinks: Houdoe, Derk
  13. Twister

    I always wondered what for instance the eplosion of a heavy fuel-air weapon (if made useable under such conditions) or any other heavy, non-nuclear device, would do to a tornado. A big bang may disrupt things to a certain extent, maybe preventing lots of damage .... Houdoe, Derk
  14. Twister

    We're with you America !! Wish you all the strenght in this ordeal .... Houdoe, Derk
  15. Like the FM all right. No structural problems after reducing a lot of figures and It even gave me a flame out on one engine after a very rough touch & go !!! Except for a shot out engine in an F4, never experienced that in the game ....... Houdoe, Derk
  16. Guess Capt. Jenkins 8th Lancers would watch..... Houdoe, Derk
  17. Bad reputation

    Means the British Army is VERY small.... Houdoe, Derk
  18. Bad reputation

    When I saw the title of the thread I thought it was about the reputation of the forum members......... Houdoe, Derk
  19. Don't know how it is with the SF2 Tu 22 M3, but in SF1 it has a structural factor for the fuselage of no less than 80.5 (!) and armour thicknesses of 44 to 72, . The nose has steel (!) armour of 40 to 60. Wings have huge structural factors too of 24 and armour 10 to 24 If strenght is in mm, a cruiser would be happy with it....... Looking at other planes I haven't been able to find these values anywhere. If any, armour thicknesses of 4 to maybe 10 and structural factors of 1.5 to 2.5 look normal. Looks like the Tu 22M3 was built like a flying battleship and my guess is that those very high armour - and structural factors may be typo's and can be safely reduced, maybe soving the problem of indestructability..... Houdoe, Derk
  20. and Derks' BD too!

    Thank you very much gentlemen !!!!! Houdoe, Derk
  21. On the closed RNNAS at Valkenburg , just a few miles down the road, in the biggest hangar they have there (the base is still intact) ,they are playing the musical "Soldaat van Oranje" (Soldier of Orange). It is the story about the Dutch war hero Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema. He was a 23 years old law student at (nearby) Leiden University in May 1940, got involved in the resistance movement, escaped to England in a spectacular way, made a considerable number of trips by Royal Navy MTB back to the Dutch coast , actually going ashore time and again unmder the eyes of the Germans to deliver personnel and radio equipment to his old student friends, He eventually got into the RAF and flew Mosquito's with the Pathfinders. At the end of the war he was the adjudant of HM Queen Wilhelmina and very much a personal friend of HRH Prince Bernard. He recieved the highest military order we have (the "Militaire Willemsorde"), did a lot of different things after the war and died September 2007 on the island of Hawaï where he lived. . http://en.wikipedia....lhoff_Roelfzema For the musical they built a stunning theater into the hangar, with a huge round platform seating about 1200 people, that turns through 360 degrees , revealing no les than 8 or 9 different and spectacular stages, including, the town of Leiden, the bombed Alexander barracks in the Hague, palaces in London and the Hague, a student society, the Scheveningen Kurhaus, the Rotterdam harbour, the beach including a lot of sand, water and waves, an execution place in the dunes etc. The effects are fantastic with actors riding motorbikes around and projected on screens lots of historic movie material and- with a simulated Mosquito cockpit in front -is a noisy and spectacular bombing raid on Berlin with heavy flak, enemy fighters and the Mossie doing all sorts of manoevres. The most surprising and incredible scene of all is near the end: all of a sudden the platform makes another turn and through the opened hangar doors you look straight outside at the real world with the floodlighted apron of the airfield, where a REAL C47 Dakota taxies in, bringing Queen Wilhelmina back into Holland in 1945, ......... The musical ends with Hazelhoff blasting away in the darkness out on the airfield on his motorbike Although it is a musical, deviating from the book Hazelhoff wrote and from the 1977 movie (still the best war movie we have in Holland ), the music is great and the acting even better. Weapons, uniforms and other clothing are very convincing and the effects are spectacular. It really brings back the desparate atmosphere of those days And it is a quite moving tribute too to what happend almost to the day 66 years ago, also at Valkenburg itself in May 1940, where a 5 day battle raged between German paratroopers and the Dutch Army. Hazelhoff crossed right through it on his motorbike on his way from Leiden to Wassenaar (where his parents lived) and the Hague. And for me it is moving because it all happened right at my doorstep. It is home base for me, I lived at the same places as Hazelhoff, experienced more or less the same things as a student (not a lot changed in student life after the war untill far in the '60's compared to the pre war period), and it must have been a devastating thing to experience the complete desintegration of society, your student club, your sportclub and everything you're involved with, with thousands of Jews being taken away, with your friends being murdered by the enemy or in other cases turning into traitors, collaborating with that same enemy, forcing you to make heartbreaking choices....... Thanks for reading, Derk
  22. Agreed, did just that, didn't apply it, just took a few values . Houdoe, Derk
  23. Long time ago there used to be an "UBER_AI_Aircraftobject.ini", designed to get rid of all sorts of impossible manoeuvering by the AI. I combined the lower values of both the modern and the older .ini's and the result was somewhat smoother flying of both friendly and enemy which may also help to solve part of the problem.... Apart from that I completely agree with Fubar on the FM issue on the F5 & F14, Houdoe, Derk
  24. and Derks' BD too!

    Thanks Kevin & Nesher, and here's to Babelfish Houdoe, Derk
  25. Hey! It's S&E's Birthday!

    HB, SE !!!!!!!! Derk

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