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Everything posted by Derk

  1. So am I, but I do have a gun.ini with WarheadWt for everything firing grenades i.e. as from 20mm calibre....... Houdoe, Derk
  2. :grin: It's WWII stuff, probably originally German. The terrain is from the Spanish Civil War, downloadable at CPLB'site. I use it in WOE (somewhat incorrect with a lot of targets like Junkers and Messerschmidt's) but I love it: beautiful landscape, nice cities, lots of targets etc. in short: great fun. Been in Cartagena too for a few drinks at the harbour. Friend of mine owns a fantastic house at La Manga (Nigel Mansell and Seve Balesteros are his neighbours) and we went there with our old hockey team. Houdoe, Derk
  3. Ha, ha, no one EVER tells us WHICH two weeks. The first & the last week of the year are also two weeks....... Houdoe, Derk
  4. Gunslinger girl

    All nice and well, and rather OT: I am not so interested in the girl from Gunslinger , but how about the girl from Red Crown ..... She MUST exist and I really wonder who she might be... Houdoe, Derk
  5. A year ago today

  6. Monty Python has a slution for everything !!!!!! Houdoe, Derk
  7. --------- " There's was a really old Kosovo terrain, that's not worth rebuiding...." ....... but fun flying just the same. Some coïncidence because I lost but found it again: downloaded it yesterday fom the Check Six site, added the GermanyCE cat line in the .ini and off I went... Houdoe Derk
  8. Dabei muss man bedenken dass die ebenfalls stark abgeänderten Schweizer Mirages (u.A Hughes Taran Radar und Falcon und AIM 9 's u.s.w) wahnsinnig teuer waren. Die ursprünglich geplante Anzahl von 100 Stück wurde reduziert zu gerade noch 57 Stück.... (incl. die Aufklärervariante) . Wahrscheinlich war die F 104 damit auch noch erheblich preisgünstiger ........... Houdoe, Derk ...
  9. Gratuitous Puppy Picture

    Woof !!! and many regards from Jessie and Lilly .... Houdoe, Derk
  10. In the mean time some classic Buccaneer fun near Cartagena on Spain's southern coast.... (to keep things running) Played golf at nearby La Manga so I thought I'd take a look around, and what did I find......... Houdoe, Derk
  11. I most certainly agree with you on the politics scr...ng up things. It looks like the examples you name were either bought in relatively smaller numbers or not very expensive stuff in the first place, or- in the case of the Harrier- nothing built in the US was comparable. And of course it was built in license (the engine too?) The only thing I can think of where a US plane was beaten is in the case of the B57 Canberra vs. the Martin XB-51 (and for that matter the B-45 Tornado and the AJ... Savage). But even there it was a case of license building (by the same Martin company !!) I think Airbus was scr...wed, not so much for not getting the order in the end but for being lured into making the bid in the first place (though I don't know if there is any payment involved in making a bid after being invited to do so) Houdoe, Derk
  12. Michigan Ice Storms 2011

    Ever been out in the forest after such an ice storm (we call it "IJzel") ? Like you are in a fairytale palace with all the iced over branches tinkling like little bells in te wind. Beautiful too in the sunshine, with litterally billions of ice crystals around. Dangerous too because of falling ice lumps and branches breaking off because of the extra weight.......... Houdoe, Derk
  13. Well, all sounds very logical. Question remains why Airbus made a bid at all when there is nothing in it for them except publicity ?? Houdoe, Derk .
  14. Bought a new bike...

    I know my way around there, not that far away, lots of nice things to do, a beer or two ? And I can bring my Waldorf mask if you like..... Houdoe, Derk
  15. Guess so, since I seem to have died in the mean time
  16. Well, you started the thread, that's why, but never mind, a dead man's answer is not really that important.... Houdoe, (on behalf of a lot of other dead people) Derk
  17. No surprise and in the end probably fair enough, because very simply, Boeing is building good planes, but they will always have the edge over just about everything: If something is built by them, it will be bought by the US. Only if there is a requirement for stuff that is really not on their menu, foreign builders will be used is my feeling. The question remains why Airbus was invited in the first place and why they were originally declared the winners ... Houdoe, Derk
  18. Bought a new bike...

    Wooow !!!! Houdoe, Derk
  19. Hey Volker, take it easy, it's a model only :grin: Houdoe, Derk
  20. Won't bother you with what it means in Dutch...... Houdoe, Derk

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