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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. TheGoldenDays4.jpg

  2. ScreenShot_294.jpg

  3. Mustang.jpg

  4. Hung Like a Hog

  5. Cold Intercept

  6. Bear Hunt 2

  7. Bear Hunt

  8. Demonstration Squadron

  9. East Coast Demo

  10. Might not necessarily be a weapons issue, because in most cases even if you do not install the proper weapons pack, you can fly the planes (you just won't have any weapons in your loadout.) Sounds like an avionics, DX, or graphics issue. Do this first Make sure you have the latest version of DX installed. Make sure you are patched up to the latest version of the game. (from a clean install) Then install the latest weapons pack then install the planes. If you have already done all of that, turn your graphics settings down to low in game (also disable shadows) and see if you can launch.
  11. "You'll never find....that maverick of mine....because it pops-up..!!! and slams into your turret..." I was never to hip to Lou Rawls music, but he was great philanthropist. Oh we are talking about the A-10C, uhh yeah, it has a whole slew of new systems. It is a JDAM capable, net centric, data processing, wing re-strengthened, night fighting, tank buster. It even can receive IMs and text-messages.
  12. Veteran's Day

    To all veterans and prior service past and present <S> and thank you
  13. http://stage6.divx.com/the-IDIOT/video/121...-front-and-rear (by Salty Pig)
  14. I used a F-8D to saw a mig-21 in half using the tail and made it back.. On countless occasions I have had aft sections of the F-14 blown off and still managed to make it back fine.
  15. For Giggles

  16. For Giggles

    BF2 Stunts
  17. Mirror mirror on the wall whos the ugliest of them all

    http://chamorrobible.org/images/photos/gpw...inia-medium.jpg *snaps fingers and places hands on hips* "Taste the rainbow darling!" Wait a min is this a post for the ugliest or the fruitiest???
  18. The Pair O Dice are going to trade in their strikers for raptors?
  19. Any Saltwater Aquarium Pros?

    You can get laminated paper, dark construction paper, dark poster board, or even a dark poster to cover up the plumping and add depth to the tank. That is a nice setup, for my fresh water tanks I use to just use one powered filtration system, one too two air-line filtration and or air stones and a lot of live plants but your setup is muy bueno. what type of coral, sand, and or substrate did you use?
  20. Your thoughts

    One more thing, if that guy thinks there is a "safe" or "easy" branch of the military or uniformed services he has got another thing coming. You do more in training than just push-ups and saying "yes sir!" If he has a keep me "safe" attitude then he will not make it past the initial screening. Doing enough just to get by won't get you washed out by instructors because you will shot yourself in the foot. (literally and figuratively )
  21. Your thoughts

    I can not see doing a job just for the money and "benefits", I know people who are making over 6 figures and are miserable as hell. I have had jobs that paid well (for the time and my position) and I hated them with a pure passion. When I volunteered to work as a civilian for the Marines on base, I loved every minute of it. No type of compensation what so ever. I had to pay out of pocket for gas, meals, etc. but loved going to work everyday because I got help out and work next to servicemen and women who had "literally" seen it all. And you know why they do it, because they are part of something "bigger" than themselves. And while I worked next to everyone from buck privates to colonels, from grunts to aviators, they all told me the same story. They do it because they love their service and country and they are willing to die if necessary. Everyone hates being away from their family but they are willing (and have) to gp into harms way if necessary. If time and circumstances permitted I would have stayed there to this day and still helped out without hesistation. That is the exact same reason why I applied to be a federal police officer. My family and my girl thinks I am nuts (and hates the idea .) They feel as if I am wasting my education (which I had to work hard to pay for) and do not like the idea of me possibly going across country for training and being a human shield for any type of important dignitary or person. Yes I have the work experience, smarts, and education to work for some high powered company or to go on to grad school for a doctorate or even become a lawyer, but I do not want to be stuck behind some desk filing papers and only making money for "myself." I want, and I truly mean this, to be a part of something that benefits society as a whole. I want to be a part of something bigger. And that is very reason why my father, uncles, and older siblings have served the public either as police officers and or in uniform. If you go into any job with a "what is in it for me mentality" you will not be there very long, and that goes for any field.
  22. In Janes F-15 and F-18 you had to cut an engine off if you took a major hit. When Betty calls "bleed air" you better do what she says !!!
  23. Corny Jokes Thread!

    Last one for the day The difference between screwed and f$5cked. Screwed... During a stormy pitch black night t you hear "wave off!" at the last minute because the cables on the deck have not reset... F&cked... During that same night you hear "you're on glide slope" from the crew of a destroyer.
  24. Corny Jokes Thread!

    Time for some little Johnny; Mrs. Smith, a teacher called on Johnny to tell a personal story with a moral. Johnny said, "My Uncle Ted was a Marine pilot during the war in Vietnam, one day his plane got hit by a missile and was going down. Uncle Ted grabbed a case of beer, a machine gun and a machete and bailed out. On the way down he drank the whole case of beer. As luck would have it he landed in a field and was surrounded by 100 Viet cong soldiers. He started shooting his machine gun and killed 70 of them before he ran out of ammunition. Then he grabbed the machete and killed 20 more before the machete blade broke. He then killed the last 10 with his bare hands." "Oh my God!" exclaimed Mrs. Smith, "What could the moral of that story possibly be?" Johnny said, "The moral of that story is.. Don’t f*&k with Uncle Ted when he’s been drinking!" Marine Recruiting Brochure Are you addicted to rage o'hol? Do you sleep on a bench press? Was your high school GPA put down as N/A? Do you have explosive rage and curse excessively? Do you have a strange desire to kill everything in sight? Have you found yourself in solitary confinement on occasion? If you've answered yes to any of these questions the United States Marine Corps may be right for you. Call 1-800-MARINES The few, the proud, the downright f@#king crazy. THE MARINES In tha Sh#t. An Army grunt stands in the rain with a 35 lb. pack on his back, 15 lb. weapon in hand, after having marched 12 miles, and says, "This is s**t." An Army Airborne Ranger stands in the rain with a 45 lb. pack on his back, weapon in hand, after having jumped from an airplane and marched 18 miles, and says with a smile, "This is good s**t!" A Navy Seal lies in the mud, 55 LB pack on his back, weapon in hand, after swimming 10 miles to shore, crawling through a swamp and marching 25 miles at night past the enemy positions, says with a grin, "This really is great s**t." A Marine, up to his nose in the stinking, bug-infested mud of a swamp with a 65 LB pack on his back and a weapon in both hands after jumping from an aircraft at high altitude, into the ocean, swimming 12 miles to the shore, killing several alligators to enter the swamp, then crawling 30 miles through the brush to assault an enemy camp, says, "I love this s**t!!" The Air Force NCO sits in an easy chair in a air conditioned, carpeted office and says, "My e-mail's out? What kind of s**t is this?"

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