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Everything posted by JSF_Aggie

  1. bigstone, The answer to your question, and the others you have PM'ed me can be found here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=193 Primarily, increase the value "MissionRate" for the squadrons you want to see more of, and decrease it for those you want to see less of.
  2. We saw this problem early on, when we had a few insainly high res textures on some ground objects. Fixing those textures solved our problem, but we had high-end machines. To be safe, we still reduced all Coalition skins to 1024x1024 and Iraqi skins to 512x512. However, it sounds like your machine is still running out of texture memory. How much RAM does your video card have? If you reduce the "Object Textures" option, it caused the game to render textures at smaller sizes. If you look in the FlightEngine.ini, you can see the MAX textures sizes for each setting of "Object Textures". This shows up in the ODS campaign because of the high number of aircraft flying at once.
  3. Very cool. Glad you were able to work them in, thanks.
  4. Yes. They are "repaired" based on a RepairRate variable given to each TargetType in the DS_Types.INI. All the targets have the stock values for this, but I plan to look at each more closely and try and give better rates if needed.
  5. Spectre, I've been doing a lot of tweaking to mission rates & supply rates, as well as the victory conditions. It's a little difficult and time consuming to test, when it basically requires you to play the campaign all the way though. Expect this to be improved in the upcoming patch. For my information, can you post a screenshot of your campaign's planning map? If the ground forces have stopped advancing, it should be because they've reached the end of the strategic node "road map". This means they should have gone slightly north, then west, swallowing up Kuwait and parts of Southern Iraq. If this is not the case, but they're still not moving, please tell me some of the ground unit's individual supply settings. You can get this from the planning map. They can't go any further because of how I set up the StrategicNode's. My original plan was to include two campaigns, the one you have, plus a much more fictional version that had much stronger Iraqi resistance, and a complete march to Baghdad. This second campaign will still come in the future. The way it's currently set up, you need to capture Baghdad to get a "WIN", but you can't due to how I have the Nodes setup. The best you can do now is get a "STALL", which is primarily based on MaxMissions. A "STALL" is presented to you as a WIN, and the player wouldn't know the difference. I've been playing with the Kuwait City Node being the "WIN" condition, but sometimes the campaign is being won to quickly. Like I said, please just give me a little time and it'll be much improved. Thanks
  6. In addition to what Jeremiah said about patching, did you install all three parts? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8156 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8157 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8158
  7. Happy Birthday Jug

    Happy birthday!!
  8. Those are the only two we found talked about in liturature, I think Crusader found that piece of documentation. There may have been more, but I just went with those two. They made sense just based on the fact that they were close to were the USMC ground forces were at the start of the war. Skins are included for all the AV-8B units in DS, but I only have three in the campaign. Two on the Expeditionary Airfields, and one coming off the LHA. I found a lot of conflicting documents as far as were each was actually stationed. Some operated from standard airfields and/or moved around. I'm ok with making the harrier airfields a stand alone download, but let me ask the guys whose objects I used: FastCargo, KillerBee, and Kesselbrut.
  9. We know about #1. They're target areas that were added for single missions, but are on in Kuwait, and therefore behind the front line for the camapaign. A simple fix is to change the start/end dates for these target areas in the terrain's ds_targets.ini. comrpnt's posted the exact lines to add in the big ODS thread. We've seen #2 as well, but don't know the cause of it yet.
  10. Just to add a little to what Dave said, no one is saying you can't point out an issue with a mod just because it is free. We tested the hell out of ODS, but I knew we would miss little things here and there. The campaign files were over 5,000 lines long, so I knew there would be a few errors and typos, no matter how many times I looked them over. Some of you have posted mistakes in the forums, others have PM'ed me. Thanks, we appreciate the input, and we'll get them fixed. It's obvious to just about everyone if someone is trying to be contructive, or if their sole purpose in life is to be an ass.
  11. Which aircraft are you seeing this with? I have occasionally seen with all SF/WO? versions, if you give the "return to base" command after you've reached the last three waypoints (approach, lineup, touchdown), the AI will sometimes get confused and fly around in circles. This is not specific to the DS addon, we didn't change anything with the stock airfields, or the AI landing behavior. Either give the "return to base" command prior to reaching the 3rd to last waypoint, or just fly the last three, let your flight follow you, and they will land. If it's a specific aircraft, it may be a FM issue. For example with the AV-8B, I had to specify an approach speed in the AIData section, or it would not get slow enough to land. It would flare, and overshoot the runway/carrier.
  12. Man, those are awesome. He must be be working on a whole new set of menu, hangar, and loading screens for us.
  13. I did the following yesterday, on a clean install, with no problems VietnamSEA_Tile_Repaint_v1.0.zip Green_Hell_2.ZIP (high detail .tod's) Shimmering_buildings_fix.zip The modifed VietnamSEA_data.ini that's attached here, which is just CA_Stary's, with the couple of new entries added in the Oct 08 patch. VIETNAMSEA_data.zip
  14. Yes, you do need all three. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=339 EDIT: Dave beat me to it.
  15. Updating the Harrier Campaign is one of the next things on my list. If you just want the README for the F-14 HUD documentation I can post it when I get home. It'll tell you what works, and what Crusader and I couldn't get working due to game limitations.
  16. What squadron were you flying? Can you repeat it, or was it a one time thing? Did you happen to catch the date the campaign ended? Have you made any other mods to your ODS install? Thanks
  17. Go with the starting number, specific for each squadron. The resupply time was set to 80, based on the logic that the campaign should be over in less than 80 days, and I just wanted each squadron to start out with enough to get them through the campaign. I'll deffinately check each unit as part of the first update.
  18. It's set to resupply every 80 days. This can be tweaked at the top of the DesertStorm_Data.ini campaign file. In the same file, is the starting number of stores for each squadron. This is also something I'm probably going to tweak in the future. If you change these values, you'll have to restart your current campaign to see the changes.
  19. In the terrain's DS_TYPES.ini, every target type has a repair rate variable. I don't know the units, I assume days. The values are still at the stock values, but I might look at tweaking them in future updates. For most aircraft types, you should be flying close to once a day, if not more. [TargetType027] Name=Runway1 FullName=Runway ModelName=airfield1.lod TargetType=MEDIUM_RUNWAY ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=1000 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=140.0 ArmorValue=0.0 ArmorType=0 RepairRate=10.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  20. Cool, I was just looking to see if anyone else had made one.
  21. Man, what a great simulator.
  22. If required, please tattoo the following on your butt: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry240900 Also, unless someone else has made one, we do not have a CF-18 skin. saguanay pulled the skin he made, and asked that it not be used.
  23. Yeah, with part one being the largest part, I wonder how many with dial-up didn't get the complete download, and had to start it a second time.

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