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Everything posted by JSF_Aggie

  1. You can do it anywhere, provided the location is perfectly flat. This means you would have to do them in place of a current airbase, or flatten an area via the terrain editor, or Keith Bedford's sfmap program. I assume TK at least thought about doing something similar to my highway airfield mod, because the target locations where already there, and the areas were already flat. It's something I can do, but I gotta clean my plate of my current projects, mainly DS.
  2. Did Anyone Watch Football Today?

    I've been watching, but I never saw my Cowboys show up. What's the over/under on days until TO explodes?
  3. That has to be an issue with the campaign, or possibly your edits of the campaign data file. Kleinalmerspann is set up properly in GERMANYCE_TARGETS.INI. The position is behind the front line of the stock Lightning campaign. [TargetArea282] Name=Kleinalmerspann Highway Strip Position=449000.000000,317000.000000 Radius=8485.281250 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 AirfieldDataFile=ROAD_AIRFIELD1.ini NumSquadrons=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY
  4. More Bobrock goodness coming...
  5. That's right. There's also a RandomFACType (check spelling) in the .dll's, but it didn't appear to work in the 08-30-06 patch. haven't tried with the latest.
  6. Wrench, he's talking about loading a mission from a .msn file, and he's right. Static aircraft show up in campaigns, and random Single Missions, but not when you play a .msn file.
  7. File Name: WOE Highway Airfield Mod File Submitter: JSF_Aggie File Submitted: 11 Jul 2006 File Updated: 5 Oct 2008 File Category: Tilesets Updated for Sept 08 Patch This is a mod to Wings Over Europe's GermanyCE Terrain, that modifies 13 sections of highway into airstrips that are usable for single missions, any mission editor, and campaigns. The runway size is set to SMALL, so only aircraft with a "MinBaseSize=SMALL" can use them. This mod does not modify any of the stock campaigns to use the new runways, but I did include instructions if you would like to do this. Please read the README. Click here to download this file
  8. Updated for the Sept 08 patch.
  9. No, it won't work out of the box with the current patch. However, the first thing I'm going to do after Desert Storm is get it updated. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5390 *************************************************************** Guys, I'll spread out the taxi positions a little, so if you want to use other aircraft, they won't be on top of eachother waiting to takeoff. All you'll need to do is change MinBaseSize=MEDIUM to MinBaseSize=SMALL in the aircraft's _data.ini. If it's set to SMALL, the engine will put you on one about 80% of the time, for Single Missions. For campaigns, it's just changing the BaseArea in the campaign's _data.ini. Give me an hour or less and I'll have it up. Thanks
  10. Yeah I agree, I'm going to go back to the camo netting/sandbags I used in my harrier campaign. Just trying to think out of the box for a minute.
  11. TakeOffHead and TakeOffTail do not have to have symetric values. None of my harrier runways are, but the runway does have to run along the line made by those three winsocks, which it does. I had a problem with AP landing once, they were turning direction at the last minute, and it was because I had placed a ground object to close to the runway. Once I moved it, they landed fine. Try once with the camo net, and any other objects, removed. Are FOB and FOB_extension both defined as <SIZE>_RUNWAY in the _types.ini file? They need to be.
  12. Place three windsocks for me, and post a screen shot. Put them at (0,0) (0,100) and (0,-100).
  13. The STOVL and CV versions will have a gun pod designed for the centerline station. The Air Force's CTOL is the only with an internal gun.
  14. All, For most I think this is preaching to the choir but, I think some of you are having problems with the new patch because you are copying .ini files from pre-patch mods, into your patched install. TK changes and adds to many of the .ini files with each patch. When you install pre-patch mods, you're potentially writing over things he's added or improved. There are many free tools to diff text files. I use ExamDiff, but I'm sure there are some better. It's worthwhile to compare old vs. new before you install a mod. If you have the disk space, it's also worth keeping a clean 08-30-06 install around, that way you can tell what TK has added/changed vs. what the author of the mod added/changed. It's also helps when debugging, or figuring out how a new feature is implemented.
  15. TK added entries to the EnviornmentSystem.ini. If you copy over the old mod, you'll wipe them out. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32514
  16. I've broken down and purchased a new computer, which is coming with Vista. I'm thinking I'm going to install XP on a seperate drive. Anyone have any experience with this? I've been reading websites and forums on the subject since last night, and it seems to be relatively painless. Worst I've seen is that XP may mess up the booting of Vista, and I'll have to repair it after XP is installed. Anyone of you done this before, and have any suggestions? Thanks
  17. For anyone interested, this is the plan/order for the campaigns I've worked on to date, and some new stuff. - Desert Storm - Update Harrier Campaign - Update OTC Cuba - '91 Campaign for DBS (new) - Late 50's - early 60's Campaign for Madagascar (new) DS is first. The updates will be quick, patch fixes, putting static aircraft on custom runways, adding things like CA_Stary's great tree mods, etc. The two new campaigns are both more than halfway done, just haven't touched them since I was asked to help with DS. Thanks
  18. Probably. I think the '91 campaign I'm making for DBS is more fun. It has accurate carrier air wings, where as DBS '72 did not.
  19. Extract the _airfields.ini's, from the terrain's .cat, and remove the [PARKING] entries.
  20. Maybe you should add that to KB when you get a chance, as it is difficult to kill a tank driving under ground. If you put it in the KB it'll never come up again, because everyone reads the KB right?

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