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Everything posted by JSF_Aggie

  1. TopGun Campaigns

    Version 1.1


    ******************************** *** TopGun Campaigns Version 1.0 ******************************** This mod includes three TopGun campaigns for the following years: 1970, 1974, and 1978. - 1970: F-4B & F-4J vs. A-4E Super Echo - 1974: F-4J & F-4N vs. A-4E Super Echo - 1978: F-14A vs. A-4F Mongoose Read the README. This is based off of Dave's (USAFMTL) original TopGun campaign from 2003. This is for a flight/air combat simulation. SF2 is not a simulation for simulated air combat. So this was made as best I could, within the limits of the game. Primary goal: make it through the 20 missions alive, keep as many of your wingman alive as possible, down as many A-4's as possible. ******************************** *** Requirements ******************************** Minimum: - SF2 or SF2 Vietnam, patched to July 2013 - SWUS Terrain version 1.1 or greater Recommended: - F-4N DLC - A-4G DLC ******************************** *** Credits ******************************** Original TopGun Campaign....Dave F-14A_74 v1.32..............MirageFactory F-4N(Storm).................Storm & daddyairplanes A-4E/F......................dtmdragon F-4B/J/N skins..............sundowner, mitai, JSF_Aggie F-4 Hi-Res Bump Maps........sundowner F-14A skins.................1977Frenchie (modified with sundowner's template) A-4E/F skins................Nyghtfall MK7 Seat....................ravenclaw F-4J_74 ECM pods............mppd F-4 cockpit msl panel mod...crusader AIM-9's & AIM-7's...........ravenclaw TopGun Menu Music...........HomeFries
  2. Version 1.1


    ******************************************************************************* ********************** Southwest United States Terrain ************************ ******************************************************************************* This is a remake of Dave's & Deuces SCal terrain, as included in the TopGun campaign from 2003. The following are the biggies: - Previous target areas moved to their correct locations - Several new target areas added - The HeightMap has been regenerated as previous was 3x reality - Completely retiled with 1024x1024 tiles, via gerwin's TFDTool - Custom Nellis AFB and Edwards AFB layouts - Bombing/Gunnery range just east of China Lake Yuma and Tonopah are hostile airfields. Currently, the enemy is set to be the Soviets. This is temporary, as I am currently working several TopGun campaigns and updated, Hi-Res skins, for the A-4 aggressors. You can change this if you like, in the SWUS_NATIONS.INI file. After the campaigns are complete, I plan to work to add city tiles and trees. ******************************************************************************* *********************** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ***************************** ******************************************************************************* 1. Copy the SWUS folder into "ModFolder"/Terrains/ 2. Edit "ModFolder"/Terrains/SWUS.ini to point to a stock terrain.cat file that you have installed: CatFile=Desert.cat 3. (Optional) Edit "ModFolder"/Terrains/SWUS.ini to point to an EnvironmentSystem.INI file of your choosing: EnvironmentFile=SWUS_ENVSYS_STOCK.INI ;EnvironmentFile=SWUS_ENVSYS_SARCASM_14.INI ;EnvironmentFile=SWUS_ENVSYS_SARCASM_15.INI I needed to raise the altitude of the clouds, to prevent them from colliding with the high mountains of the terrain. Included are three Environment files whose only edits are the cloud height. If you are using one of Stary's SARCASM mods (recommended), comment out the stock file, and uncomment out the file for the version of SARCSM you're running. Files for versions 1.4 & 1.5 are included. ******************************************************************************* ********************************* CREDITS ************************************* ******************************************************************************* Original SCAL terrain....................Dave & Deuces Static SU-9 Model........................russouk2004 Hangars "str_han"........................Stary Hangars "halle"..........................Mitch TowerComplex & FireExtinguisher..........Amokfloo FloodLight, SunShelter & HeliPad.........Pureblue RAF_Cart & PT_Y..........................Sundowner Fire Trucks..............................Ravenclaw Runways & Taxiways.......................Gepard & Sundowner Camp.....................................FirstFlight D-20.....................................Pasko Radars r4 & r5...........................Polak Barbwire.................................Monty CZ Nellis AFB object layout.................Hurc Special thanks to gerwin, for without his TFDTool, I would not have been able to make this. If I left anyone out, it was unintentional. Please let me know and I will update the README. ******************************************************************************* ******************************* LEGAL STUFF *********************************** ******************************************************************************* Since this is still a work in progress for me, I request that you don't upload modifications to this terrain. I would like the chance to finish it first. Feel free to reuse the tiles for anything that is FREEWARE, but be aware, I did not make all possible transition tiles, just the ones I needed for this terrain. Do not include any of this in PAYWARE.
  3. View File TopGun Campaigns ******************************** *** TopGun Campaigns Version 1.0 ******************************** This mod includes three TopGun campaigns for the following years: 1970, 1974, and 1978. - 1970: F-4B & F-4J vs. A-4E Super Echo - 1974: F-4J & F-4N vs. A-4E Super Echo - 1978: F-14A vs. A-4F Mongoose Read the README. This is based off of Dave's (USAFMTL) original TopGun campaign from 2003. This is for a flight/air combat simulation. SF2 is not a simulation for simulated air combat. So this was made as best I could, within the limits of the game. Primary goal: make it through the 20 missions alive, keep as many of your wingman alive as possible, down as many A-4's as possible. ******************************** *** Requirements ******************************** Minimum: - SF2 or SF2 Vietnam, patched to July 2013 - SWUS Terrain version 1.1 or greater Recommended: - F-4N DLC - A-4G DLC ******************************** *** Credits ******************************** Original TopGun Campaign....Dave F-14A_74 v1.32..............MirageFactory F-4N(Storm).................Storm & daddyairplanes A-4E/F......................dtmdragon F-4B/J/N skins..............sundowner, mitai, JSF_Aggie F-4 Hi-Res Bump Maps........sundowner F-14A skins.................1977Frenchie (modified with sundowner's template) A-4E/F skins................Nyghtfall MK7 Seat....................ravenclaw F-4J_74 ECM pods............mppd F-4 cockpit msl panel mod...crusader AIM-9's & AIM-7's...........ravenclaw TopGun Menu Music...........HomeFries Submitter JSF_Aggie Submitted 04/22/2018 Category User Made Campaigns  
  4. My 13 year old got into DCS this past October, so this was our Christmas break project. Don't judge the carpentry too harshly. All I own is skill saw, a jig saw, and a drill....and I'm a software guy.
  5. View File Updated Korat RTAFB ***** ***** Updated Korat RTAFB ***** This is an update of Armourdave's Korat model. What I've changed/added: - redrawn higher res textures for the buildings and runways - fixed aircraft parking areas - fixed some missing runway lights - added ground objects - updated the draw distances of some of the ground objects Please see the install instructions in the README ***** ***** Credits ***** Korat RTAFB model....Armourdave Ground Objects: 82L..................KillerBee 82S..................KillerBee 84L..................KillerBee 84S..................KillerBee ACLadder.............KillerBee AirStartUnitC........KillerBee AirStartUnitL........KillerBee AirStartUnitR........KillerBee B_Duel_Y_Trac........Sundowner B_TrailerMk82........Sundowner B_TrailerMk82_Duel...Sundowner FireExtinguisher.....Amokfloo Forklift.............Amokfloo M_Trailer............Sundowner RstandT..............KillerBee SATS2................KillerBee Y_Tractor............Sundowner Submitter JSF_Aggie Submitted 09/11/2018 Category Base Mods  
  6. Vandenberg AFB and Indian Springs AF Auxiliary Field (Creech AFB). Huge thanks to Jimbib.
  7. Do we have a single, fighter-sized sun shelter something like the screen shots below? I know we have a couple models that are multiple, but I was hoping we had a single, and I missed it. Thanks.
  8. Yes sir! Your China Lake is why I was searching. Please send them over when you have a chance.
  9. Now you need this: https://www.etsy.com/listing/788006047/fa-18c-hornet-custom-plate-for?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_b-electronics_and_accessories-video_games&utm_custom1=_kenshoo_clickid_&utm_content=go_2063581587_76452867735_367965825564_pla-353987697789_m__788006047&utm_custom2=2063581587&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsLDG49jK6QIVhYbACh3KNgxpEAQYASABEgJjp_D_BwE
  10. Someone in another thread posted about lack of trim. There is this poor man's method to add it, assuming you have a stick, and are not just flying with your keyboard. If anyone remembers who came up with it, let me know. It was many many years ago. In your /ModFolder/Controls/Default.INI (or whatever you named your control mappings file), make the following changes: [RangedControl001] AxisControl=PITCH_CONTROL MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=1.000000 Saturation=80.000000 ReverseJoystick=TRUE MouseScale=10.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=TRUE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=0.000000 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< KeyControlRate=0.100000 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=PITCH_DOWN DecreaseControl=PITCH_UP CenterControl= [RangedControl003] AxisControl=ROLL_CONTROL MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=1.000000 Saturation=80.000000 ReverseJoystick=FALSE MouseScale=10.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=0.000000 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< KeyControlRate=0.100000 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=ROLL_RIGHT DecreaseControl=ROLL_LEFT CenterControl= Now your arrow keys will act as trim. Map them to your trim switch via your stick's software. Adjust the KeyControlRate to your sensitivity preference. I've never been able to get anything to map to CenterControl, and have it create an effect. I was hoping it would work to ZERO out any trim entered.
  11. Thanks Baff. I wonder if that screws with the AI at all.
  12. As I update my SWUS terrain, is there any reason to not go from 1024x1024 .BMP's to 1024x1024 .JPG's? Using Photoshop to convert, with maximum quality settings.
  13. Mue, I haven't looked at it in your editor, but I will. Thanks. Baff, thanks for the info. I haven't yet tried reloading a .tod. I've been leaving the TE open, while I test in game. I'm out of town until Sunday. Took the kids out of town to do some hiking.
  14. Is there a hardcoded max number of objects allowed in each tile's .TOD? I know there is a limit associated with AlphaObjectVertexCount & AlphaObjectIndexCount. I started with Stary's numbers for these, and it seems no matter what I set these numbers to, I can't get more than about 1024 objects. Some WIP shots...
  15. I put out 1,000 smaller pine trees and then one large redwood. All were set to 100% chance. The redwood was there, So I assume the previous 1000 were there. I placed them all in sections, not randomly around the tile, and there were no blank areas. The terrain editor had no problem with 1600 objects, but that's when I started to get blank spots in game. The blank spots are 100% in the sections that I did last, when I was over 1,000 objects. They were completely blank, so it appears the game places the objects in order, not randomly. The .TOD generated with 1600 objects, was significantly larger in size, than one where I stopped at 1,000, but I didn't look at it with hex editor, or anything like that.

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