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Everything posted by don246

  1. Nice touch all adds up to be one great WW1 sim.
  2. Fantastic new terrains?

    Here Here cant wait for what looks like a master piece.
  3. I downloaded it Vontobler the download link is on the lower left hand side after you have clicked on the forum download now link hope this makes sense. Thanks Sinbad.
  4. Hi Quack74 I to have a heavily modded FE (thanks to kind people like you) what I do is back my install up before adding any mods so I can always go back but then a guy like you with your skills knows that any way. Please no disrespect intended there mate.
  5. Another Gem Quack74 Thanks
  6. Albatros D.V Jasta 15 Pack

    is there no end to these beautiful skins you guys keep churning out, thanks for another set of gems.
  7. Albatros DV lozenge repaint

    Super Stuff, Will compare with my Osprey books. Thanks
  8. Thanks for the new terrain, Stary!

    Nice one Stary can I ask what is this in the readme 3a. Required files: Iron Duke by Hinchinbrook I just dropped the folder Gibraltar in my terrain folder and low and behold one great terrain many thanks
  9. New "Scream!" sound file uploaded.

    For what it's worth I hear the scream.
  10. Hard-Edge Horizon Haze

    Hi Stary could you tell me where I find these settings. I have extracted my ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM ini in the flight folder but it is not the same as you have here. Thanks
  11. FE Vs OFF

    Why are the default (and some add-ons) cockpits and aircraft so much better graphics than OFF BHAH or is it just me.
  12. FE Vs OFF

    A total of 99 Aircraft and one Zepp in my FE install just counted them and what a great sim it is to. Ok im not blind OFF has a lot to offer that FE will never meet. But for sheer fun FE for me if I need to get serious then its OFF. There's room for both in my world.
  13. Fantastic new terrains?

    WOW you teaser Jan, this is so going to transform the look of FE. Thanks Jan for all the time you put into it.
  14. Thanks for that will rush and get them they look great.
  15. Very nice stuff guys. Gustav your pictures above is that sky in the game or has the picture been edited.
  16. Fantastic new terrains?

    I may just get my FE wish a very big thank you Jan Tuma now that is one hell of a good terrain.
  17. Thanks Quack74 for all the brilliant skins much appreciated.
  18. Roland D VIa WIP

    Looking good keep us posted many thanks.
  19. Awsome horrizon clouds

    Thanks Quack74 I thought I had most things in my FE moded install but this has transformed the sky.
  20. Downloads Section

    Nice work Dave had a look over it and see nothing wrong. Thanks.

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