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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. You too? I walked half an hour in -6 C and light snow and icy streets to put cash on my card and then dragged myself back.
  2. Strike Fighters 2

    Список новых фич. Есть занятные вещи. http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=36529#p36529 Это уже интересно. Что-то надломилось в загадочной японской душе?
  3. Did everyone notice that F-100D model now has a retractable tail skid? If only this truck flew as nicely as it looks... You pay for aircraft and ordnance, you get paid for completing missions and killing stuff.
  4. Strike Fighters 2

    Текстуры земли - понятия не имею. Оригинальную пустыню из SF не видал. Деревьев торчит больше чем во вьетнаме, домиков поболее.
  5. Islamic call to prayer

    There is a transcript and translation in video info. Click (more info) there.
  6. Well, make your own rules in options.ini It would be interesting to install several of these next-gen TW sims when they're out and make one mod folder for all. Sort of merged mod install.
  7. Откапывайте Enemy Engaged 1

    Судя по плачу на simhq, ATшиные дрова и их новейшие видяхи не работают с EE1. Остается бить челом создателям драйверов...
  8. Strike Fighters 2 (and 1 think too) also has a dynamic Mercenary campaign in which player leads a mercenary squadron, earning cash for missions and spending it on planes and ordnance. No demo around.
  9. Add-ons go into a My Documents folder BUT in options.ini there there's a line allowing to set up a different mod directory. Love new afterburners (they look cool) and new RWR. It can actually tell an air threat from a ground one like in Fubar's mod.
  10. Where do screenshots go? Camera clicks but I can't find the folder. Oh, wait. Found it. MyDocs/Thirdwire
  11. Откапывайте Enemy Engaged 1

    Я это еще бета-тестил Вещь достойная. Не так заморочено как Черная акула, но тоже очень хорошо. Скрины тут и много http://www.simhq.com/_air11/air_342a.html Если бы еще arneh за физику взялся... У этого движка инерция странно передана. Но по сравнению с современными вертолетами геймплей другой. На Апаче идти в лобовую на пункт ПВО мне бы и в голову не пришло. На Ми засыпать его ракетами - основной метод борьбы.
  12. Wha...?? Well, at least there won't be any more questions about that.
  13. Blackbird, it's a new game. TK's been giving us quite a lot for free way too long Are those more detailed fins on those Snakeyes? http://www.thirdwire.com/images/sf2_07.jpg It seems that all ordnance got at least a texture impovement... Look at pod muzzles http://www.thirdwire.com/images/sf2_10.jpg
  14. Lightwave в Max

    Так, arneh попросил с ним напрямую связаться :) Ты на SimHQ зареган? Напиши http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/users/5628.html
  15. Lightwave в Max

    Полигонов, очень даже немало. Хотя сложных поверхностей почти нет http://www.simhq.com/_air11/air_342d.html
  16. My Drawings

    Not that hard... no art school education required >1< >2< Yes, that really makes things easier. I could copy quite complex shapes via grid even as a little kid.
  17. Well, I broke down and bought it

    What about the axis assigment part of controls menu? I thought it has some sort of axis sensitivity adjustments.
  18. Откапывайте Enemy Engaged 1

    Вуаля! Ми-24 к бою готов. А также новая процедура запуска движка, текстуры земли и реалистичная скорострельность. http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topi...tml#Post2638836
  19. Well, I broke down and bought it

    Get a hold of her! Practice! Remember that slightest deviations tends to develop into bigger ones.
  20. My Drawings

    Yup, Foxbat got more straight lines that others. You can try a different approach to drawing fur >Like this< Mind, that it requires either madness or patience and a pretty sharp pencil.
  21. Help with russian

    I have a Russian-Arabic phasebook somewhere, that has got (among innocent tourist phrases) "Where is the aircraft carrier?"
  22. My Drawings

    Egg, two eggs then apple, then some onions... draw everything one might toss in a salad.

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