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Everything posted by Gr.Viper


    Открой Data.ini самолета и посмотри в секцию [Engine]. Кроме всяких настроек мощности и потребления топлива должны быть и связанные с температурой, в частности OverheatTemp - подними ее.
  2. Патчи

    Универсальный фикс для мерцающей воды с новым патчем. Там немного обсчет земли изменился поэтому глюки... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32482
  3. Downloadables are 083006 and they get patched just fine.
  4. I think it does. A least it did in WoI, AFAIK.
  5. Found it. From Alb D.V data.ini - the last entry in component description. [BottomWingTipRight] ... ... MaxG=4.0
  6. Anyone tried using stress damage entries in WoV or WoE? The ones telling that a certain component falls off if g exceeds a set value. It was intrdoced for FEXP to make Albatros lose wingtips - still should be in the game engine.

    Пропустил вопрос о взрыве при разгоне. Там в большинстве случаев просто перегревается движок. В норме такая штука не случается, поэтому незаметно, что игра температуру вообще учитывает, но вот при разгоне некоторых арегатов проявляется именно взрывом.
  8. Патчи

    Рулем направления пользуйся активнее. А на ньюпортах не разгоняйся: хоть как-то хрупкость конструкции стали моделировать стали только в дополнении. До этого там моддеры делали так что на высокой скорости эффективность рулей падала. Это чтобы летали осторожнее. Меня раздражает только бессмертие пулеметчиков. Строй R.E. 8 AI в принципе сбить не в состоянии. Заходят сверху сзади, а там как раз сектор задних стрелков. Даже если по бомберам попадают, стрелки гибнут только вместе со всей машиной, а не как пилоты - от меткой пули.
  9. Wings over the Channel....

    What about this one? Ka-56 Foldable!!! Project never finished 'cause we can't find a decent small engine for it in this country.
  10. My flight of 8 F-8s got into dogfight with Frecos in WoV. September patch applied. About five minutes in half of Crusaders, including me, were taking a nap in the nearby swamps. The rest of us survived and even scored some kills because all MiGs headed for home bases and weren't dodging the shots much. Any Crusader hints apart from staying away from MiGs? Those guys are just swarming on your tail and either shoot you or push you into ground.
  11. x1650 here - everything fine in unmodded install.
  12. I was thinking whether it is possible to make a photo-weapon. The game will ignore it for sure - that can be player-only feature. The idea goes like this: 1. Make an invisible and weightless unguided bomb. 2. Give it retractable fins like the ones retarded bombs have 3. Make fins deploy into one large flat rectange and texture it to resemble transparent photo frame (can't make it grayscale, but throw in some noise and frame markers and meaningless labels). 4. Make recon pod a pylon for this bomb In game the player flies to the recon area, drops the "bomb", switches to weapon view which places the camera behind the "bomb" with fins out, then hits the PrintScreen. Go back to base, Alt+Tab out of the game and look at the developed film. Other method involves cockpit position switching and adding a camera weapon working like Mavericks and Walleyes without lock i.e. pointing in one direction. 1. A recon-only plane with switchable seats. One of seats simply puts the player in front of a huge display. 2. Recon camera weapon, or even a set of wepons each with different camera zoom. Chose zoom/weapon, take seat, fly over the target taking screenies. Just like in old Microprose F-19 and F-117 sims. Comfy as hemorrhoids, I know, but making a game do things it's not designed for is always a bit of pain in the rear. And I wish I could be arsed to make it

    На местном МиГ-21 пушка на брюхе не отстегивается, а является частью модели самолета. Поэтому на другую машину переставить нельзя. Можешь попробовать натовские баллоны с "вулканом" пристегнуть.
  14. Engine switch off was introduced for First Eagles - WW1 sim. It's just there in the game engine - works but wasn't really intended for those jets...
  15. Wiki says they used to take a nuclear reactor for a ride in one of those things with 4 tons of lead attached... Can a nuke explosion be assigned as plane detonation effect?
  16. Like "Buy Combat Ace Subscriptions!!!", huh? Or pin-ups? Or that bear warning poster about pepper and bells...
  17. AFAIK, another engine is added which has negative fuel consumption on afterburner. The engine is controlled by thrust vector controller which isn't used in most planes. So one engages afterburner of the invisible engine and it magically pumps the fuel into tanks. At any time in any place.
  18. The call bingo and immediately head for home base mostly.
  19. Can convoys (the ones we hurt bad in AR) be composed of trucks carrying billboards?
  20. Wow... Thanks! A little follow up. Which way I'm supposed to land? The map waypoints tell me to approach the carrier from the rear :rapage: while the AI manage to align their Crusaders with the strip I know it's not necessary to land, but how the [censored] does one get on a diagonal strip of a moving carrier? I mean I usually land along the deck after three tries at least. So much easier on A-4... BTW, AI isn' perfect at landings sometimes. In the latest version of WoE I saw my wingman in F-100 puling up sharply all the time instead of steady approach. And my other wingman managed to crash intro water on take off on the first day of WoV campaign
  21. There are armed recons in WoE and WoI. Anyone got gun jams?
  22. For features - now there's an engine fire. It's not the fuel fire that swallows up half the plane And it didn't start the moment my rear was hit - took a second or so i.e. I was hit by cannons and lost the tail, then hit afterburner and voila! I set my behind on fire. Patch readme also said something about rescaling B-52. Maybe to put two pilots in the pit Didn't notice theis size before anyway - I'm more into mud wrestling on A-4.
  23. Do they work if you spell them the right way?

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