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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. Flat Spinners

    Then the plane balanced itself in a flat spin...
  2. Flat Spinners

    Got unrecoverable flat spin in stock WoI F-4. Started as a tail-forward fall... Then got the same flying Kfir. This time recovery was quite easy, although seeing -70 on speed indicator at first was spooky.
  3. Anyone up for new menu screens?

    Hmmm.. are you sure you can't attach more stuff to posts? Maybe you just need to increase your number of posts - I think limits are raised for every higher rank. You're 3 posts away from getting ValuedMember badge.
  4. Anyone up for new menu screens?

    Well, not "demo section" - you colud just name the upload so that it would be clear that it's a WiP.
  5. Anyone up for new menu screens?

    Animated screen. Wow... Aren't there any software capable of doing frame by frame video cut? VirtualDub has an option to save video as image sequence. Maybe upping demo to downloads section will work?
  6. A-4 get an upgrade to (73) version in the course of campaign. This one will have ECM, RWR, chaff and flares. Until that - hold tight.
  7. I remember finding a basic VBS out of curiosity. IIRC, there was a player-controllable sheep.
  8. I don't think so... The game world is crowded as it is. Traders, pirates, police with flashing lights.. I think there are a few animals and plants on some planets too.
  9. Anything close to this? Although ship design is done via built-in generator. http://www.a-astra.com/ The game differentiates between athmospheric and open space flight. Trying to fly above ground without a wing is lethal. And no loading time between space and planets.
  10. Well, all deltas seem rather hard to control after the patch. But you might get more out of them, if you avoid combining elevator and aileron input - those use same control surfaces after all... Noticed another thing - these things (at least Neshers) are not very well balanced. Actually awfully balanced if you carry any ordnance. Flies well if you keep it level - try a roll and it' will resist. And if you flip over and push the stick, the plane with go into a spin. Dropping all the weight under wings is necessary for gunfight.
  11. Yeah... that's why no one will get annoyed by Russian AGMs like "Vikhr". You have to keep plane flying straight at the target and keeping it locked intil the hit.
  12. What's it like when it's set to null? Real S-300 has got another nasty habit. It can be set up to fire at set coordinates on the ground. That adds one more reason for Turkey objecting to Cyprus deploying it.
  13. Помогите.

    С вертушками в играх от TW все еще неважно (это при том что TK был консультантом при разработке Longbow 2). Движок на них не рассчитан (и в ближайшее время не будет), поэтому они делаются с использованием изменяемого вектора тяги. Прикол в том что при падении скорости полета в ноль движком отрубаются все рули и все что обеспечивает устойчивость. У меня получалось вполне адкеватно летать, но с предельной осторожностью и не теряя скорости. Кстати, разработчики сторонних аддонов Yankee Air Pirate недавно показывали видео из грядущей серии миссий, где чоппер наконец по-человечески летал. Другое дело, что это еще не вышло и потребует отдельной оплаты. Для WoI есть пак оружия от Mirage Factory. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6171 Предназначен для их же паков с кучей модификаций "Фантома" http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6172 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6170 Как с остальными модами для WoI не знаю (их не так много, пока WoE и WoV не пропатчат), но в названиях файлов то, что мод для Израиля обычно помечают. Старые моды-кокпиты должны работать, вроде.
  14. Ok. If you want real challenge try to imitate and avoid S-300 SAM with nuclear warhead.
  15. The Latin translation is awesome for a signature or a motto. But I won't change mine.
  16. Downloadable WoV is updated to WoE level. Applying service pack/patch to this version will make it crash.
  17. Anywhere you want Unlike Enemy Enaged series TW games don't see each other. Well, apart from WoE+WoV merge... Run the game and check version date in lower right corner of main menu. The WoV and WoE I got this way were already up to date... Don't know about WoI
  18. That's why it's called Launcher [DetectSystem] TargetType=AIR MaxVisibleDistance=6000.0 DataLink=TRUE NetworkType=SA-2 <-------------- RadarCrossSection=3 I has to have a radar connected to it. I'm not an ground object modder and KB is in a strange state. I can only tell that if you open terrain's cat file with unpacker and extract ***_Targets.ini you'll see there the coordinates for object, SAM and AAA slots along with target area coordinates. Coordinates for target area itself are absolute, the object's coordinates are relative to center. Note separate slots for radars, launchers and AAA. Game engine automatically picks something according to availability and mission date. I think launchers in one TA are linked to radars. Never done any modding in that department but you can't hang around here and avoid being stuffed with knowledge.
  19. I was thinking... Is placing object on the map the same as placing SAM/AA? I mean AA guns and SAMs are placed onto map in designated slots by the game engine, aren't they?
  20. Have you tried re-downloading using the same link?
  21. Errr... They need Fan Song - it's their eyes and guidance.
  22. And they don't like to take long breaks And that..

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