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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. Falcon 4.0

    Заглянул в местный форум F4AF. Про мультю как-то тихо. Полезной инфы в прилепленных темах тоже не обнаружилось. Через эту штуку пробовал искать? http://hyperfighter.sk/ Ну ThirdWire - компания маленькая, очень. И мультиплеер у разработчика пока в приоритетах никак не значится.
  2. Voisin Decal help

    I looked through English and Russian materials... since it's a French plane after all (and hardly used by Brits or Americans) it might be a good idea to ask about it at check-six French forums. Oh... looked through my links collection (got to update library soon-ish). Check out this one. http://www.wwi-models.org/Photos/Fre/Voisin/index.html
  3. Voisin Decal help

    Here's what I found among 8Gb of pdf-s... Though I bet, you've seen most of it V5 V8 V3 Russian one Looks like V3 too Did yoy say Voisin 4? That one's got a cannon on it!
  4. Tried a recon run... with all sorts of dispensers (are they supposed to be nearly invisible?), ECM etc. Still they got me. With guns! Is it IR missile waring that makes really spooky noise?
  5. Hmm... you know maybe the shots of MiG model are not for TW series. Its difficult to track what goes where even for me It seems that he's working on Su-7... But the project sort of paused 'cause of some software difficulties.
  6. В топике на который первый пост ссылается, вроде, шоты есть, Хм.. а может это и не их модель.. там и Су-7 мелькнул.
  7. Помогите.

    Есть пара перекрашенных питов Скайхока под эти миги http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1024 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1017 Тут у 15 тоже кабина от A-4 http://www.column5.us/index.htm В этом топике обсуждают, какие кабины можно сделать/перекрасить, чтобы все было больше похоже на правду http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...=23359&st=0 Может переделанную под 19 кабину от Су15 выложат.
  8. It's the same one mentioned here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry114619 That's discussion thread where they collect info and show sometimes shop dev pics http://forums.airforce.ru/showthread.php?t=1559
  9. BTW, do you remember MiG-15bis WIP by Nik Rus? I think that's what their MiG looks like at the moment. They still sort out instruments and sights ftp://www.armedassault.info/_hosted/libmod/mig15.jpg Some more shots they posted out there http://img248.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mig3km5.jpg http://img248.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mig2ex4.jpg And WIP pit http://img212.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cockpitqm2.jpg
  10. Да, кстати. Тут чехи активизировались и поднимают в англоязычных массах интерес к советским агрегатам. По ссылке вроде жив проект...
  11. Hmmm... I didn't have any problem neither with store nor with contacting TK. Wrote to him using email form on TW forums. I don't think he can afford hiring extra stuff to do the shop support thingie so maybe you'll have to wait for reply a bit.
  12. They use paypal, but you can pay withot PP account with credic tard. The page where it invites you to log in has an option to pay directly in not-so-fancy print on the left.
  13. Pretty girl... The only one so far I fly by instruments The world as seen from 20 000m But it's not fool proof I mean I broke it As I was approaching home base a flight of Frescos going in its direction was reported, so instead of gliding down I climbed to avoid them. Then they were gone and tried a steep dive. A bit too steep... and pulled a bit too hard. Forgot that FE:EP brought us stress damage... Are damage textures planned?
  14. Помогите.

    SP с номерами это версии движка Third Wire. При выходе каждой следующей игры все предыдущие патчат и доводят до ее уровня. То есть у SFP1, WoV и WoE с последними патчами, вроде бы, движок SP3. У WoI - SP4, и теоретически через некоторое время должны выйти патчи/сервиспаки для апгрейда движков предыдущих игр. Фикс для белых квадратов карты Israel 2 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3656 Автор использовал немецкие символы названиях поэтому глючило. Кстати в том же архиве лежат файлы с переводом названий мест на английский. P.S. Когда ты делаешь Report Post, сообщение получают сразу все модераторы. Англоязычные очень удивляются
  15. 37mm guns are up.

  16. Can't instruments' units be set up in pit's ini file?
  17. 37mm guns are up.

    Post a screenie, plz I'm a bit too lazy to fiddle with ini's at the moment
  18. Luxury My F-4 squadron is already down to 3 there. On the bright side I don't see any static planes on Arab airfieds either which in theory means they are pretty low on supply too.
  19. WWI men and machines

    I see the problem now. Moved Beutepanzer's muzzles and viewports 200m upwards, allowed them very low pitch. But is still fires as if guns were at default level i.e. horizontally. Maybe a new cannon model should be made from scratch... hovering invisible cannon with gunner and a small visible gun with hitbox placed somewhere behind on the ground. Maybe a dozen of them as turrets with one balloon being a hitbox and providing viewport. But I still don't understand what point is used by ground units to calculate shot direction - they don't notice muzzle shift, use viewports only for visibility check...
  20. WWI men and machines

    About long range ballistic artillery... Call me crazy... Viewport isn't the only movable point. Gun and target have a hill between them. The vieport of the gun is high above the hill and some distance ahead of the visible model. The muzzle i.e. the point where the shell comes from is in the same position as viewpoint. Light of the shot still appears at the muzzle of the cannon model (remember, positions of fire and muzzle are set separately). IF the contraption works it will fire at targets to which it seemingly has no line of sight. There will be flashes from a battery and shells will be seen flying over the front and hitting targets at distance. Yeah, you won't see a shell balsting from cannon muzzle but let's suppose it's just to fast to see? And if it really works you might get hit by shell from your own battery.
  21. IR-guided eels? A bomb shaped like a 16-ton weight?
  22. WWI men and machines

    Must tanks and other ground units have a single hit zone and consist of one destroyable object? If not, infantry squads could be arranged as a "tank" unit made of several human "turrets" each armed with rifle. Front and sides could fire at ground targets, rear at aircraft. Yet to make it possible the ability to destroy components of a groud unit is necessary. Squad dying all-at-once looks awkward
  23. What if someone hangs an invisible "sattelite" high at the centre of the map, gives it extremely long range of sight and arms with slow-flying unguided SAM missiles with really mighty explosive charge? High rate of fire, not so much ammo. They have to be slow or just inaccurate enough to be avoided with ease. Mission starts - swarms of "ICBM" head towards airbases... Imagine landing That is if missing SAM can actually damage ground objects. I mean, you want to see ICBM where your plane is - why not aim it at the plane?
  24. Помогите.

    С ракетами, как и с бомбами - сначала нажать на выбор оружия (вроде \), высветится что выбраны ракеты, потом пускать тем, что отвечает за выстрел выбранным оружием.

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