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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. The first mission of Rolling Thunder on F-4D is extra fun now. Fat pylon Falcons, gun and ECM pods don't improve the stability.
  2. Muesli, that's the game's cinematic camera which started to work as intended an update or two ago. You can enter the same view mode at any time pressing F12.
  3. Hey, the game knows they are mutually exclusive loadouts. If you pick 4 Falcons on one station and then go and add bombs on another, the Falcons load will be reduced to 2.
  4. Ah-hah, that's where the next DLC plugs in.
  5. Belgium and Netherlands come into the early SF2E and XP2 campaigns with Meteors and Hunters. No idea about Mirage, could be an upgrade.
  6. The installer needs 3GB to unpack/repack stuff. JL-100 Rocket pod + Fuel tank is in.
  7. Помогите.

    Августовский патч не забудь.
  8. Помогите.

    Кажется правильно, если экспаншены не стоят.
  9. Vietnam FPSs

    There's also a very NAM-ish Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault. Good deal of it takes place in the jungle, with sudden ambushes and snipers in the treetops. Then the game sucks all the fun out of itself by throwing you into a crappy "flight sim" section.
  10. Vietnam FPSs

    Of the olden shooters the original Vietcong is fun. Most of the time you have no clue where the attack is coming from and hope to spot muzzle flashes in the bushes. The tunnel rat mission was hell. The graphics weren't amazing even at the release date, though. Of the modern games there is the ad-don Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam, which is multiplayer only, IIRC.
  11. Syria, Spain, UK, Greece... But what about Israel?

    Is this thread going anywhere?
  12. Military Vehicle Show Pics

    Go to Gallery, hit Upload?
  13. ОФФ и его настройки.

    Управление, пункт 1.1.2 http://www.overflandersfields.com/FAQ.htm Менять уже в симе, в полете. Про обзор мышью не знаю. Тракир работал.
  14. ОФФ и его настройки.

    А что именно настроить? Я года три назад вторую фазу играл немного.
  15. You say you're nasty pirates... ...scheming, thieving, bad bushwhackers? From what I've seen I tell you... ...you're not pirates! You're just slackers!
  16. The only thing that might stop me from buying this is that it's Mirage 5. Thud is a dart with bombs, but at least it's not a blind dart.
  17. 3D моделинг

    А оригинальную найти не легче? В описании сказано, что авторы ее из чьей-то максовской конвертировали. Если память не изменяет, перегон из LOD в макс от модели оставляет только каркас.
  18. Who's on Steam?

    I'm currently waiting for patches/playing E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy.
  19. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    Could you play this guy? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey_Maresyev
  20. All we need now is TK posting a "you've been rick rolled" link here.
  21. MTV at 30

  22. IL2 Cliffs of Dover status ?

    The news travel slowly across the Atlantic.

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