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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. Shaders create terrain noise so the old green fields get a bit richer and sharper texture when you fly low and look at them from above.
  2. 3dRealms is shutting down

    I like this story http://gamingisstupid.com/2009/05/06/the-c...-story-revival/
  3. First Eagles, Over Flanders Fields

    ArgonV, most of what you named is in RoF
  4. Gonna give it a try. Visual style seems inspired by A New Zero and Ramjets by Cryptic Sea
  5. Hot Sauce

    Weird. Wasn't there a similar topic here not long ago?
  6. An anime with an incredible amount of high-quality 3D graphics and a vague, almost abscent storyline. So, very Yukikaze-ish in a sense. The thinking behind plane designs is pretty obvious - if it's a pusher, it's cool. And no one's bothered that the only guy flying with a tractor prop can kill anyone. No way am I making this mod. Just a heads-up for those who might. The anime itself is worth watching only for combat scenes (IMHO). Maneuvers make sense, aerodynamics is more or less respected, wreckage is cool... Although there are no ground attack scenes. Only one plane type gets most attention - the coax-prop pusher. If you can't think of a weird plane design, rip off from Germans and Japanese. Some pics of what is there.
  7. The premise is that two futuristic corporations/teams fight one another in the air, presumably, over some designated areas. Battles are broadcast as an entertainmnent show with scores etc. Pilots are sort of expendable: they're genetically engineered (and probably cloned) to stop aging process in their late teens, so they can only die if killed. Which happens to them a lot, but some go bonkers earlier.
  8. 3D моделинг

    А советских металлических моделей всех этих танчиков/машинок/тягачей и пр. под рукой/на фото нет? У меня когда-то была куча, они, кажется, именно в тот цвет были покрашены. Может даже из одного бака.
  9. See topic title - The Sky Crawlers. A single 2hr movie http://sky.crawlers.jp/tsushin/
  10. Are tanks part of the plane model on Voodoo? IIRC, that's the way TK did that skin change on new stock planes.
  11. You can drop Rockeyes in pairs with a large interval so that they'll cover a larger area but still leave you a chance to make more runs.
  12. SF vs SF2

    Green camo is missing for lots of ground units :yes:
  13. Shrikes work fine but are a bit short-range. Still the best thing to use 'cause they are light. Fire them in the direction of the radar. Beware of stock ARMs - they follow lofted trajectory and very often lose target/fail to lock and simply fly over the battlefield. Leave them at home. AI radar crew don't switch off their dishes so ARM missiles have no special use so far. And they're heavy.
  14. SF vs SF2

    Former "merged" would mix up planes of different countries into one pot and give them wrong markings. The new one covers all games (not just WoV+WoE) and it also prevents planes not belonging to the theatre of war from being generated there. Each map has its own nation restrictions and start-end dates for conflict.
  15. Ground Control to .. WTF?

    Maybe it was a test to find out if some nutjob got a Stinger handy for self defence?
  16. Ah... Well, I suppose that's planned for SF2:Europe. F-15 comes with it, right?
  17. Is that for add-on planes only? I've been using those flying stock planes without problems.
  18. Новости, События, Факты

    Вышел патч в новому Вьетнаму. Движок Скайхока починен, мосты приведены в рабочее состояние, 2000-фунтовки снова видно, кампанию больше не зацикливает. :yes: http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads.htm
  19. Noi Bai should be fixed there.
  20. Картоделам

    Третьи это. Уровень DX9
  21. Новости, События, Факты

    Есть аналогичная софтина, тоже для вебкамеры, только весит всего метр. http://nipg.inf.elte.hu/headmouse/headmouse.html Эмулирует мышку, на мыша можно обзор в Wo* повесить.
  22. Speaking of MiGs, this one got 63 hits from miniguns of my A-7. Photo taken shortly before his crash.
  23. First Eagles, Over Flanders Fields

    FS has no campaign engine at all

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