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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. Good morning gentlemen

    It survived the onslaught of F-22 and Desert Storm downloads. It can stand anything.
  2. Летающим в FE...

    А ты какую наземку ставишь на FE?
  3. Just made 2 fully manual VTOLs on GR.1 with hard FM. Possible, but requires some skill. Never try to hover high - you won't be able to balance it long enough to descend at a safe rate. Wind leveler - Shift+A, I think
  4. Летающим в FE...

    Угу. Поэтому русский N.17 будет бонусом включен в российский релиз.
  5. Летающим в FE...

    А чего там особенного изображать... Устаревшие на западном фронте "Ньюпоры" и "Фарманы", неудачные "Спады", "Лебедь" - переделанный "Сопвич Таблоид". Своих серийных наработок единицы и те слабоваты. Точнее для начала войны ничего, но в последующие годы... Даже разработчики "Войны в небе" этой идеей не горят. Хотели Сикорский S-16 сделать, но посмотрели на летные характеристики и махнули рукой Под RB3D есть Eastern Front Patch А вот в этом халявном симе есть летабельный Моска-Быстрицкий и "Илья Муромец" в т.ч. в поплавковом варианте. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=37453 Фоккеры-монопланы "Илья" рвет на раз.
  6. You could copy yarns to a txt and then post them with someone else, if forum is giving trouble with multiple postings from single user.
  7. Новости, События, Факты

    Команду уберного мода Over Flanders Fields для CFS3 вытурили с Sim-Outhouse, и они переехали сюда в новый подфорум
  8. Take FE for a spin again, but make sure to install Nov 2008 patch. Your six will be full of surprises.
  9. A new home for OFF!

    Welcome Just don't scratch my Floh
  10. H.A.W.X.

    Switch views with C. Pit appears with RGB static but then stabilises "No assistance" mode means you can drift in turns by pressing brakes and stall if you overdo it And yes, no cockpit view with it.
  11. H.A.W.X.

    Tried demo... Stalls are funny and weird.
  12. A new home for OFF!

    Weird. A year or two ago I wanted to register at SO fo OFF but found it too complicated. Now OFF is coming to me Were there any success stories of getting OFF DVD in Russia? I don't trust our post... actually almost no one does
  13. Don't. Or approach as you would for a normal landing trying to go into hover a couple of meters above the runway, then descend. No sharp turns, no hard banking or pitching.
  14. For a moment I thought Suez was out
  15. Try doing it on an clean plane with no extra weight
  16. Steam

    To quote TK of Thirdwire http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6013
  17. Jam! :angry2: By the end of the flight the only thing that wasn't jammed solid was the minigun
  18. Rise of Flight review on SimHQ Forum

    They have a line-up of palnes planned for payware releases for a year. Then they'll see whether this concept is viable or not. But they won't be flyable until devs code and test miti-player crew.
  19. And 'winders on A-4B. SF2 patched unmodded.
  20. I'm sure not used to having this loadout before
  21. So, it's Nicky Fighters 3? Now how would that sound in officer Crabree's accent...
  22. Funny... technically new series' patches shouldn't overwrite or alter any on the mod files. What else could happen, I wonder.. A change in desert.cat?
  23. Well, perhaps TK balanced things in such way that Sparrows are more useful for bomber intercept and winders for dogfight. Binders are also very hard to kill with IR missiles. Badgers - easier 'cause they detonate vey close to tail surfaces. Mind, the fact that 'winder always goes for engine #1 makes things easier. They tend to hit one spot.

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