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Everything posted by Firecage

  1. Hello all and thanks for all the info I keep asking for here. Im using a MS sidewinder Pro Twist stick and I need to set the sensitivity down some is there a way to do that in the game or a utility? Thanks.
  2. Ok I was having some issues with the MS sidewinder so I pulled out the Logitch WIngman now and I will try and see if it works better.
  3. Do I need to run the config in CFS3 1st before I install BH&H or just wait and do it in BH&H later? Thanks.... *Yes im at 3.1 on the CFS3
  4. Well I have tried everything and im still gettting the same error everytime when OFF is trying to read my CFS3 disk. I get the can't read data from disk (Retry, Abort,skip) thing. After 5 tries over a few days and cleaning the disk blah blah blah... I ordered a new CFS3 from go gamer and im am once again waiting to wait to fly this great sim ..... So I will be a few more days until I can get in the air. I am VERY hopeful to have the new disk before this weekend so I can try a bit on online play sunday. The waiting is KILLING ME!!!!!
  5. well the good news is I called MS and told what happened. THey took my ID from the disk and sent em a new one for the shipping costs. Now im not a huge MS fan but that rocked. Got the disk today and im installing now.
  6. Ok just got the disk in the mail.... installing now ... hope to see you all in the air soon. oh yea drinks are being servered at the bar ... 1st come first serve till the cabinets are bare. :yess:
  7. Well I am Impatiently waiting for my copy of OFF to arrive and I wanted to ask a question about skins. Is there any where I could get the templates to start working on some custom skins while I wait? I would love to start making up some german aircraft skins that I have made for FE and want to re do alot of them for myself here in OFF. I am very eager to see this game in action. I have the funny feeling this is going to be like the 1st time I played RB II back in the day or the 1st time we got to fly RB3D MMP. Im REALLY looking forward to getting in the air very soon. Thanks for any info you might have. S!
  8. Ok I have it ordered and from what Im reading Im guessing a week ot two to get here. I have CFS3 installed and just wondering what I need to do (if anything) to be ready for some intense flight time when it arrives? I am heading to the Hawks and Doves site since I want some online time as well. Any ideas are welcome.... Firecage for all...
  9. Just Ordered BH&H

    It would the the enhancements for First Eagles. I have done skins, terrains and some Enviroment mods. I want to try out a different WWI sim for some things Im not getting from FE.
  10. Just Ordered BH&H

    Well one thing I think may be useful is while digging through old WWI sim games I have had in the past .... I ran across Flying Corps GOld and waalaa.... Detailed maps from the front that were included in that game. I am IMpatiently waiting to see if these maps are accurate enough to fly by in this game. Thank you all for the links and info .... been playing WWI sims for a long time so the wife is used to it and she is just glad im not out running around after some skirt or worse. See you all in the air soon.
  11. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    Just got OFF but when I try to PM you it says you can't accept any PMs now.... Send me a PM if you want and I will reply with info for the map. (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) Firecage
  12. well after this thread im going to join the OFF ranks as well. I got CFS# today and will be ordering OFF on the 25th as well. I don't think im ready to give my cash for ROF yet.... seem to need a bit more work. It looks like OFF has the MP and single player ideas worked out very well and a good amount of pilots as well. Thanks for all the info from the people here ... this thread has pushed my over to OFF.
  13. PlaneFest II

    For those who would like to see a preview trailer http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...si&img=9385 Enjoy... the Fest should be out by tomorrow night if all goes well.
  14. A mod I VERY highly recommend!

    Yes I would have to agree, his screens and menus are awesome. Another one I really like is Latons "Engine damage effects".
  15. PlaneFest II now available: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9231 Trailer Video Should be available as soon as the moderators approve. Enjoy :yes:
  16. File Name: Plane Fest II - Edge of Insanity - Verdun File Submitter: Firecage File Submitted: 21 Jun 2009 File Category: User Made Campaigns Release 1.1 06-20-09 Nov-2008 Patch required This release does not have the added terrain mods, Balloon sets, or MG bunkers. I am waiting on a reply from the orig. designers of those mods to make sure they are good with including them in the Fest. Take all folders (1915,1916,1917,1918) and add them to your campaign folders. They will appear as 4 different campaigns in your drop down menu. I tried to get accurate release dates and hopefully each lane will show up on the dates around the time of actual release. All of the testing has been with Peter01's FM plane mods on all the planes that he has done. There are also some planes in these campaigns that peter has not done an FM for but, they worked just fine and alot of them are AI and have been tested as much as I could. There are some planes that are not included at this time and I am looking at releasing a new version soon that may have more planes included. As it stands right now I have around 60 planes in the 4 campaigns. I usualy have some spelling errors and such so a new update should be along very soon to correct those. Plane List: ScoutC1 ScoutD1 MSTypeH Avro504D MSTypeL PfalzEI PfalzEIII FokkerEI moraneN FokkerEIa FokkerEIII ScoutD Fe2B FokkerEIIIa ScoutC Dh2 FokkerEIV Nieuport11 Nieuport16 FokkerEIVa AlbatrosD1 Fe2D Nieuport17 DH-4 HalbD3 Nieuport17bis AlbatrosD2 Fe8 AlbatrosD3 PhonixKD1 SPAD7_150 OefAlbatrosDII Pup F2B SPAD7_180 Triplane CamelF1_110 N24bis AlbatrosD5 CamelF1_130 AlbatrosD3_OAW AlbatrosD5a Hanriot_HD1_Cam FokkerDr1 N24 N27 N27_Dual N27_FAS N27_RFC PfalzD3 SE5a SPAD13 Dolphin SVA5 CamelF1_150 N28 PfalzD8 SchuckertD3 FokkerD7 FokkerD7F PfalzD12 Snipe FokkerD8 The planes can be found at: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...&showcat=23 Flight Models from Peter01: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=213 Other add on aircraft: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/Skunworks1.html IF you have problems finding certain planes leave me a priv msg at combatace.com and I will try and address any questions. Firecage.... Click here to download this file
  17. Version


    Release 1.1 06-20-09 Nov-2008 Patch required This release does not have the added terrain mods, Balloon sets, or MG bunkers. I am waiting on a reply from the orig. designers of those mods to make sure they are good with including them in the Fest. Take all folders (1915,1916,1917,1918) and add them to your campaign folders. They will appear as 4 different campaigns in your drop down menu. I tried to get accurate release dates and hopefully each lane will show up on the dates around the time of actual release. All of the testing has been with Peter01's FM plane mods on all the planes that he has done. There are also some planes in these campaigns that peter has not done an FM for but, they worked just fine and alot of them are AI and have been tested as much as I could. There are some planes that are not included at this time and I am looking at releasing a new version soon that may have more planes included. As it stands right now I have around 60 planes in the 4 campaigns. I usualy have some spelling errors and such so a new update should be along very soon to correct those. Plane List: ScoutC1 ScoutD1 MSTypeH Avro504D MSTypeL PfalzEI PfalzEIII FokkerEI moraneN FokkerEIa FokkerEIII ScoutD Fe2B FokkerEIIIa ScoutC Dh2 FokkerEIV Nieuport11 Nieuport16 FokkerEIVa AlbatrosD1 Fe2D Nieuport17 DH-4 HalbD3 Nieuport17bis AlbatrosD2 Fe8 AlbatrosD3 PhonixKD1 SPAD7_150 OefAlbatrosDII Pup F2B SPAD7_180 Triplane CamelF1_110 N24bis AlbatrosD5 CamelF1_130 AlbatrosD3_OAW AlbatrosD5a Hanriot_HD1_Cam FokkerDr1 N24 N27 N27_Dual N27_FAS N27_RFC PfalzD3 SE5a SPAD13 Dolphin SVA5 CamelF1_150 N28 PfalzD8 SchuckertD3 FokkerD7 FokkerD7F PfalzD12 Snipe FokkerD8 The planes can be found at: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...&showcat=23 Flight Models from Peter01: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=213 Other add on aircraft: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/Skunworks1.html IF you have problems finding certain planes leave me a priv msg at combatace.com and I will try and address any questions. Firecage....
  18. PlaneFest II

    Yea, there are a few of borts planes that will probably make it into the fest next run. I have the frame work done now and I can add to it as I need. Probably next release when I find all the mistakes and typos that need to be fixed.
  19. AI mods to early planes

    Great timing sir! THese arrived just in time for some last minute tweaking on the plane fest. I have run out of word to thank you for the effor your putting into this game .. You Rock!! Awesome Job
  20. PlaneFest II

    Here is the list of planes that will be in the 1st Release Sorted By Country RAF: --------------------- ScoutC1 ScoutD1 MSTypeH MSTypeL moraneN ScoutD Avro504D Fe2B ScoutC Dh2 Fe2D DH-4 Fe8 Pup F2B Triplane CamelF1_110 CamelF1_130 SE5a Dolphin CamelF1_150 Snipe French: --------------------- Nieuport11 Nieuport16 Nieuport17 Nieuport17bis SPAD7_150 Br14 SPAD7_180 N24bis Hanriot_HD1_Dual N24 N27 N27_Dual N27_FAS N27_RFC SPAD13 SVA5 N28 German: --------------------- PfalzEI PfalzEIII FokkerEI FokkerEIa FokkerEIII FokkerEIIIa FokkerEIV FokkerEIVa AlbatrosD1 HalbD3 AlbatrosD2 AlbatrosD3 PhonixKD1 OefAlbatrosDII AlbatrosD5 AlbatrosD3_OAW AlbatrosD5a FokkerDr1 PfalzD3 PfalzD8 SchuckertD3 FokkerD7 FokkerD7F PfalzD12 FokkerD8 German Bombers: ------------------------ PfalzBI AviatikC2 PfalzEIIIAO PfalzEIIIO DFWC1 Staaken Walfisch DFWC5 AEG_G4 GothaGIV HannoverCLII HannoverCLIII Allied Bombers: ---------------------- MSTypeLAO BE-2A BE2 Ca3 HP400 SP3 BE-2D RE8 Salmson2A
  21. FCPF_II_4.wmv

    From the album FE Firecage History

    Here is a trailer for the new Plane Fest for those who want to see a preview.
  22. FE Firecage History

    The never ending saga of Firecage... Pilot on fire
  23. Cambrai Plane Fest II

    Hmmm I didnt know they had a limit on downloads here. Yes you can get most all the planes here at CA. Yes the Ateam has some great work and have some great planes that are needed in most Campaigns. I am still a few weeks (at least) from releasing the new Fest. Im testing out the last set of match up this week or so then just gathering readmes and installation notes and cleaning up files.
  24. Full Set Uploaded

    I will be downloading these later tonight, they don't seem to be approved yet. ALl I get is a page saying the file isn't there. Im sure as they wke up today they will get approved and I will fly them when I get home form work.

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