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Posts posted by Firecage

  1. Well that was one amazing day of Dog Fighting guys !!!! GJ :salute::salute::salute:


    I think we had some great team play and team kills today. Everyone covered each other very well and I think that helped keep many of us alive and back to home base to finish.


    Thanks to Black Haze for the TS server use and Vasco for not laughing at us make fools of ourselves alot of the time...


    Oh yea ....... Who was that masked man at the end on the runway ..... let me think ... hmmmm :grin::rofl::lol: Nah couldn't have been ....



    FOr those of you how haven't flown on Multi player ... get on the forum here and let any one know and you can be flying in a very short amount of time. We had alot of new faces today and its getting where there are 2 flights of us now. COme join the fun.. :drinks::drinks:

  2. Ok Some great tips I will try .... Thank you all for the ideas to try. I do tink I was in a elite squad. I can understand the ramming at times, its just crowded. Its the shooting THRU me that took 2 pilots in a row out.... Kinda makes me rethink the friendly fire idea. They can probably out shoot me as well so maybe thats a bad way to think :yikes:


    I was all set to grab TIR this week and I got to reading up on the TIR5 and I think Im going to get it instead next week or so. I am seeing where thats going to change things quite a bit as far as SA.


    Ok back to killing ... er I mean flying another pilot. :rofl:

  3. If I lose one more (*&{_@#@ pilot to my dumb*** wingmen ramming me or shoulder shooting I am going to take up a friendly fire situation on them. I have lost 3 of my top pilots due to this. I would almost rather go it solo hunting than have these idiots with me. I have now lost more pilots to them than enemy fire...


    Sorry for the rants I love this game but something eeds to happen to get these guys inline.... :blink::this:

  4. I find the Albs to be a good general purpose plane. They dont twek easy and if you can DF in a YO YO fight they do very well. Mot times the early one will against the Neuip's and you can pull above them well and hammer over on top of them till they are damaged enuff to get better shots.


    Later on I find them dangerous because camel's start to come along and they are a BIG handful of trouble in the albs unless you can get them to stall in a climb.


    THey do pretty well I feel vs the Spads.


    Not a real fast acting plane on a roll idea though. :salute:

  5. Well after looking over EVERY post on many sites... I think im going to make the plunge for TIR4 tomorrow if I can find some place that carries it here.


    I hope I don't have to order it online cuz I hate trying to deal with online ppl if things don't ship or something's wrong with the unit.


    Im trying to read up on these forums so I will know how to set it up properly when I get it.


    ANy extra input would be great if you have any.... thanks :salute:

  6. Ok Duck here is what im seeing ....


    If I put 1 spawn target Fac I can get the game to play. As soon as I put in a 2nd Spawn target it crashes.


    Its something to do with multiple target spawns but Im not sure if there is a way around it or not.


    Im going to try a new idea and see how it goes... brb in a few with results

  7. If anyone is interested in some MP games tonight I will host starting at 7pm tonight. I think Football got in everyone's way yesterday so i thought I would try and make up for it tonight. I will be on TS from 7-7:30 waiting for anyone who wants to play.


    I will be here... well actually im already here and working on tactics now. Any idea of what planes everyone wants to fly so I can brush up... im still so new there are many planes i haven't flown yet. :salute:

  8. Ok I just had it happen to me again and heres what I figured out. Even though I had 2 wingies near they were either not able to view my kill or altitude difference was the problem They were down below me somewhat and the other one was in a cloud area.


    Im guessing line of sight and typical war problem of them being on target fixation is the cause. This is talked about many time in the books from this era that many pilots shot down more than they got credit for due to no confimations.


    I think its BH&Hs way of simulation that kind of event. Irritating :threat: but it did happen alot... :scare:


    I am getting that same thing every now and then but its one I can live with since im now seeing what I think the game is doing. :suicide2:

  9. Finally, finally, finally shot down two aircraft in one flight!


    Yep, 2 BE2c's, downed with witnesses, times and locations right on the button.


    But.....what's this? I fill out two separate lines in the claim form - one per aircraft - and I'm told this is an erroneous claim??!! So, I dutifully remove line 2, bump up the quantity claimed in line 1 to two BE's, add the narrative for the second (a flamer, I might add), and submit again.


    WHAT???? The claim is *still* erroneous/invalid???!!!!


    I click OK anyway, because I'm getting nowhere, and sure enough, both have been rejected.


    Can somebody - possibly from OBD - tell me what I did or am doing wrong?





    I had this happen twice and I am still not sure what happened. I am guessing its wingmen not close enough, Witness name spelled wrong, Claimed wrong type of aircraft downed, or someting like that.


    I will watch this post 'cuz I would love to knowwhat these are all about and how to avoid them.



  10. The OP was asking about hammerheads in the Camel. My experience is to do anything you can, however ungraceful and uncoordinated, to avoid the tail slipping back. I fly with a twisty stick (X52) and have found that if I pull her slightly over the vertical with full right rudder as I cut throttle then use the ailerons to nudge her straight she achieves the desired result... nearly. Probably looks absolutely bloody awful from the outside but WWI ain't about pretty flying.


    I use a Logitech twist and see no problems for my level of flying abilities... alot of pilots love rudders and I can say what ever works for ya is the way to go.... :cool:


    Thanks for all the ideas ... I may see something here... maybe I need to cut the engine at a different time to ge the nose to drop over. I get at the top of the stall and rudder it over and it just wants to fall straight back and wont flip the nose around on a hammerhead. I will try cutting the eng a bit earlier and see if I can get the nose to pull over to the side a bit more. I may also need to start the nose over a bit earlier in the camel than I have been doing in the Albs. The nose is heavier in the Alb I think and thats helping me get her turned back towards the earth easier.


    Also I always did the hammerhead as a move to the right over left and not a flip over the top which may be a new idea to try and see if I have more luck withit that way.... great ideas all.... :grin:


    I am asing because when I over shoot a plane it seems to work better to hammer head and come back more than a Barrel roll and gives me a few more seconds to SA the enemy plane and see what evasive move he might be pulling and act accordingly. I have done some work and found out a bit more on how to get the Wing over's and yo yos to work better.... its the damn hammerhead thats tweaking me still at times.


    I think some time in Free flight doing some test runs may be in order... altho I find training under the gun of a campaign to be more of a learning experience. .... but then I was always a hard head at learning new tricks :yikes:


    Thanks for the info :salute:

  11. Ok im really getting where I love this plane but one area is just eating me alive....


    When im in most every othe plane hammerheads and yo-yos seem to work well but the camel is just getting into a tumble that pretty much un recoverable. has any one got any tips on why the weight of the engine wont get the nose of the camel to pull around and drop over ? Or an different way of doing these type of manouvers?


    Thanks for any help or advice :salute:

  12. Ya know .... I always avoided the Camel but the more I'm in it the more I am really starting to appreicate the plane and its abilities. Once your in a spin its usually fatal but DAMN is it an amazing bird to fly if you can ride the edge well.


    Duck and I flew some missions tonight in the camel and I finally started getting the hang of the quirks it has just a bit. I think I may start a campaign with it and see how it does in there to get some practice.


    Hope to see some pilots Saturday nite for some Pre-Sunday practice.... Im easy to find look for the rookie plane with the target on it .... :dance2:


    Firecage :cool:


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