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Everything posted by Outlaw7

  1. Now Aint This A Kick In The 'Nads?

    Definitely, hats off to your Son and his Buddy. It's bad enough being over there putting up with crap, but to come back here and be run down by one of our own. I always told the Wife, "If I ever call from jail, it's because I kicked the s_ _ t out of some punk as_ ed kid, who was either talking crap about my Country, or burning our Flag!" I wish your son and his friend well; I'll be joining them for my second tour in October. I'm in the Army, but we're all in the same fight together.
  2. If you are flying 8 aircraft or more you can command the Squadron to attack either tab-6-1-air or tab-6-2-ground. This doesn't mean they will attack what you want- Sometimes makes you wonder about artificial intelligence. The only other thing that may help is to make your wingman 1-2 the best from the flight roster when you're first setting up your mission. Even then the knucklehead will say,"roger, got your target ", and never fire or drop a piece of ordnance. Best bet is to have your flight take out as much ground targets as possible and hit the primary yourself-if you want results.
  3. Works for me; thats 2000hrs on the west coast
  4. Daredevil Evel Knievel dies at 69

    I had the wind up motorcycle with his show van. Used to play the heck out of that when I was a kid.
  5. I searched my pictures. Hopefully some of these might help.
  6. There is a voice mod too, that calls out the flight number of the aircraft the sam was fired at. I think it is in the sound mod download area. It also tells you if you have a bogey on your tail. I find myself getting wacked when I get fixated during air to air and my wing man calls me with a sam warning and I blow him off.
  7. I hit Tab #6 for Squadron and #4 for rejoin. Also some of these guys are knuckleheads (AI); make sure you pick the best out of the flight roster.
  8. I've been flying, (WOE), using CH pedals and was wondering how do you get the toe brakes to work? I've searched the knowledge base and can't find a topic on it. Anyone else had this problem ?
  9. Thanks; at least I know to stop screwing with them.
  10. They have the option as toe brakes, but I can't get them to work on WOE
  11. Best luck I've had if they don't follow, as you drop, is to have them engage other ground targets. Another method that sometimes works is if you come in low before radar contact your flight should be with you around the same altitude, (you have to tell them to follow you though); watch out for the ZSU 23-4; he'll rip you to shreds .
  12. My Hornets have been making cannon fodder out of the MIGs... now that damn Flanker is a different story. He's hard to shoot down and hits ya when you ain't looking. Can't wait for the Super Hornet. Makes me want to go watch the flight scene in "Behind Enemy Lines."
  13. Love flying the Falcon; can't wait until it's finished
  14. I like new ways to "kill" the enemy. I've gone out of the box and made myself a few AGM and AIM "nukes". It's fun to mess with; just have to be careful you don't put yourself in the kill zone when you launch.
  15. Sometimes when I'm dropping bombs or firing missiles there will be no effect on the target. I'm sure the dates are right for the weapons and aircraft. Also, I know that the weapons have enough destructive power for the task at hand. I've tried the knowledge base, but I only found data on editing the ini files. I'd appreciate any help with this. Thanks.
  16. I really appreciate you working on the Terrain. I can't wait until it's finished.
  17. I have to agree with the Germany terrain idea. I can blow those runways pretty easy; 30mm Avenger will do it if you are close and pour all your rounds into it. I've even tried to Nuke the runway with various Tomahawk, ACLM, and SRAM missles. None of them have an "effect" on the runway, but they do kill everything else around, including aircraft that are to close. I appreciate everyone chiming in on this; I wish we had a solution though. It's pretty frustrating to scrap the mission when you can't destroy the target. Just a side bar to this; is anyone working a modern Iraq/ Iran terrain? I'd love to fly downtown Bahgdad and Tehran and give them a few GBUs to chew on.
  18. This only happens on the Middle East Terrains, i.e. Libya, etc. I just ran the runway mission in a F-15E. I have tried GBU-15, MK83,(1000lb), and GBU-31. I even dropped them one after the other to make sure there was enough destructive power. You can see the explosions and the craters, but still no mission accomplished. Could there be something in the ini file for the Libya/ Israel II terrains that I can tweak?
  19. I've been using GBUs on other targets and they're working great. I haven't been able to get the runway mission to come up again yet. I'll let you know how it turns out.
  20. The weapons hit the target and explode, but you get no mission accomplished. My most recent example is 24 ea M117 High Drag against a runway in Libya. I flew a BDA pass and the thing was swiss cheese, but not "destroyed by the game". I've had similar results with JDAMs.
  21. Watch your range when firing the nuke falcon.....
  22. I have all except FE. Play WOE mostly with the middle east terrains. Would like to see someone create a mod that has present day OIF and OEF missions.
  23. This bird will carry alot of different weapons and will wreak havoc in the air and on the ground. Don't forget to use your weapon editor to add Israel and allow the particular weapon to be exported in the right year. Remember during air to air you can't jettison your tanks, but you can the stowage racks.
  24. You could put a ECM pod to help with the balance, but then again the F16 runs the lantern without anything opposite it. What kind of aircraft are you loading out?

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