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Peter Brooks

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Everything posted by Peter Brooks

  1. Trying to access CAPUN skunkworks to download new Pfalz but I've lost the bit of paper with my details on (Had a clear up!) How can I recover or re-register or contact??
  2. First Eagles Add On

    Some time ago we saw some screeshots of a new add-on for FE of a Camel etc...whats news and hows the progress coming on this item?
  3. Hitting the Zeppelins

    I have Flanders in my terrains folder, I have A Team Camel Hitting the Zeps is in my mission folder Cannot find it on create mision or load mission load out screen, Help
  4. How can I get the Map to enlarge without distorting the labels??? many thanks for this great terrain.
  5. Great Campaign and in the screenshots I see some first rate cloud effects, where are they from??
  6. Maps

    Just wondering for the sake of immersion if the towns on both the Verdun and Vosges maps can be named so that we can get and idea as to where we are?
  7. Maps

    Thats great and really helpful towns would be good but when you have the time...many many thanks.
  8. Maps

    I certainly mean on the briefing maps.....this would be good to familiarise ourselves with the terrain and places. Anyone out there who can do this?
  9. I'm sure there must have been a thread on this before but how do you insert new planes into stock missions. Or how do you use th stock missions for creating new ones with specific add on aircraft in them??
  10. Changing Planes in Missions

    Many thanks for this help....
  11. Have downloaded Hurricane Season onto version 4.04 combined DVD which only has Ostfront add on with it. unzipped to Campaigns Gb and folder sits there with other folders. Extracted skins and background screen OK However all I have when I click pilot career GB is Hurricane Murmansk and Far East command Any ideas?
  12. Having fiddled with 4.04 and getting nowhere I have downloaded into '46 and it works fine! Many thanks for your help.
  13. I downloaded this from Combat Ace Forms IL2 Missions/Campaigns downloads section. Thanks Dagger...have not tried it on anything else other than the complete edition DVD 4.04 with just Ostfront added on. If you are successful a step by step idiot guide would be appreciated.
  14. Albatros controls

    On the stock DV and the D111 download from capun I get wing control surfaces working well. However on the D1 D2 Bort download I get no wing surface control movement makiing it difficuly to fly even on easy setting What do I need to do? Have seen the Max speed fix for the Albatros D111 does this need to be applied to the stock DV and the D1 and D2 download.
  15. Choosing Skims

    Have spent some time dowloading the amazing skins...truly works of art. But I am stuck!! Downloaded Degelow Skin and copied into D7 ini folder and in the xxxxx number made it 12 (the next available) It says in read me to select D7 in a mission (can do that!) and then choose Jasta 40 skin (How do you do that...what screen am I missing??) Anyone out there help. Peter Brooks
  16. Choosing Skims

    Many thanks just did'nt see that one...
  17. Choosing Skims

  18. Choosing Skims

    Where do I find the Load Out Screen or am I being stupid?????

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