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hi ho silver

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Everything posted by hi ho silver

  1. Hi Rends I have some new tod city textures that enhance night flights.. if you pm me i will send them to you to beta test..Great work by the way ...
  2. Hi rends here is a description i found ..... The covered flight line (GFDL) were conducted from which the air services. The bunkered building housed the management group of the flights, the meteorologists, the DHS Flight Director, and various life-sustaining equipment and could be entered only with special permission Hope this helps...
  3. vote

    Hhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm T2 please :)
  4. I think i'm having some luck ..trying some white and yellow window's and messing with the environment system..
  5. How about some lights for buildings .Not sure if it can be done but had an idea would it be possible to make new CE_CITY1 jpeg that changes with the time of day..We know the can change with the seasons but what about the time of day...? if so a new jpeg with bright window's reflecting to ambient light might just work ?
  6. Hi ikon71 you might be hearing the windloop file ...I did do a sound mod to get rid of it and inprove the engine sound.... http://combatace.com/files/file/10720-cockpit-engine-sound-mod/
  7. This. Looks awesome... Are you going to use my buildings mod too ?
  8. Here,s a thought how about make the sub as a flat object with a dark transparent skin and short disstants veiw ?
  9. No we've been here so long we're Kracker,s :-)
  10. Good god not see this for a long time I did the afterburner for it . nice to see it back again .
  11. That's Easy..in the flight folder look for flightengine [LoadingScreen] BackgroundImage=LoadingScreen1.JPG BackgroundImageSize=1024,768 TextFontName=Arial TextSize=20 TextFontColor=250,250,250 TextFile=LoadingText.str LoadingTextStringID=TXT_FLT_LOADING PercentTextStringID=TXT_FLT_LOADING_PERCENT ProgressBarRange=100 ProgressBarRect=204,733,820,753 StreamAudio=/////loading.wav
  12. File Name: RWB File Submitter: hi ho silver File Submitted: 24 December 2006 File Category: BAe Hawk T.1 and Variants: T.1A, Hawk 50-200, and T-45 Goshawk Skins 1995 RAF Vally red,white,blue Click here to download this file
  13. F-16 F-15 and Mig-29 afterburner mod



    This mod replaces the tga file in each skin file .It only works with the newer f-16 F-15 models and the mig-29 .Id like to thank deuce fo his help .I hope you like it? Tony aka hi ho siver Update this is a resized version to fit the tail pipe better..
  14. Hi here's a copy of the afterburner i use... Copy_of_afterburner.zip
  15. Afterburner.tga is the default all afterburner.tga look the same in the thirdwire planes if you want add a different one you Need to put it in the skin folder and rename it to match the afterburnernode name..
  16. OK in the aircraft data you will find AfterburnerEmitterName= this links to the effects file afterburneremitter which contains the afterburnerfire.tga..The afterburnerfire.tga is in the effects file too..Next is the AfterburnerNodeName= in the aircraft data this controls the engine .tga (afterburner) this .tga goes in the skin file ..hope this helps
  17. Hi the afterburner flame emitter is in the effects folder along with the flame tga. The afterburner burner engine tga goes in the the skin folder. I am working on a mod to change them all its a bit of nightmare as you need every skin folder name.

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