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Everything posted by Fates

  1. Far Cry Screenshots

    I like the one on the german site.. http://www.farcry.de/ The seem to be having a bikini contest going on for prizes...unfortunately my German is'nt that good.. <C> Fates
  2. UBI: I have a right to protect my investment, and I will continue to do so until companies like yours find a way to do it for me. I have 2 curious kids in the house that just love to explore...and break things..Will you provided me with a replacement CD if the original is scratched? Broke?
  3. Cheating....part 2

    From HardOCP: GO EPIC....GO EPIC.....GO EPIC!!! <C> Fates
  4. I Have A Crash Problem

    What game?
  5. What's Wrong With This?

    Ummmmm.....no anti torque (rudder) pedals? TRUE Way too much weight for a Kiowa? (6 bodies in a 2 person machine) (just a guess, I don't know the capacity) This is a Huey 500 Model...adn I've seen them take on a pilot +4 on the Skids here at Indy State Police SWAT team... No cyclic controller? (The Cyclic is out of View) No safety harnesses for dudes outside? TRUE Right seater's foot stuck through the floor. TRUE Pilot isn't in flight gear...same as soldiers. Should have flight helmet with comms and flight suit? Along the same lines, shouldn't the right seater be a co pilot? I think he wants out in the "heat". There ya Go Weasy! That's Close enough. The PILOT should be on the RIGHT side...not the LEFT. Although helicopters (many) can be flown from either side, it is SOP for them to be flown from the RIGHT seat...not the left. <C> Fates
  6. Just Got Back From A Local Punk Show

    Kicken!! Is that what they are callin PUNK these days? We called that Metal back in the 80's. Pay in Pain was a great tune.....reminded me of Stormtroopers of Death meets Motorhead.... Great Stuff! <C> Fates
  7. What's Wrong With This?

    1 flaw...but not the most obvious one. There are many flaws..but there is one that should stand out <C> Fates
  8. Cheating In Video Games

    Saw this over at HomeLan: Now that's a threat. Imagine having you CD Key yanked for hacking and cheating...ouch! What's you thoughts? Fates
  9. Tac Sims

    From the looks of this Forum...nobody gives a ratts ass about tac sims...
  10. Locked?

    I fail to see a position that the SITE supports. As far as threatening me...not me personally...but my actions and decisions as an non-bias administrator on this site. Those acusation of the site staff are unfounded, and will not be tolerated by you or any other member. Therefore as obvious as the warning shot accross the bow was, take another timeout from posting, while the staff discusses your future....This site doesn't belong to you or your opinions, and we will not let it be dictated by them. I'm not refereing to your political opinions, but your opinions of the staff as being thread lockers, pro-Bush, or any other thing for that matter. You attacked my integrity with your remarks...I will not stand here and give you the opportunity to do that to other members. Fates
  11. Cheating In Video Games

    Yeah Weasy....while actually flying a THUD! The hack were very noticible with the game, but some of the new FPS games out, I'm noticing that the hacks are more and more subtle. <C> Fates
  12. Cheating In Video Games

    I used to see the exact same thing in USAF, Zagnut. The major cause there was not always lag...but PRNTSCRN. If a user took a screenshot, it would cause them to lag bad. This was exploited quite abit <C> Fates
  13. Cheating In Video Games

    I'm sure everyone would love to know the CHEATERS Callsign,....hint..hint..
  14. Locked?

    Dont threaten me with that bullsh!t. I could care less which way it goes, and attitudes like yours only fuel the hatred dude. Let it go..to another forum.
  15. Locked?

    To prevent personal attacks and cussing. There were also just too many topics all in one thread. I'd suggest creating a different thread on each topic....but...they are all subject to the same forum rules. Have fun! <C> Fates
  16. It's definately not a Rembrant, but it is a pretty kool paint job. I'm not planing on painting it...I was asking if someone else would. My Skinning days are long over for me. I used to have several other pics of it, but for the life of me aI can't find them... CHeers! Fates
  17. Bertuzzi's So Called "attack" On Moore

    Yep...Violence is gonna be in every sport. However, I don't ever recall a batter running to the mound with a bat in his hand to bash the face in of a pitcher that just threw a wild pitch. They drop the bat...and settle it like men...with fists. Football does about the same thing...yeah..they can get a little violent...like the Sapp Attack, and yes snapple he was well within his right to throw that hit, but was it truely neccessary. I'd love to see more fines...heavy fines against these players. Take the money and give it to the cities so they can relieve my freakin taxes so I don't have to pay for a new dome in Indianapolis.. These players are role-models to kids. Kids that take what they just saw and try to duplicate it on the playground. They get sent to the principles office and the parents get called. Lets see the parents get fined...that'll bring back spankings..that alot of these kids need. Fates
  18. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    OK...well..this is why a political forum just aint gonna happen. You can never find a moderator for it...and if ya could, we'd all vote for him/her as President. Keep it civil. Keep it safe. <C> Fates
  19. Cod Update

    WorthPlaying ... Here: Communique <C> Fates
  20. Lmao...

    I couldn't resist <C> Fates
  21. What Car We Drive......

    Well.....They pulled up to unload my new car....Gonna have to park the Durango Outside...oh well...its a 4x4 and doesn't mind...hehe
  22. Biohaz

    What would you like to see MORE or LESS of at Biohazcentral.com?
  23. Kuma War

    This is something that had definately peaked a little interest in me. For thos that don't know, KUMA\WAR is a new game being introduced that updates to include real world events. For those of you that haven't seen this, please check it out. WEBSITE: http://www.kumawar.com Video Trailer:HERE Kuma/War is intense episodic play based on the very same stories rocking the world today. Each mission includes a video news show with expert analysis and the critical intel you need to understand a world in crisis. After we report it, you play it - in single-player and multi-player. Experience the toughest fighting of the war. Be the 10th Mountain Division hunting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan or the 101st Airborne defeating the Hussein brothers in Iraq. Wherever the war takes our forces, we'll put you there.
  24. The Following files were added to the Download area....sorry for the wait. How to create your Own Missions how_to_create_your_own_missionsrev3.zip IMCRefuel.zip imcrefuel.zip Environment Mod. envsys.zip F-2H4 Banshee USN Dark Blue paint usndkblue.zip F-2H4 Banshee Marine Dark BLue Paint usmcdkblue.zip A Friend in Need a_friend_in_need.zip zzz_lockon_sound_effects_ogg.zip MEXCAMO mexcamo.zip F-15C Hangar Screen Pack f15changarscreen.zip A-7B CorsairII Hangar Screen Pack a7bhangarscreen.zip Mig 29-S (Alx) mig_29s_alx.zip
  25. Biohaz File Download Update

    Sorry PC....MJ has been informed...but I think you need to upload them again Fates

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