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Everything posted by Fates

  1. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    From what I've seen so far, you will not be dissapointed....
  2. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    Hope you have better luck then me. And I hope this game is better then the installation that I just went thru...what a bummer. 5CD's, things seem to go along ok, but there nothing to do....no fancy video, no slideshow, no music, just a retail box and a CONTROLS card to read during the 45 minutes installation and registration process. All this crap...only to get this:
  3. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    Working on the PF Review? LOL Fates
  4. Half-Life 2

    ok....3 days....15 hours.....who's buyin'? <C> Fates
  5. PBSS for Leased Servers

    This has been a long awaited correction to a problem that GoAA at SCI induced. In the past, leased non-official servers were allowed more abilities to control their servers then groups that paid higher dollars for official ones. This has now changed for the better. I honestly believe that the group AASA (AA Server Admins) thru alot of weight towards GoAA and SCI. They made a statement in the AAO Official forums about possibly pulling their servers away from SCI due to overwhelming complaints about support and features. The only downside to those servers was the loss of being "Official" meaning you would no longer gain honor. Well, AASA and many other clans that rent servers from GoAA joined up and threatened to leave as well. This was going to hit SCI pretty hard in the wallet. Money Talks. <C> Fates
  6. I've just spotted this at BestBuy in Indianapolis. Whooopopye!!!! <C> fates
  7. Funny thing is..... The P40 bounciness is more predominantly at low speed.... Once you get the aircraft moving, and the tail off the ground, the rudder seems to work well, and the aircraft perform much more normal. The problem I have with this is: At lower taxi/takeoff speeds, the aircraft is heavier on the ground and should be much easier to control. The light controls, and bounciness should be a little more predominant once the aircraft lightens up. Not nearly as bouncy as what the sim produces, but more noe the less. <C> Fates
  8. Another shop idea

    Unfortunately no, they do not make case badges. There are a slew of things that I've thought of that could be sold there. But most are speacialty items like case badges, and you can pretty much get them printed a several online computer stores. I think www.Directron.com allows for this. <C> Fates
  9. I figured I'g get used to the aircraft....since I'm not a IL2 flyer, and my first impressions are not too bad, but the BOUNCYness is really irratating. Also, I would like to see Left-Right differential wheel braking.
  10. anyone from fort wayne indiana.

    I'm in Indianapolis, but Weasel is in the Fort. <C> Fates
  11. Server Launch

    I just wanted to take a moment to say that TEAMODB.com has launched its Official America's Army Server. Hospital, Village, CSAR, and more.... Hope you all enjoy IP: <C> Fates
  12. It is definately fun.... The lack of differential braking does not make me happy though. Has anyone tried to setup toe brakes? In real life, I can spin a taildragger around on a dime. This comes in handy on a carrier...when your getting used to the take off, and wanna back taxi. <C> Fates
  13. November calender

    Glad ya like it PC! Thanks a bunch.... I'll be doin some more naval calendar soon.... Got Pacific Fighters and can't wait to get the F4u on the flight deck. <C> Fates
  14. Server Launch

    Thanks Screwjack! Hope you been reading about this new Hack goin around....whoa...what a doosy! http://aaotracker.4players.de/thread.php?threadid=68456 <C> Fates
  15. I took some screens today, and got this: 1) I'm not happy that it takes a screenshot at 2.3 Mb in TGA format....much prefer BMP. Anyone know what the cause of the red dot's/line is? (ATI Radeon 9700 PRo with latest cats, set at game prefs)
  16. The screen is clean during flight.....it only shows up during screencaptures. Fates
  17. Just thought I'd let everyone know. If you have any questions, post away. We'll try to answer them the best we can. <C> Fates
  18. Dangerous Waters Preview is up

    Dangerous Waters does model Diesel subs. And Yes, MJ was in one. I was in an Akula II. The game took us longer then realtime to play as we are still getting used to the interface, me much more the Beer. Beer probably could have dropped a torp on me at any time as I wasn't exactly trying to hide. We played a created mission last night. ( 1) P3- Orion ( 1) FFG on blue team and (1) Kilo on red team. The game played in realtime, and took about an hour before I was able to locate the FFG (I'm in Kilo) and sink it. Beer was giving me pointers on how to evade his P3. There is a Time-Scale slider for boxed missions. So once you shoot a torpedo, if you want to speed things up, the ability is there. <C> Fates
  19. Dangerous Waters Preview is up

    Thanks for stopping by Jamie. I gotta say that Beer and I have truely enjoyed every minute. We are both multiplayer gamers through and through. I'm not a sub commander but I'm willing to sleep at a Holiday Inn soon. Scored my first kill tonite while learning the ropes. Joy oh joy! Cheers! Fates
  20. Help needed in the Fair Strike forum

    I've tried to email the developers of the project with now reply. I will continue to see what help I can find for ya. <C> Fates
  21. If I catch either of you posting about the other with any disrespect in your tone, expect a 90 day ban from the site. Biohazcentral will not be anyones platform for hatred and disrespect. You have both been warned....again. MJ told ya to take this problem to PM or Email, this includes any apologies to MJ.. There is absolutely no need to make it a public debate for everyone to laugh at.

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