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About kingfish

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    San Clemente California USA
  1. I think it would be really cool if you can stop and save a mission in flight. Then reenter the mission and finish the flight later on. No warping, No 3 hours in front of the PC. I know it’s is probably to hard to do but it’s would be cool
  2. drop in fps

    Yes, Drop my fps in half . tryed turning slider down ,little help 552251,Really bad stuttering almost unplayable. Going to try complete reinstall & maybe different drivers .I'am at a lost . any ideals ?? AMD 64X2@3.25 Mhz, 4gig ram two 8800GTX in Sli, two 10.000 rpm hard drives in raid 0, XP
  3. [quote name='Siggi' date='Aug 10 2009, 04:19 PM' post='325928'] Well, I guess it must be the trees. Scenery and terrain detail are on 4, as they were before, with density high. Where I used to very rarely see less than 30fps I'm now getting regular 18fps and suffering a stuttering mess. Reduced density to medium, not much improvement. I'll try the two sliders back to three and hope it does nothing more than take some of the trees away. Siggi the same thing happen to me, frame rate drop from 25-50 to 18 and belowe ,in fact in a campain ,in a real ferball framerate drop to a slide show of 4 !!! My sliders were set at 5,5,33,1 I am going to lower them some more , but this is a sad day . AMD 64X2 4 gig ram 2- 8800GTX SLI xp home . any help would be greatly appreciated . It is a great looking patch

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