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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. You might be right about that. I've just realized that the BombAI stuff is actually in the aircraftobject.ini. That might explain a few things...d'oh.
  2. File Name: VF-13 'Night Cappers', CVW-10 skin for the Mirage Factory F-8E File Submitter: Gocad File Submitted: 14 Oct 2008 File Category: F-8 VF-13 'Night Cappers', CVW-10 skin for the Mirage Factory F-8E Making this skin would not have been possible without the work done by the Gunfighters team and the Mirage Factory or without Column5's fantastic template. Thanks a lot, guys! Installation instructions Extract the contents of the rar file named 'NC65' into a TEMP folder. Read the text file for further instructions. Legal stuff 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. You must give proper credit in your readme file. 3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod. Click here to download this file
  3. Version


    VF-13 'Night Cappers', CVW-10 skin for the Mirage Factory F-8E Making this skin would not have been possible without the work done by the Gunfighters team and the Mirage Factory or without Column5's fantastic template. Thanks a lot, guys! Installation instructions Extract the contents of the rar file named 'NC65' into a TEMP folder. Read the text file for further instructions. Legal stuff 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. You must give proper credit in your readme file. 3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod.
  4. The obligatory(?) "Look at me, I've made another Crusader skin!" shot: VF-13 Night Cappers, CVW-10 (~1965)
  5. 13_3.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  6. 13_2.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  7. What's the max number of bombs the Bone can drop during an attack (in-game that is)? PS. The Bone looks great
  8. The ripple quantity is defined in the cockpit.ini of each aircraft. It's right on top under [CockpitData]. The cockpit.ini files of stock aircraft are inside the objectdata.cat
  9. AFAIK DecalMaxLOD determines on which LOD (remember that some aircraft have several LODs) the decals will show up. This means that decals can disappear once you get further away from an aircraft. level 3 = killmarks that should complete the list.
  10. Say what you want, they sure knew how to build attractive aircraft back then... :yes:
  11. AFAIK that's Vista's fault. Vista restricts access to the Program Files directory, not only for the user, but occasionally also for programs that are installed there. The game is then simply unable to create new files (like screenshots) there.
  12. I guess she can deal with MiGs quite well... Btw, that's an AI F-101 there
  13. It's the last time I'm going to say this: Stop installing the WoX series into the Program Files directory! Put it into your personal Users directory instead.
  14. Do I need to fly a mission at dawn to get there?
  15. Pffft, Supa Hornets....there's only one plane I keep crawlin back to. It's the one in the foreground.
  16. reelsaxplane.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  17. I probably deserved this...wait a sec, is that a new Supa Hornet there?
  18. Nah, the big wing version is better, although I have to admit that to me even the big wing version looks way to small to me...(I'm talking about the real aircraft here, not Klavs' model)

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