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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. File Name: VF-24 'Checkertails' low-vis scheme for the Mirage Factory F-8J File Submitter: Gocad File Submitted: 11 Oct 2008 File Updated: 11 Oct 2008 File Category: F-8 VF-24 'Checkertails' low-vis scheme for the Mirage Factory F-8J Making this skin would not have been possible without the work done by the Gunfighters team and the Mirage Factory or without Column5's fantastic template. Thanks a lot, guys! Installation instructions Extract the contents of the rar file named '24lv into a TEMP folder. Read the text file for further instructions. Legal stuff 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. You must give proper credit in your readme file. 3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod. Additional notes File updated, because decals.ini needed some fixing. Sorry about that. Click here to download this file
  2. Version


    VF-24 'Checkertails' low-vis scheme for the Mirage Factory F-8J Making this skin would not have been possible without the work done by the Gunfighters team and the Mirage Factory or without Column5's fantastic template. Thanks a lot, guys! Installation instructions Extract the contents of the rar file named '24lv into a TEMP folder. Read the text file for further instructions. Legal stuff 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. You must give proper credit in your readme file. 3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod. Additional notes File updated, because decals.ini needed some fixing. Sorry about that.
  3. 211lv_2.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  4. Do you still have your stock Decals folder? Oh yeah, what's with the tanks? Looks like they're missing their texture....
  5. 162lv.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  6. File Name: VF-211 'Fighting Checkmates' low-vis scheme for the Mirage Factory F-8J File Submitter: Gocad File Submitted: 10 Oct 2008 File Category: F-8 VF-211 'Fighting Checkmates' low-vis scheme for the Mirage Factory F-8J Making this skin would not have been possible without the work done by the Gunfighters team and the Mirage Factory or without Column5's fantastic template. Thanks a lot, guys! Installation instructions Extract the contents of the rar file named '211lv into a TEMP folder. Read the text file for further instructions. Legal stuff 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. You must give proper credit in your readme file. 3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod. Click here to download this file
  7. Version


    VF-211 'Fighting Checkmates' low-vis scheme for the Mirage Factory F-8J Making this skin would not have been possible without the work done by the Gunfighters team and the Mirage Factory or without Column5's fantastic template. Thanks a lot, guys! Installation instructions Extract the contents of the rar file named '211lv into a TEMP folder. Read the text file for further instructions. Legal stuff 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. You must give proper credit in your readme file. 3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod.
  8. Actually there is a C around (here), anyway, the reason why I don't plan to do this skin is simply that I have no clue how to get the fuselage stripe right...
  9. Are you trying to edit an .ini file that's located in the Program Files directory? Vista doesn't like that. Hint: move the file you want to edit into your USER directory, change it there, then move it back to its orginal location....or even better, move the entire WOx install into your personal directory.
  10. 211_24lv.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  11. I guess that now I have to make a VF-24 low-vis skin as well...
  12. 211lv.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  13. I thought about making a few low-viz skins for that purpose just yesterday...I'm not going to promise anything, but you'll never know....
  14. Fun fact: You don't need to bother extracting the CV-63 files from WOE's objectcat. Bascially all you need is the CVA-63.ini file...and the texture, which AFAIK doesn't come with WOE. EDIT: Oh, they do come with WOE. Well, you learn something every day... Oh yeah, another secret: The SCB-125 is in the WOE objectcat as well.
  15. If that plane is bascially nothing but the WOI F-16A with some edited .ini files then you should definitely NOT upload it. What you could upload are the files you have made, thereby creating an incomplete aircraft that would require WOI to function.
  16. File Name: VMFA-251 'Thunderbolts' TPS for Klavs' F-35A File Submitter: Gocad File Submitted: 7 Oct 2008 File Category: 4th/5th Generation Aircraft VMFA-251 'Thunderbolts' TPS for Klavs' F-35A Yes, another of those "I still can't believe that it's really a two-tone scheme" skins...although the pic should convince you that it is indeed one. Installation instructions Extract the contents of the rar file named 'TB_35' into a TEMP folder. Read the text file for further instructions. Legal stuff 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. You must give proper credit in your readme file. 3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod. Click here to download this file
  17. Version


    VMFA-251 'Thunderbolts' TPS for Klavs' F-35A Yes, another of those "I still can't believe that it's really a two-tone scheme" skins...although the pic should convince you that it is indeed one. Installation instructions Extract the contents of the rar file named 'TB_35' into a TEMP folder. Read the text file for further instructions. Legal stuff 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. You must give proper credit in your readme file. 3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod.
  18. Would you reveal the coordinates of the carrier station you've used?
  19. Do a 104 decals make a difference? (Hey, that's a nice ambiguity there as well.) Red Hammer needs German Starfighters to be all over the place.
  20. I've inserted a F-8 into the stock WOE '79 campaign, wanted to have some fun over Germany...but it turned out to be a disappointment because those damn Eagles shot down all MiGs before I could get in range. So don't tell me the AI doesn't do BVR. 'Fox One! Fox One! Fox One!' I tell you that's really annoying.

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