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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. hh.jpg

  2. Ah well, then I'm down to two or three skins.
  3. I do have a few more questions: Are multiple submissions (not of the same skin, of course ) okay? Do mere decal jobs count as well?
  4. I don't think that the targets.ini has anything to do with it, but I do assume that the unit you're flying for is activated some time after the campaign begins. In that case it's possible (especially when the North Vietnamese are on offensive) that they gain some ground by chance...but I don't think that this happens always. I say this because I have written a similar campaign for WOE and was quite surprised to see the Soviets already being in Hamburg upon campaign begin (as mentioned earlier my unit had a later start date)
  5. Do you really want to have 16 Spitfire skins that would only differ because of their squadron codes? Hint: Check out the skins I have done for the DAT Spitfires... Also, nice skins. :yes:
  6. So we could use paint schemes that have been utilized in the past, but those would be considered 'fictional', right?
  7. Are you running Vista by any chance? Move or rather install the entire game with all its files into the Users section instead into Program Files....it solves so many problems.
  8. No problem, waiting a few hours is better than waiting two weeks...
  9. ...and how should one move them. There's no special key to do so and moving the entire aircraft to keep the bomb locked onto the target until impact would not sound ridiculous, it's also not making sense since you need to a TV display for that, which you actually shouldn't need to drop LGBs on the primary target. Bottom line is...I'm confused about how this is supposed to work now. The previous guidance method (btw, how did it work in WOI before the Aug 2008 patch?) was fine and well in tune with the 'sim lite' approach, but now it's almost useless. (Don't read this as an "OMGWFTBBQ! Teh game'S broken!!!!111!!" rant, though. I just want input from those that might know more about it.)
  10. randome ships

    The game selects for ANTI_SHIP missions always CARGO_SHIPs, however it doesn't care whether the CARGO_SHIP is a defenseless tanker or a missile destroyer...bottom line is: open the warship's data file and replace 'WARSHIP' with 'CARGO_SHIP'. Bear in mind that you should not have more than four different ships marked as 'CARGO_SHIP' in your Groundobjects folder.
  11. Have you tried other compatibility modes? I use the Win98/ME compatibility mode in Vista and have no problems.
  12. I wouldn't rule it out that the parameters might have been changed. I've also noticed that there is now an additional moving crosshair present in the TV display, which I would see as another indicator that TK has changed something...
  13. Or is it just me? Perhaps I'm not the first to notice that, but I do have the impression that the gudiance of smart bombs (LGB and apparently also EOGB) has been changed with the patch. Both in WOE (w weapons pack installed) and stock WOV I've noticed that it's now really difficult (mildly put) to hit something with those 'smart' bombs. They simply fail to guide towards the target...something they always did in pre-patch WOE/WOV... Thoughts anyone?
  14. DR.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  15. VF51_S.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  16. Wrench, I had also problems with the Apex missile, especially with the IR version. You'll have to remove the SpecificStationCode (AA7) of the Apex stations of the MIG-23M or add it to the missiles of the R-23 family in the weapondata.ini
  17. Absolutely. Are rhetoric questions currently en vouge here?
  18. FYI: The part that didn't made sense to me was deleting the weaponsdata.ini from the MF weapons pack and replacing it with the one from objectdata.cat, since there is no need to run that one through the weaponeditor. Why didn't just delete the old weapondata.dat file and then opened and saved the weapondata.ini with the Feb '08 weaponeditor. That's what I did with my weapons (manually copied over from my unpatched WOE install) and it worked like a charm.
  19. And all weapons from the MF weapons pack show up now? I'm asking because the method you've described there makes no sense at all.

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