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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. No, that can't shouldn't be done due to the set up of the TMF Crusaders weapon stations. The dual rails are for IRMs and the single rail is for the 9C. Changing this leads to strange results, trust me.
  2. That depends. Common problems with decals are: - wrong meshname > check the .OUT file, if available, or the data.ini - wrong position > check the knowledge base - wrong pathname > it depends where you have placed the decals, i.e. inside a subfolder within the skin folder the pathname should look like this: FilenameFormat=[aircraft]\[skin]\D\[decalname] - too many decals per mesh (not more than 3) - wrong decallevel > insignia ('0'), squadron decals ('1'), individual aircraft decals ('2'), kill marks ('3')
  3. The 9C has been in the weapons pack for quite some time, but IIRC the 9C is (in-game) available only for a short time span, nor is it part of the default loadout. Also, you can't mix IRMs and 9C (well, at least not with the TMF Crusaders) as it was actually done back then.
  4. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    Of course they will. Wink, wink.
  5. The reversed sidewinder rail is in fact a model issue that affects the F-8D & E, thus using the F-8J's data.ini will not change the shape of the rail itself, just the placement of missiles and rocket racks.
  6. Do you actually watch profiles here?

    :looks at Nesher's profile: No, I don't look at other people's profiles.
  7. I guess I should start with an admission...I totally suck at placing additional objects (like SAM launchers) to a target area. However, I do know how to place ships on a map. So I did place a few O.H.Perrys around an island that should act as an additional defense line. There is no question that ships armed with guns will fire at enemy aircraft within range and are quite capable of shooting them down. But I had hoped that these frigates would engage incoming enemy aircraft at a greater range using their missiles. I do not doubt that ships (of any kind) do use SAMs against enemy aircraft. Observe: I have just shot down a Flanker with a AIM-9X. Note the tracer rounds coming from the Perry on the left. Here I am, being chased by another Flanker. Note the smoke trail coming from the Perry, indicating that it has just launched its SM-1 at the enemy aircraft. Needless to say, the missile did not hit the Flanker. My question now would be whether it's possible to increase the range at which ships would engage the enemy or is it same issue that apparently prevents the AI to participate BVR combat? Also, would a VLsystem (equipped with, let's say 32 or more missiles) work? And yes, I do think that there are more modern air defense ships needed.
  8. The RF-101H had a shorter camera nose than the C-model. It's barely visible in the pics you've posted. Btw, that low-viz scheme sure looks interesting.
  9. IIRC you can have only one missile launcher per object. Sure, you might be able to add several escorts this way, but they could only be used as AAA ships.
  10. Looks great. I'm so glad that I have a 'better' computer now.
  11. Happy b-day America :)

    Happy B-day, America. You're doing quite well for a 232-year old.
  12. Crashed or not, I like that paint scheme. 16440 > 36440 scnr
  13. French army chief of staff resigns!

    But that's how it works. Some call it responsiblity, others politics.
  14. Yes, I will release the VF-111 CVW-2 & 11 plus the VF-26 skins as a pack for the F-8D once I have fixed a few issues with the decals. Shouldn't take too long, I hope.
  15. That's why I like Royal Navy skins...they're simple (well, at least when it comes to making the decals) Oh yeah, feel free to look up 'XS955'...
  16. NK tail code? TPS? You called? Btw: F-8D of VF111, CVW-11 I'm going to release this skin and the other two (see above) as a once I fixed those decal issues (size/position)
  17. JD.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  18. TPSNK.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  19. 111_11.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  20. The VAL program demanded that the new aircraft would be based on an existing design in order to reduce the development time, so it's not much a surprise that they experienced less problems than with the Tomcat, which was a completely new design.
  21. DBS.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  22. Yeah, I know. But I prefer doing skins of units that have not been done yet. Peg Leg Petes anyone?
  23. Do you have a merged install? That's what I dislike about the merged install, it replaces the WOV loadingscreen, which looks a lot better than the WOE one.

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