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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. Sure, but you could also wait until the Mirage factory is done with their new C/D Hornets...
  2. Looks like somebody forgot that overclocked engines tend to get quite hot.
  3. That won't work since AI flights are armed according to the aircraft's loadout.ini Just look at the stock campaigns...enemy units have no weapons assigned to them in the campaign_data, yet they are armed during a mission.
  4. Meh, unless you are able to bring a "slightly modified" F-104 up to 2.000.000 ft I would not consider this to be Breaking News.
  5. The Crusader was called "Last of the Gunfighters" for a reason.
  6. Aircraft_data is a good suggestion. An alternative would be looking at the .OUT file, if available. And FastCargo's ruler tool should make it a lot easier now to determine decal positions...
  7. We are talking about two different things here: 1) The fast foward function ("Alt+N") that transports you immediately to the initial point (aka Waypoint 4) or to the approach point of your home base (aka Waypoint 8) once the mission has been accomplished. It can fly you straight into a mountain if you don't check the flight plan and altitude during pre-flight. 2) The autopilot ("A") is capable flying close to ground level and will try to maintain a specfic AGL altitude. Be warned, though, it's a rather bumpy flight.
  8. The altitudes aircraft fly at in-game are regulated by the Missioncontrol.ini: [Altitude] Normal=4575 Low=915 VeryLow=155 High=6100 VeryHigh=7620 (values are in meters) You can change them, but be aware that pressing Alt+N in order to fast forward to the objective/home base may result in a crash should your flight path cross any mountains, etc.
  9. I just wanted to say that I look forward to its release. Also, skin templates would be nice.
  10. Sure. You just need to extract all files related to the F-4B from the SFP1/WOV object.cat. That should work...I think.
  11. Guess I must be lucky then. I d/l loaded the Korean War Mod update and worked without problems. Regarding the problems with older (read: pre-SP4) carriers and about Carrier Ops & campaigns, see the KB. Shameless plug: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26571
  12. What is a dynamic campaign anyway?

    Stupid question...are SAM radars repaired, too? Because I had the impression that once they have been destroyed during a campaign mission they won't be present in future missions.
  13. Open the [terrainname].ini Search for "CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat" replace it with: "CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat" That should fix it...unless the terrain need for this campaign is based on the SFP1 desert terrain.
  14. Short version: decal bleed is a model issue, which means you can't fix it.
  15. Wait a second, the stuff I have posted there actually works..?! j/k
  16. Check the aircraft's loadout.ini which weapons it usually carries and add those to the campaign_data.
  17. Picking the proper color mixture is driving me mad... TPS scheme version 1 (that's the one from the TPS package I have released) TPS scheme version 2 In case you're wondering, both schemes use the same color combination, FS 36320 for the fuselage & tail fin and FS 36375 for the rest.
  18. It's not like the IAF will fielding these MiG-21s, but the Israelis have been in that business (jets, tanks, etc.) for years...and there are still plenty of customers out there that still have nothing but Fishbeds because they simply can't afford to buy more modern planes, but might have enough money to pay for a modernisation of their MiGs.

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