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Posts posted by Gocad

  1. ...

    edit: ammo count is off, too methinks ... my IDF Spit 9 (based off DATs Mk.VIII), used 350 for the MGs, and 120 for Hispano (TK cannon rounds are correct). I KNOW that data is accurate from somwhere...just can't remember where.. Modelers Datafile on Merllin Spits? Mushromm Yellow??? ????



    kevin stein


    No, TK has provided the correct ammo amount for his Spits, the two .50cal MGs in the E-wing had only 250 rounds each, while the .303 MGs in the C-wing had 350 rounds each. I just checked that in Haynes' Owners Workshop manual for the Spitfire. (And no, I'm not building my own Spitfire...I wish I could though.) :grin:

  2. Could it be that the invasion stripes need to moved a bit further?

    I know it's not very good to see here and these are Royal Navy aircraft, but there and on the image of kits depicting the RAF Venoms from the Suez time frame have the invasion stripes next to the tail boom.




    I'm looking forward to this and would have probably volunteered to help, but my new job is currently taking the time I would need to get anything done...

  3. Everything is cool, just a small correction here, Spit quite certainly didn't have an edge in roll rate as she was one of the worst in that department among all ww2 planes while P-51's were among the best...




    Excerpt from Fighter Aircraft by Alfred Price, who's citing a summary of comparison of the P-51B against the Spitfire IX conducted during WWII in Britain and the States.


    "Rates of roll: Although the alierons feel light, the Mustang cannot roll as quickly as the Spitfire at normal speeds. The alierons stiffen up only slightly at high speeds and the rates of roll become the same at about 400 mph."


    Since I'm no expert on the P-51, it could be that there was an improvement of with the P-51D, but given that the Spitfire XIV was said to have an even more significant advantage over P-51(B), I'm not really sure.


    This is one of the reasons for the trimmed wings in the Israeli variant SpitfireIXe.


    To be honest, I have the impression that TK assigned the Spit IXE with clipped wings to the IDF simply to make it easier to distinguish them from the Egyptian Spitfires, not to mention that not all Spitfire IXE had clipped wings. That was only the case with the Mk XII.


    Btw, I have accepted a long time ago that the AI pilots simply don't care what they are flying or what they are going up against. Unlike a human pilot they simply can't know the "DO and DON'Ts" of the aircraft they are flying at that point.

  4. That particular mission? No, I didn't. To be honest I'm just following the this topic and keep wondering, what is exactly the issue here?


    I think TK already explained it on the the TW forum that the Spitfire is simply better suited for the kind of combat the AI seems to prefer. That in mind and the constant AI weirdness :yikes: that happens all the time, it's not really surprising that P-51 has a hard time in the SF world against the Spitfire.

  5. ...

    Could be that spit is better fighter and better armed than the P-51?



    The Brits did test the Spitfire IX against a Mustang III (that's the P-51C, which was not that much different compared to the P-51D) and found that while the Mustang had a better high altitude performance, was faster and had of course a superior endurance, the Spitfire had an edge in terms of turning and roll rate. The Spitfire IX also climbs faster, but is behind the Mustang in a dive.


    Regarding the armament, well the Spitfire has two 20mm cannons, which do make a difference (notice the AI kills).


    Of course, there's also the question how TK implemented all this, but in general it would depend which strategies you would use during combat. It's also worth noting that it was determined after testing that no definite conclusion could be reached which aircraft was superior since "these two aircraft should never be enemies. The choice is a matter of taste". :wink:


    Any apparent superiority of one aircraft over the other should most likely be attributed to pilot training (or the lack thereof).

  6. The RAF is going to be tricky to add. We would have to make them bad guys (so to speak) This 1948 campaign is going to be from the fledgling IAF perspective. I will get the campaign built this Sunday.


    Well, the RAF had a rather passive role anyway...they just got involved into combat when their aircraft where identified as Israeli or Eqyptian. So considering that the game engine can't handle neutrals, it might make more sense to keep them out the campaign...not to mention that the types used by RAF at that time aren't available anyway. :wink:

  7. You also need DC-3 Dakota for both sides EAF and IAF.

    The RAF was also involved in air fights at the 1948 WOI (War Of Independence), or WOL (War Of Liberation), against both sides.


    Too bad we don't have a Spitfire Mk XVIII (for No 208 Squadron).

    How come the Griffon Spitfires (i.e. the MkXII, XIV & XVIII) have been ignored so far? :dntknw:


    Btw, the RAF had also Tempests in the area.

  8. Any chance of this one at some point?


    Got to be one of the coolest Spit schemes ever, and fits in nicely with SF2:I\WOI too!


    I do plan to create a template for the TW Spitfire...I just need to find the time to do so. But I've done that (or someone else), it shouldn't be that much of a problem to create that skin.

  9. Have stuffed Vampires with every new plane so far - same cant be said for my wingies. On all hard settings you can generally out turn them in the P-51 while checking your 6 a lot - I rarely go head to head with the AI in anything with guns - its 50/50.


    That's interesting, considering that the Vampire put the Spitfire XIV to shame in pretty much every aspect, including the turning circle....do I have to mention that the Spitfire XIV on the other hand was a superior aircraft compared to the P-51? (Don't mention endurance though) :tongue:

  10. While the Polish units in the RAF eventually got a certain degree of autonomy, they did not transfer to the Polish air force after the war was over. Not to mention that most of the American aircraft delivered to the RAF were scrapped right after 1945 as Britain didn't want to (or rather couldn't) buy them and there was no point returning them back to the States.


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