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Posts posted by Gocad

  1. To be honest, ARMA 2 feels to me like OFP with a massive graphics update. I never got ARMA 1 and I was a bit worried when I decided to take the plunge and get ARMA 2 that people complained about the controls in ARMA 2...only to realize that they're pretty much the same as in the original OFP.


    I still think the AI needs some serious pathfinding lessons, it seems to work a lot worse then it does in OFP...but that could be due to terrain in ARMA 2. :dntknw:

  2. Freelancer is a decent game...sure it has it's share of missed potential, there are (or at least were) a quite a few MODs that added some improvement, but it seemed to me that these MODs usually added too much stuff, which also didn't fit really into the Freelancer universe



    Also, TIE-Fighter...Best! Star Wars sim! Ever! *cue Imperial March* :tongue:

  3. Here is my campaign files for the 1962 European campaign. I had to convert them to text files, because it wouldn't allow me to upload them as ini files. All of the content is the same.


    I thought so...you're using 'UnitName' instead of 'Squadron' for the stock Navy skins











    The game can only call up the stock squadron decals when you use Squadron=, which refers to a unit in the squadronlist. UnitName= on the other hand lets you enter just about anything, but has no connection to the squadronlist...I had mentioned that already in my first post.

  4. To answer your post:


    -My version of SF2 is a merged install

    -The loss of USN squadron markings is happening only on the three European campaigns

    -The USN Squadron markings work just fine in Single Missions on the German terrain

    -The loss of USN Squadron markings happens to both stock and 3rd party aircraft

    -The squadron format in both campaign.ini and campaign_data.ini is exactly the same as the stock squadrons

    -I used already existing squadrons where ever possible and added the squadrons I needed to the squadronlist.ini


    Post your campaign files then...my pic above clearly shows that you do get USN Squadron decals to show up in one of the European stock campaigns. And I'm using a merged install as well.

    To be honest, addon skins rarely make use of the squadronlist to get the squadron specific deacls to show up.

  5. I'm assuming it was the directors cut at well over two hours with adverts. Then again, it's getting increasingly rare that a film of any description makes it much past 90mins these days. I don't know if it's peoples attention span dictating the market or the other way around, either way, if the market can survive with weak plots, messy half second or less frames cobbled together with special effects and a well known face or two in 90 minutes, who can blame them for milking it for all its worth. It's so sad the way this world has changed. Euch, I'm getting oooold.grandpa.gif


    A major film over 90 minutes is rare these days? Have you been to a cinema lately? I won't deny that films way under 90 minutes have become en vouge (although it's a bit hard to realize it thanks to the 10 minute credits sequence), but there are still plenty of films that have a runtime close to or even over two hours.


    The current top three in the US

    Toy Story: 103 minutes

    The Karate Kid: 140 minutes

    The A-Team: 117 minutes

  6. The only reason for me to fire up CFS3 is the Spitfire XIV addon...but even that won't keep me playing it long. :tongue:


    Sims like SWOTL, Red Baron and Gunship 2000 were the best of their time...and I'm inclined to say that they had awesome features other sims that came afterwards lacked. I don't want to know how many hours of my youth went into these three sims alone. Aces over the Pacific was also a good one, but for some reason I never warmed up to Aces over Europe. European Air War is probably the best sim I pretty much missed....I really dig the huge formations it can produce. I wish I could get those in to appear in my SF campaigns... :dntknw:


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