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Everything posted by Dunois

  1. Mirage 2000 003.JPG

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. NATO operation "Delibarate force". Mirage 2000 package on his way to target.
  2. Mirage 2000 001.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. NATO operation "Delibarate force". Mirage 2000 in strike mission.
  3. CFA18 003.JPG

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. Operation Deliberate force. Canada CFA18 doing a recon mission.
  4. M1 001.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995 US M1 in action.
  5. CFA18 001.JPG

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. Operation Deliberate force. Canada CFA18 on the way to target.
  6. ERC90 005.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. French platoon With ERC90 and a VAB APC crossing a bridge.
  7. C160D 005.JPG

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. Operation Deliberate force. C160D.
  8. AMX10RC 001.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. AMX10 RC
  9. A16 001.JPG

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. Operation Deliberate force. A pair of A16 in the way to target.
  10. AMX40 014.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. Fr AMX40 and AMX10P crossing an highway with an UK Warrior in the back.
  11. AH64D 003.JPG

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. AH64D in action, with ongoing air combat above.
  12. Léopard2 002.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Kosovo 06/1999. Leopard 2 enganging a target in town.
  13. ERC90 004.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    1994 Bosnia. UNPROFOR platoon featuring ERC90.s and a VAB APC crosses a town.
  14. A16 002.JPG

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. NATO operation "Delibarate force". A16 pack on it's way to target
  15. Léopard2 001.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Kosovo 06/1999. Leopard II crossing a town.
  16. Tornado 002.JPG

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. NATO operation "Delibarate force". Tornado firing a Scalp cruise missile
  17. ITO 90M 002.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 1997 ITO 90M during NATO exercise
  18. Lynx 002.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia winter 1996 Lynx in the snow
  19. AMX40 009.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia Mostar area 1998. AMX40 in exercise "Joint Resolve".
  20. AH64D 001.jpg

    From the album WT-SF2 Former Yugoslavia

    Bosnia 09/1995. AH64D in patrol.
  21. CH53A 002.JPG

    From the album SF2-WT What if Campaigns

    1986 Iceland. CH53 on it's way escorted by AH1J
  22. AMX13 Hot 006.jpg

    From the album SF2-WT What if Campaigns

    1986 Fr. AMX13 Hot, crossing a W.Germany little town.
  23. CFA18 007.JPG

    From the album SF2-WT What if Campaigns

    1986 CFA18 dropping GP bombs.

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