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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Thanks Unc...I'll have a look
  2. Thank you...I think they're available in the D/L section somewhere..but it was a Long time ago...I did two DVII's a Russian Camel and RE8
  3. Officer shot dead on board submarine HMS Astute

    It will earn itself the title of Jinx, thats for sure!
  4. Honestly, I have no idea why I'm posting this...

    I knew her Dad
  5. Simon Cowell

    Just for fun
  6. damn right!..hahahaha I'm a Dog of War....A soldier of Fortune! (I only just noticed the poor sod, falling out of the Russian Camel!...ooo nasty) Havent seen that for a while either!!!....Is it just me????
  7. I'll fly for anyone that lets me!...Finnish and Russians included!
  8. OFF P4 SCENERY - Another taster

    No Morris!..they're Hun Cows!..I know, I've seen the Black Crosses! We are venturing into the FSX world of scenery here!...stunning
  9. OT: The Other Game

    Certainly sounds like CoD to me too. (it doesnt play very well on my system actually) but it does look good!...will be interesting to see what mods come out for it
  10. One eye laughing, and one crying

    Pilots are expendable Herr Olham...Hardware is Not! (nice rig Olham...and now you can say goodbye to Vista!...hurrah
  11. April 6th 1917 Better late than never eh?
  12. Welcome to the War Yanks!

    There are so many factors, if's but's and maybe's....but I think it was probably entirely possible for Hitler to have won the War, if he hadn't royally p*ssed off the Russian's. Did anyone see that fantastic film with Rutger Hauer 'Fatherland?' http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109779/ well worth a watch if not
  13. Microwave Ovens...time for a rethink?

    http://beyondthecurtain.wordpress.com/2011/04/03/microwaved-water-kills-plant-in-home-grown-experiment/ Thats quite scary
  14. Commodore 64 reborn! (Really?)

    Windows XP I bet!..hahahahahaha (sorry Olham, just kidding)
  15. Welcome to the War Yanks!

    My dad was in SOE during the War, and spent most of his time with the French Resistance...He loved his time there...though it must have been terrifying at times, when he thought what would have happened to him, had the Nazis caught him. I still have an original German Helmet, that my dad 'Liberated' from a German HQ in 1945. (actually, he swapped it with a German Prisoner, for some Chocolate and a packet of Cigarettes)...he also had a pair of Shoulder Pips from a German Officer, and a leather Luger holster...but sadly, he lost them on the way back to his Guernsey Home This was his opinion of two types of Soldiers he came across during the War Germans: He respected the German's Immensly, for their Dicipline and devotion to Duty..and the fact that their Helmets made extremely good Piss pots! Americans: quite some people!..."Good Soldiers...provided they were well stocked with Chewing Gum...never appeared to like their Ammunition very much....because they always insisted on using up as much of it as possible, without hitting anything!" He was particularly respectful of the D-Day American Paratroopers (the Screaming Eagles) whom he said, were, in his opinion, the Finest, Bravest and skilled Soldiers, he ever met!...when he died, His own Paratroopers wings, and those of a Screaming Eagles Paratrooper he became good friends with, were buried with him I will, for the purposes of Politeness..NOT divulge what he thought about the Japanese and the Italians
  16. OT: The Other Game

    Well...I have all three now...and I know which my favourite is
  17. Commodore 64 reborn! (Really?)

    I went the Spectrum, Amiga, 386DX route myself (sighs longingly) 386DX and DOS 6.00....Those were the days...mere Mortals never had a hope with them!...The age when a DOS system Disk (floppy) was your GOD!!!!!
  18. Well, judging by this guy...My Cat might get his wings someday!
  19. A Tiny ray of sunlight..in so much sadness

    3 weeks he spent at sea...and now reunited. lovely
  20. Welcome to the War Yanks!

    Apparently Not...we've been trying for 200,000 years...no luck yet (what we need, is an Alien War Fleet to invade Earth...then we could all be friends fighting a common enemy)
  21. Welcome to the War Yanks!

    Well...I still love the Yanks anyhow!
  22. Microwave Ovens...time for a rethink?

    Simple. If we did, we would be spending our entire time trawling through reams of information...and never get time to post interesting chat topics here
  23. Botox for the DH 2

    You guys never cease to amaze!...I had a look through my home made skins last night...y'know...just to compare?.....I'm still crying and punching the walls this morning!!
  24. Fateful Morn III

    wow!...you really should get 12 done, and print them as a 2012 calander...I'd buy one..and I bet loads of others would too

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