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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Charlie Sheen Winning Recipes

    Charlie Sheen's Winning Recipes from Charlie Sheen cracked me up!
  2. How Handy is the JS Generic Mod Enabler?

    Youve asked a question I was pondering myself Lou...What games/sims is it for?
  3. Name Your Poison of the Day

    Sounds good to me m8!
  4. I wanna have a face off with MvR

    I'm holding out for a BF-109 to be a worthy adversary for me and my Snipe!!!
  5. Name Your Poison of the Day

    Well, being a Brit...I would have to say..A full English Breakfast to start! 3 rashers of Bacon 2 sausages a fried egg Mushrooms / Baked Beans / Black Pudding...and some fried bread. If this was a supper....I would wash it down with a spotted Dick Steamed Pudding and lashings of Custard....then a meander to my local watering Hole...for a few pints of Old Speckled Hen Marvelous
  6. I wanna have a face off with MvR

    Thanks Chaps...I'm sure I will meet this fellow...how it will end?
  7. Harold Macyntyre and John Bulmar both killed in Action this weekend....Poor Bulmar on his first op..only 19 with a mere 7 hrs on SE's...they're getting younger all the time...replacements not expected until next week. (I've got a few days off!..hahaha) Albert George is coming in on a transfer...he's an experienced pilot and Ace, with 11 kills to his credit...shot down last month..and been convalescing for a while...we need all hands to the pump, as the Huns have been very active over the front recently. Wish me luck chaps
  8. Just bought P3 and HiTR

    You'll love it Gunz...welcome to the Jungle!
  9. Off phase 3 preowned

    Welcome from a Fellow Brit Adger71... I have said this before, and I echo the guys here, when I say that once you have fallen in love with OFF...she will be your one true lady for life!....This is not a game...it's not even a Simulator...it's a time machine to a different place!...enjoy the ride m8!
  10. Dolphin restoration

    Great News Shredward...we can't have too many!!
  11. The Tornado is shortly to take her curtain call, to be replaced by Eurofighter...but before she does...She left a goodbye message for Col Gaddafi!...ouch..that's gotta hurt!!! http://theamericanaudacity.blogspot.com/2011/03/british-tornado-gr4-fighter-bombers.html
  12. Just FYI

  13. OT: New Nvidia drivers out

    If it aint bust...dont fix it is my reckoning on bloody Graphics Card drivers
  14. How far goes your imagination?

    Such is the effect of OFF on us all
  15. Werner Voss or a Cecil Lewis?

    To take this to a slightly deeper level...I'm glad that the likes of Voss were killed (and I don't mean that in a cruel way)...but if some of these amazing German Aces had survived the War...the Luftwaffe might have had someone VERY good at the Helm for the Battle of Britain!!!....instead of the Fat, Druggy Queen it got instead. Lewis for me too
  16. I went the same route..but cannot get hells angels to work...all the graphics are up the creek
  17. Tornado gives final punch

    Thank god they're not in charge...It's the media and Oil Companies and Banks (so thats alright then) Oh...hmmmmm
  18. How far goes your imagination?

    I also feel rather 'Involved' at times too...the scenario that really get's my panic button pressed, is that awful experience of trying to nurse a crippled aircraft back to earth...when you are too high to survive a crash...and too low to make any adjustments if she decides to spin, or stall....couple that with a Hun trying to finish the job he started...and it adds up to blind panic at times....though, if you do make it down and survive...It's usually a signal (for me at least) to dance a little jig...which, whilst wearing a "f*ck you" baseball Hat..with trackir tongs on it..usually gets a laugh from the wife and kids!!
  19. I'm holding fire on Shogun..until I see the Mods!...Japanese stuff like this is of no interest to me personally...but with things like The Blue and the Grey for Empire..and the fantastic Zulu mod for Napoleon TW...It may sway me sometime in the future
  20. Tornado gives final punch

    Haha..that's news to me (indeed...good news)...Let's just hope Derk is proven wrong...But, like he says...if it's up to the Politicians
  21. Laid off from work

    Best of luck m8...at least there seems to be a little chink of light at the end of the tunnel
  22. Glad the Ghurkas are on our side!

  23. Glad the Ghurkas are on our side!

    And yet..when I watched the interview with him..he's just a very quiet, unassuming guy...sort of bloke a drunk might think he could win over!...which would of course, be a very silly thing to do!
  24. Plastic Kit Modelling

    That's lovely!...the couple that play together, stay together!...thats made my day!
  25. 1915 Mod

    well done m8...gonna get it when I finish work!!!

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