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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Video of Libyan Mig getting it's ass kicked

    Yeah..plenty of gunfire...in the first few seconds, if you look closely...there's a small puff of smoke comes out his tailpipe...dunno if thats when the damage is done?
  2. OT - And we think flying is dangerous.

    Ive seen this before...but every time I see it again, it makes my palms sweat!!
  3. OT Open your eyes

    Sorry guys...this is way off topic I know...but you all know how I feel about Dogs But please allow me to post this.....It has a few disturbing images...but the World sometimes needs a kick up the ass (I dont support PETA or any other Animal Rights Groups...this is just personal to me..and I feel strongly, that people and animals should not be abused)
  4. OT Open your eyes

    Hear Hear Tsmoke
  5. I loathe "steam"

    Must admit, thats always worried me!....Steam is showing no signs of it..But certain other rubbish DRM's (such as RoF)..though that is no longer an issue...and that Awful yuplay thing...the WORST DRM EVER!!!...I wouldnt trust yuplay not to go out of business..and leave everyone is the sh*t
  6. SAS trooper stabbed by a shoplifter...

    Blimey...who the hell have you upset??
  7. No. 1 OFF Screenie

    Nice Skin Tranquillo
  8. OFF and ETO

    No need to do a fresh install...Just install OFF as per the instructions..ETO will still work fine
  9. Fateful Morn II

    Another wonderful design...I'm hoping you will do a few more too m8...Perhaps a Camel or SE5a next?...Maybe Ball or Mannock? If you do a few..I shall enjoy using it as a screensaver collage
  10. No. 1 OFF Screenie

    A right old Furball there Olham!
  11. God Forbid

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/mar/17/us-spy-operation-social-networks Thank God they're not allowed to do it in English!!
  12. No. 1 OFF Screenie

    Good thread m8...looking forward to this one..and seeing people's favourites! here's mine
  13. I loathe "steam"

    A while ago...I would have agreed with you guys 100%....however, as I now 'have' to use it, because of various games (such as Total War)...I've got it...and it's ok. I would certainly prefer not to use it...but when compared to Ubisoft's DRM version...it's not too bad
  14. SAS trooper stabbed by a shoplifter...

    Thats a silly comment. I'm kicking 50 yrs old now...I don't know anyone who has been stabbed or shot....The statistics speak for themselves.... I don't consider that as "How far they have fallen"....I call that a Result!...If you consider how many people in the US who have lost their lives, from gunshot wounds a good thing..then pity you
  15. SAS trooper stabbed by a shoplifter...

    If I lived in America..I wouldn't even go out at night!...You carry your Knives and guns all you want...Lets hope you stay safe
  16. How cool is this?

  17. OT Favourite TV Theme tune

    It's certainly a classic!
  18. The Presidents speech

  19. OT Favourite TV Theme tune

    My Brother worked on the Doctor Who theme Slarti He spend five years in the BBC radiophonic Workshops
  20. OT Favourite TV Theme tune

    Sorry guys, breaking my own rules!..I had to put this one on at my Wife's request (even though she bursts into floods of tears whenever she hears it...bless her!)
  21. I'm with Von Paulus...Totally sick to the Back Teeth with CoD, Battlefield and bloody Medal of Honor
  22. Most popular Movie theme

    I'm with you... 633 squadron is a wonderful piece...but my all time favourite is...... Such Drama...and even if you didn't know which film it was...you'd picture Pirates in your head I bet!?.... Hans Zimmer at his best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttQjm-8OITE
  23. Ive got about 1/2 way through now...without using VATS...Completely forgot about it!..hahahaha

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