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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Almost a Great War Bomber

    http://www.fi.edu/flight/long/flysuit2.jpg Alcock and Brown Both WW1 Bomber Crew...Both Shot down..Both Prisoners of War...Both British Bloody Heroes!
  2. March 22 2011 eh?...well, I'll believe that when I see it! No Way am I gonna pre order an IL2 game..it just ties up your money!
  3. Red Arrow Rookies

    Best Display team in the World! (but then, I would say that!)
  4. After installing fsx and off on a second drive, i got quite a shock...checked the drive, and found it to be 36% fragmented. did a defrag, and both are running really quickly...certainly better than when i installed them the previous day...well worth the extra effort
  5. Defrag before flying

    If you cannot learn something new on this great forum..there's nothing new to learn!...good headsup Tamper..I didn't know that either!
  6. The thing you've not mentioned, is the PSU? You need to invest in a very good power supply as well
  7. Another Format :(

    Getting fed up with this formatting lark!..opened a program yesterday Windoze 7 crashed...blue screens galore...have been trying all day to get it up and running again..it did, though very intermitantly...lost my patience now...format c:....bugger!
  8. Another Format :(

    And nothing sorts the end of the day better...than Chianti 3.1
  9. OFF's Haunting theme

    Class!....You need to get 'Into the Zone'...and the music does just that
  10. OFF's Haunting theme

    Great news WM...another thing to look forward to!!
  11. OFF's Haunting theme

    I kinda hope they would have a chuckle!...then all off to the local pub to toast me with a Pint of old Speckled!
  12. Invisible tanks could be on battlefield within five years

    Or...we could all stop f*cking about playing Soldiers...sit round with a hubbly Bubbly Pipe...and grow our hair long?
  13. The confession of a troubled mind

    hgbn is correct...It's all about support. You have done the hardest part..You have admitted to yourself, and others.. that there's a problem in your life. One thing you cannot do, when it comes to Alcohol dependancy..is 'sort yourself out'...you need others to help you. It's never about alcohol in itself...you need professional support, and moral support from people in the same boat. You will make it Stary..people with your courage always do. But, please..pick up that phone, and dial some help...make them earn their wages!
  14. And who knows..It may be released sometime before the new Millenium!
  15. Google Maps..this is great!

    1. Go to Google Maps and click on "Get Directions." 2. Enter "USA" as your start point. 3. Enter "Japan" as your destination. 4. Go to the 31st point on your route. 5. Piss yourself laughing.
  16. Google Maps..this is great!

    And you'd better have plenty of change for all those Japanese Toll roads!..sheesh!
  17. Google Maps..this is great!

  18. Laid off from work

    Sorry to hear that...it's the same the World over...the Rich get richer..and the rest of us pay for them to do so
  19. Im just wondering about uploading OFF onto Steam (yes, I know what people think about Steam..and I agree..it sucks on many levels!) However, with my format now complete..and OFF well and truly Gone (along with a fair bit of other stuff)...I have my Steam games on another drive...Have downloaded the steam client..and bobs ya uncle...all games work! You can upload a non steam game too....just wondered if anyone has tried?
  20. Can you upload OFF onto Steam?

    I wonder..if you upload to Steam..perhaps your pilots etc might be saved in case of a crash/format...hmm..will investigate further
  21. Another Format :(

    almccoyjr brilliant link m8!
  22. Only question is..shall I aim at the Bird logo?..or the Ace of Spades through my Snipe's gunsite? decisions, decisions!
  23. Can you upload OFF onto Steam?

    Yup Thanks saywhat...I'll check that out

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