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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. From Hero to Zero

    http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jSFwl6vMfHNvASO4IEHkY4vOc_7w?docId=CNG.5b055079bf9d5f65fa1bba4cd14afa40.1a1 Foolish Man
  2. From Hero to Zero

    Either that, or he was off his face!
  3. Best thing about 2010...

    Now thats the Spirit!
  4. From Hero to Zero

    Spot on Storm. There's seems to be no limits on mankinds greed
  5. Well, drink and fireworks have seen in the New Year in a cold, grey Newcastle. 2010 has sucked for many reasons...a business venture I entered into, failed in a catastrophic manner, and has resulted in a fall out with a family member..money worries have blighted the last 12 months...but it hasn't all been doom and gloom...I have conformation of a Snipe for P4! It looks like I will possibly have less time to play OFF..or indeed visit here as often in 2011...especially if my plan for this year comes to fruition. I am hoping to get a Job at Newcastle Airport, either working Airside on the Ramp, or 'hopefully' even a career in Airfield Operations. I have passed two online courses, brushed up my CV..and am on good speaking terms with the recruitment division @ Servisair..and am waiting for a vacancy to appear in January/February. Having read posts by people here, It seems I have not been alone in suffering s**t in 2010..and I hope all my friends on here find 2011 a better year.
  6. A new year..A new Beginning

    Well, I'm thinking of becoming a 21st Century Robin Hood...I shall steal from the Rich....the giving to the poor bit however, I'm gonna put on my 'To Do' list!
  7. Best thing about 2010...

    Well, unless you're a Chilean Miner..Not much to celebrate TBH...But I have optomism that '11 will be my year!
  8. A new year..A new Beginning

    And I was sober!
  9. Strange Wildlife death in my state

    Very strange!..The fish are all the same species..which would suggest a virus of some description I guess?...The Yellow Perch (as you American's know it as) suffered a similar Viral infection here in the UK about 25 yrs ago..It nearlly wiped them off the food chain!...though they have since made a good recovery. As to the Birds?...Blunt Trauma, would suggest Hail stones perhaps?
  10. I suspect this is nearer the truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yUTa7wE660
  11. A new year..A new Beginning

    Amen to that!...I used to feel the same way about IT
  12. A new year..A new Beginning

    Thank you Ras...the difference with you of course is, you're an artist...and a Craftsman!...I know, I have the fish you sent me sitting in front of me!...I salute you Sir!
  13. Rugbyfan......You can almost be certain, that brown envelopes full of cash were being slipped under tables even then!...It will almost certainly have been in someones financial benefit not to make changes to any design!...they're only Human Beings those Pilot Chappies!...if the powers that be were happy to see millions slaughtered in the Trenches..a few poncy, posh Flyboys are neither here nor there! (God I'm feeling Cynical these days!)
  14. A new year..A new Beginning

    You and me against the World!...When do we attack?
  15. My Blackberry is Broken

  16. OOOO...thanks for the headsup WM...looks great!
  17. A new year..A new Beginning

    Tell you what Flypc...I wish to god YOU were running the Country..and I mean that! Part of the reason I hate the TV is that the very people who might be 'thinking' the country in the right direction are sat in front of the TV each night, mortgaged to the hilt so they can't actually afford to take any chances with their lives, and permanently sedated until bedtime by dull and uninspirational 'entertainment'. If nothing happens to change their circumstances, they're going to stay like that their entire lives and call themselves happy. What a waste. That is what the Power-Mongers want!...a braindead society, unable to stand against their greed!
  18. Yeah, got the right one..64...What a bummer!..Oh well
  19. hmm...Just doesnt work for me at all...the nhancer logo pops up...then nothing Win 7 64bit Nvidia 260.99
  20. Actually, it's not a windows 7 issue...but a Nvidia one... "Nhancer 2.5.9 doesn't work with Nvidia driver versions 25x.xx and higher as Nvidia has redesigned it's driver and how it handles profiles" (from the nhancer forum)
  21. I dont think it works on Windows 7?...at least, not the last time I checked
  22. A new year..A new Beginning

    certainly will Javito..thanks and good luck to you Sakai too...I guess, when you're down...there's only one way to go!
  23. A new year..A new Beginning

    Your words flypc ring resoundingly in my ears m8...It's us 'self employed' that have kept the backbone of Britains economy going!...we get little help..forget sick pay and a cushy, fat pension..If you don't work..you starve! Far better off, under 'new Liebour' having twenty kids, and claiming benefits, Housing Benefits..and getting 52" TV's on HP, that you'll never have to pay back!! You have to jump through hoops like a performing Dog, worry constantly about Tax, VAT, paperwork, wages, NI...and Banks who don't give a flying f*ck about your business, only theirs. One of the main reasons I now want to go back into employment, is that I want some other bugger to worry for a change! People watch Dragons Den, and think that being self-employed is a cushy bed of money spinning fun...well, as we both know..it aint!...Yes, there are some really good points about it...you rise or fall by your own judgements...and it's great being you're own boss...but it's a damn sight harder than just doing a 9-5 monday to friday job, that's for sure! Whilst I feel sympathy for the Public Sector job loses...a lot of the employees and management in Public Sectors have sat pretty for years, wasting the money earned by private sector people, paying stupid amounts of Tax to keep them in a job!....and I know..I live in Newcastle, with the largest population of public sector jobs in the country...there have been 'suits' here languishing in offices, doing sweet FA for years!...designing useless projects, costing us, the tax payer millions! Sorry lads...the game is up!...tough sh*t! Am I bitter?..YES!
  24. Just wanted to say thank you

    When all; else fails...take a huge gulp of Mrs Miggin's Surgical Bruise lotion...and ram the sonofabitch!

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